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- Tracked Bills 2018: Final Status
Thursday, March 15, 2018
As of March 15th, 2018, the following is the final status of all the bills tracked during the 2018 session of the Indiana General Assembly.
HB1002 WORKFORCE FUNDING AND PROGRAMS (HUSTON T) Requires an annual workforce related program review by the legislative services agency. Requires information on workforce related programs as part of the biennial budget report that is submitted to the governor and budget committee for preparation of the governor's proposed budget bill. Establishes the next level jobs employer training grant program. Revises eligibility criteria for applicants for high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants. Provides that if the demand for high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants exceeds the appropriation, the commission for higher education shall prioritize applicants who are classified as independent. Transforms Ivy Tech Community College's regional boards of trustees to campus boards of trustees. Adds provisions concerning the appointment, number, and terms of trustees serving on the state board of trustees of Ivy Tech. Provides that an emancipated student or the parent of a student enrolled in a career or technical course may voluntarily release information, on a form prescribed by the department of education, pertaining to the student's enrollment in the career and technical education course to potential employers that contact the school to recruit students with particular career and technical skills. Requires the state board of education, when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Specifies that an individual who is enrolled as a part-time postsecondary student, regardless of whether a part-time student is qualified to receive an adult student grant, may participate in the employment aid readiness network (EARN) Indiana program. Requires at least 25% of the money appropriated by the general assembly for adult education or the work Indiana program to be used: (1) to reimburse an eligible provider for adult education that is provided to individuals who need education in basic skills or necessary to receive a high school diploma or an Indiana high school equivalency diploma; or (2) for adult education grants to employers. Provides that an employer is eligible for an adult education grant equal to the lesser of $500 or the employer's out-of-pocket expenditures for each eligible employee who obtains a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma through a program organized or funded by the employer. Specifies criteria for an individual to be an eligible employee of an employer that is eligible for an adult education grant. Requires educational institutions offering programs subject to approval by the Indiana state board of nursing to obtain approval from the board for proprietary education. Exempts those educational institutions from obtaining accreditation as postsecondary proprietary educational institutions from the department of workforce development. Provides that until July 1, 2021, certain individuals with a bachelor's degree may serve as a nursing faculty member in an associate degree nursing program without yet having obtained a master's degree. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services and the Indiana department of transportation to perform a coordinated study on leveraging money for transportation to workforce related programs. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the question of whether the state should submit a combined state plan instead of a unified state plan to the United States Department of Labor when the state submits a new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act plan. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 406: yeas 48, nays 0; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 396: yeas 99, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (99-0)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Bassler, Tallian, Perfect, Mishler and Spartz
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Eckerty and Niezgodski
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Huston and Stemler
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Sullivan, Clere, Heine, Porter, DeLaney and Pryor
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Delph
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 306: yeas 48, nays 1
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Zakas
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Breaux) failed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #5 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 1
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Eckerty, Mishler and Bassler
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 174: yeas 70, nays 24
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Porter) ruled out of order voice vote
2/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 140: yeas 13, nays 70
2/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (DeLaney) failed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 139: yeas 21, nays 63
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Huston) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 18; Nays: 4
1/29/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Sullivan
1/8/2018 - Authored By Todd Huston
State Bill Page: HB1002
HB1003 STREAMLINING AGENCY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (GUTWEIN D) Repeals the requirement that the office of management and budget (OMB) perform a cost benefit analysis of certain rules for the three year period following the rules' effective dates. Repeals a statute that allows: (1) state agencies to submit comments on proposed legislation to OMB; and (2) OMB to review, amend, and transmit the comments to the legislative services agency for posting on the general assembly's web site. Eliminates or consolidates various state agency reporting requirements. Repeals the following: (1) Pilot program for state registration of privately certified individuals. (2) Family support program. (3) The early education evaluation program. (4) The health needs assessment component of the state department of health's duty to conduct health planning. (5) Certain reporting requirements of the department of environmental management and the department of insurance. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 321: yeas 87, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (86-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 222: yeas 46, nays 2
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/20/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/20/2018 - Amendment #1 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/13/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 4
2/13/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Bray
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 22: yeas 92, nays 2
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Beumer, Jordan, Candelaria Reardon
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/16/2018 - House Select Committee on Government Reduction, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Select Committee on Government Reduction
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Doug Gutwein
State Bill Page: HB1003
HB1007 MENTAL HEALTH ACCESS (KIRCHHOFER C) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to implement a centralized credentials verification organization and credentialing process. Allows the division of mental health and addiction (division) to grant approval for nine additional opioid treatment programs that: (1) are operated by a hospital; and (2) meet other specified requirements; if the division determines that there is a need for the program in the proposed location. Provides that mental health and addiction forensic treatment services may be administered or coordinated only by a provider certified by the division or licensed by the Indiana professional licensing agency to provide mental health and addiction treatment. (Under current law, a provider may provide services only if the provider is certified or licensed by the division.) Requires the division to establish best practice guidelines to assist employers with certain employees who agree to participate in a drug education and addiction treatment program (program). Requires the division to: (1) promote voluntary participation; (2) develop and deliver informational resources and training for employers; and (3) collect information and prepare an annual report. Provides that if an employer and employee comply with certain requirements, the employer is not liable in a civil action alleging negligent hiring for negligence of the employee. Provides that in certain civil actions, an employer's participation in the program is not admissible as evidence. Establishes new temporary permits for certain individuals who are pursuing required clinical supervisory hours needed for licensure. Allows clinical social work experience hours obtained under a temporary permit to be counted to supervise work experience requirements if certain conditions are met. Provides that the temporary permits are not renewable. Requires certain policies of accident and sickness insurance to provide coverage for substance abuse or chemical dependency treatment provided by: (1) an addiction counselor; and (2) a marriage and family therapist. Requires: (1) an accident and sickness insurer; and (2) a health maintenance organization; to provide provisional credentialing to a provider for which a credentialing determination is not completed in at least 30 days if certain requirements are met. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact that opioid treatment programs have on the neighborhoods and communities in the immediate area of the opioid treatment programs.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 389: yeas 98, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (95-0)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 400: yeas 49, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/13/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/12/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Charbonneau and Mrvan
3/12/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Head and Breaux
3/8/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/8/2018 - House Conferees appointed Kirchhofer and Shackleford
3/8/2018 - House Advisors appointed Ziemke, Olthoff and Brown C
3/8/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Zakas
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 307: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Raatz) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Head) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Stoops
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Head and Charbonneau
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 74: yeas 97, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Ziemke, Davisson, Shackleford
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Cindy Kirchhofer
State Bill Page: HB1007
HB1014 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (TORR J) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly must meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Bartlett and Moed
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Bosma
1/9/2018 - Authored By Jerry Torr
State Bill Page: HB1014
HB1018 SAME DAY REGISTRATION; CLOSE OF THE POLLS (KERSEY C) Provides that the polls close at 8 p.m. (Under current law, the polls must close at 6 p.m.) Permits a voter to register at the polls by completing a voter registration form and an affirmation that the person has not voted elsewhere in the election and by providing proof of residence.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Clyde Kersey
State Bill Page: HB1018
HB1019 GASOLINE TAX (BAUER B) Provides for a monthly determination of the gasoline tax rate per gallon that will be used in the following month. Provides that the gasoline tax rate is to be reduced if the statewide average retail price per gallon is greater than $3 using the same price that is used to convert the 7% tax on gasoline to a per gallon rate under the gasoline use tax. Specifies that the gasoline tax rate is to be reduced by $0.01 for each $0.01 the statewide average retail price per gallon exceeds $3.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By B Patrick Bauer
State Bill Page: HB1019
HB1020 HIGHER EDUCATION RESIDENT TUITION FOR ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS (HARRIS JR. E) Provides that an individual who meets certain conditions is eligible for the resident tuition rate as determined by the state educational institution. Requires such an individual to verify that the individual meets the criteria to receive the resident tuition rate.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Earl Harris Jr
State Bill Page: HB1020
HB1023 ANNEXATION REMONSTRANCE WAIVERS (BACON R) Permits a municipal works board to waive the requirement in a sewage works contract that a property owner releases the property owner's right to remonstrate against pending or future annexations by the municipality of the area served by the sewage works.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 243: yeas 50, nays 0
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/14/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Messmer
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 76: yeas 90, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pelath
1/25/2018 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Zent
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ronald Bacon
State Bill Page: HB1023
HB1032 SECOND REGULAR SESSION (WASHBURNE T) Repeals the statute requiring the general assembly to convene in a second regular session. Provides that the speaker of the house of representatives and the president pro tempore of the senate may jointly issue an order to require the general assembly to convene for a second regular session in an even-numbered year. Provides that the joint order must: (1) find that a second regular session is necessary for the general assembly to address issues of public concern; (2) identify the issues that the general assembly will address in the second regular session; and (3) specify the dates on which the second regular session will convene and adjourn sine die. Provides that the general assembly may not consider an issue unless it is identified in the joint order. Provides that the statute making a second regular session optional may not be construed to prohibit the legislative council from conducting business in the interim of an even-numbered year in which a second regular session is not convened. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Moed
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Thomas Washburne
State Bill Page: HB1032
HB1036 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (LEONARD D) Excludes worker's compensation and occupational diseases compensation payments from the definition of "wages" for unemployment insurance purposes. Establishes a flat fee of $12 as the employer's collection fee for withholding amounts from an individual's income to repay unemployment insurance benefit overpayments. Allows an individual to request a review by the commissioner of the department of workforce development or the commissioner's designee of an adverse decision following an administrative hearing in which the individual contests the income withholding.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 326: yeas 92, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/6/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (92-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Hamm
3/5/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed;
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Tallian
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Boots and Buck
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 26: yeas 94, nays 0
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/16/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Daniel Leonard
State Bill Page: HB1036
HB1042 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (ERRINGTON S) Removes the requirement that, for an eligible child to qualify for a grant under the prekindergarten pilot program, the eligible child reside with a parent or guardian who is: (1) working or attending a job training program or educational program; or (2) actively seeking employment. Removes a provision that allows priority for a grant to an eligible child whose parent or guardian is involved in: (1) activities that improve the parent's or guardian's education; or (2) job training.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Sue Errington
State Bill Page: HB1042
HB1047 EDUCATION BENEFITS FOR VETERANS (WESCO T) Excludes from the determination of financial eligibility for need based financial aid certain benefits received by veteran students. Provides for state educational institution students who are members of the Indiana National Guard, the National Guard of a state contiguous to Indiana, the reserves, or armed forces who are on active duty or are called to active duty during an academic term to receive: (1) a tuition refund or credit; or (2) reenrollment in courses not completed due to active duty status.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsors Senators Crane, Tomes, Leising, Crider
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Houchin
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 226: yeas 48, nays 0
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Zakas
2/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsors Senators Sandlin, Niemeyer, Doriot, Delph, Mrvan, Melton
2/20/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 5; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - added as second sponsor Senator Glick
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Freeman
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 14: yeas 95, nays 0
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Jordan and Macer
1/16/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Amendment #1 (Wesco) prevailed; voice vote
1/16/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/10/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/9/2018 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Frye
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Wesco
State Bill Page: HB1047
HB1048 TAX CREDITS (LEHMAN M) Establishes the regional development tax credit (credit). Allows a taxpayer to apply to the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) for the credit. Provides that a taxpayer is entitled to a credit against state tax liability if: (1) the taxpayer makes a qualified investment for the redevelopment or rehabilitation of real property that is vacant or underused; and (2) the qualified investment is approved by the IEDC. Specifies the factors that the IEDC shall consider in evaluating applications for a proposed qualified investment. Specifies that the credit is subject to an agreement entered into by the IEDC and the taxpayer. Provides that the amount of the credit is equal to: (1) the qualified investment made by the taxpayer and approved by the IEDC in the agreement; multiplied by (2) the applicable credit percentage determined by the IEDC. Specifies the maximum applicable credit percentages that apply to qualified investments. Prohibits the carryback or refund of any unused credit. Allows a taxpayer to carry forward any unused credit amounts and to assign any part of a credit to which the taxpayer is entitled. Authorizes the IEDC to negotiate with a taxpayer and include in the credit agreement a return on investment provision requiring the taxpayer to repay all or part of a credit awarded to the taxpayer if one or more conditions specified in the agreement are satisfied. Provides that a taxpayer is not entitled to receive any of the following (with certain exceptions): (1) An industrial recovery tax credit for a qualified investment made after December 31, 2018. (2) A community revitalization enhancement district tax credit for a qualified investment made after December 31, 2018.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/25/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Sullivan, Slager, Goodin
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Matt Lehman
State Bill Page: HB1048
HB1051 SUNDAY SALES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR CARRYOUT (SMALTZ B) Allows the following to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout on Sunday from noon until 8 p.m.: (1) A package liquor store, grocery store, convenience store, or drug store. (2) A restaurant that satisfies the requirements to sell carryout. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the alcohol code revision commission.)
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/21/2018 - Senate Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Alting
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 45: yeas 87, nays 10
1/23/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Amendment #2 (Pierce) failed; voice vote
1/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (DeLaney) motion withdrawn voice vote
1/22/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) motion withdrawn voice vote
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Austin
1/17/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 12; Nays: 1
1/17/2018 - House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives GiaQuinta and Ober
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Public Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ben Smaltz
State Bill Page: HB1051
HB1052 MONETARY AWARDS FOR EXONERATED PRISONERS (STEUERWALD G) Provides that a person whose conviction is vacated on the basis of DNA evidence is entitled to compensation in the amount of $25,000 for each year that the person was wrongfully incarcerated in the department of correction. Establishes the DNA exoneration fund, appropriates $200,000 to the fund, and specifies that the attorney general shall administer the fund and receive and investigate claims for compensation from the fund.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Thompson, Porter and Lawson L
1/3/2018 - Authored By Gregory Steuerwald
State Bill Page: HB1052
HB1056 INNKEEPERS' TAXES AND FOOD AND BEVERAGE TAXES (OBER D) Provides that a member appointed to a convention and tourism commission under the uniform innkeeper's tax statute who is required to be: (1) engaged in a convention, visitor, or tourism business; or (2) involved in or promoting conventions, visitors, or tourism; need not be a resident of the county if the member is an owner or an executive level employee of a convention, visitor, or tourism business that is located within the county. Provides that such a member must be a resident of Indiana. Repeals the requirement in the uniform innkeeper's tax statute that not more than a simple majority of the members of a convention and tourism commission may be affiliated with the same political party. Requires the department of state revenue (department) to provide each commission with summary data of the amount of the innkeeper's tax collections to the county. Provides that, in the case of a county that has adopted an ordinance requiring the payment of the innkeeper's tax to the county treasurer instead of the department: (1) the county treasurer is required to annually report to the department the amount of innkeeper's tax collected in the county in the preceding calendar year; and (2) the department is required to provide summary data of the total amount of the county's innkeeper's tax collected in the preceding calendar year to the commission established for that county. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 397: yeas 94, nays 4; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (94-4)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Messmer and Breaux
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Ford and Tallian
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Karickhoff, Culver and Pryor
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Ober and GiaQuinta
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 309: yeas 48, nays 1
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Ford) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Messmer) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Ford
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Messmer
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 172: yeas 87, nays 5
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Karickhoff
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 17; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representative GiaQuinta
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Ober
State Bill Page: HB1056
HB1065 BROADBAND GRANTS AND HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE (OBER D) Authorizes the office of community and rural affairs (office) to award grants to qualified broadband providers in connection with qualified broadband projects involving the deployment of infrastructure to provide qualified broadband service in unserved areas in Indiana. Defines "qualified broadband service" as a connection to the Internet at an actual speed of at least 10 megabits per second downstream and at least one megabit per second upstream, regardless of the technology used. Defines an "unserved area" as a geographic area in Indiana in which there is not at least one provider of terrestrial broadband service at the designated speeds. Provides that grants shall be made from the rural economic development fund. Provides that in awarding grants, the office shall give priority to first extending the deployment of qualified broadband service to areas in which: (1) Internet connections are unavailable; or (2) the only available Internet connections provide for an actual speed of less than 10 megabits per second downstream. Sets forth factors that the office must consider in determining whether to award a grant. Sets forth conditions that apply to the awarding of grants. Requires the office to adopt guidelines to implement these provisions and authorizes the office to collaborate with state agencies and political subdivisions in adopting the guidelines and administering grants. Repeals the statute establishing the high speed Internet service deployment and adoption initiative administered by the Indiana economic development corporation. Repeals the statute establishing the Indiana broadband development program administered by the Indiana finance authority. Amends the Indiana Code section that allows a holder of video service franchises issued by the utility regulatory commission (IURC) to apply to the IURC for direct marketing authority in a service area served by the holder to specify that such authority includes the authority to market directly to all businesses, as well as all households (as set forth in current law), in the service area. Directs the IURC to study certain topics regarding universal service reform and broadband services in Indiana and issue a report to the interim study committee on energy, utilities, and telecommunications before October 1, 2018.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 412: yeas 94, nays 1; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (94-1)
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Randolph Lonnie M
3/14/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Stoops
3/14/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Randolph Lonnie M
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Koch, Randolph Lonnie M, Messmer, Merritt and Buchanan
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Houchin and Stoops
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Ober and Hatfield
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Negele, DeVon and Pierce
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Crane
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 311: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Glick
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Bohacek
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Koch) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Koch) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Houchin) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Houchin) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Houchin) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsors Senators Merritt, Leising, Buchanan, Messmer, Randolph
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate Utilities
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Houchin and Koch
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 127: yeas 92, nays 0
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - Amendment #1 (Pierce) failed; Division of the House: yeas 33, nays 53
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pelath
1/24/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Negele and Hatfield
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Ober
State Bill Page: HB1065
HB1074 VARIOUS HIGHER EDUCATION MATTERS (SULLIVAN H) Provides that the provisions regarding employment of construction managers as constructors for public works projects applies only to state educational institutions after June 30, 2020. (Current law expires these provisions on July 1, 2020.) Makes changes regarding the: (1) conditions required to qualify for the renewal of a twenty-first century scholars program scholarship; and (2) award amounts to twenty-first century scholars program scholarship applicants who attend a private, approved postsecondary educational institution. Makes the following changes concerning the primary care shortage area scholarship: (1) Amends the practice requirements to receive a scholarship. (2) Amends the repayment requirements for noncompliance with a primary care practice agreement. (3) Allows the commission for higher education (commission) to impose and collect interest on unpaid repayment amounts. (4) Provides that, if the commission and a recipient of a scholarship enter into a new written agreement that complies with the primary care shortage area scholarship provisions, the commission and the recipient may terminate an agreement entered into or renewed before July 1, 2018. Requires the chairperson of the commission to appoint a: (1) seven member student member nominating committee; and (2) seven member faculty member nominating committee. (Current law requires the chairperson to appoint a ten member nominating committee of five student members and five faculty members.) Provides that an applicant who: (1) does not maintain satisfactory academic progress required to be eligible for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant; but (2) meets other certain conditions; is still eligible for the grant. Modifies the procedures that a state educational institution must use to dispose of real estate (including any real estate acquired by gift, bequest, or devise). Repeals certain statutes concerning: (1) the disposition of gifts, bequests, and devises of real estate to state educational institutions; and (2) matters that pertain to the closing process in the disposition of real estate by a state educational institution. Makes conforming amendments. Removes an expired provision.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 407: yeas 47, nays 1; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 398: yeas 99, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (99-0)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Melton
3/12/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Stoops
3/12/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Melton
3/7/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/5/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Kruse, Melton, Zay and Buchanan
3/5/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Raatz and Stoops
3/5/2018 - House Conferees appointed Sullivan and Austin
3/5/2018 - House Advisors appointed May, Schaibley, Smith V and Moseley
3/1/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
2/28/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 247: yeas 50, nays 0
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/14/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - added as second sponsor Senator Kruse
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Raatz
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 17: yeas 92, nays 0
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Amendment #1 (Sullivan) prevailed; voice vote
1/16/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/10/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/9/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
1/9/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Austin, May and Schaibley
1/3/2018 - Authored By Holli Sullivan
State Bill Page: HB1074
HB1076 RACIAL PROFILING AND PRETEXTUAL STOPS (PRYOR C) Prohibits a law enforcement agency or a law enforcement officer from engaging in racial profiling or conducting pretextual stops. Requires a law enforcement agency to adopt a detailed policy that defines the elements of racial profiling and pretextual stops, and requires a law enforcement agency to collect certain data relating to stops made by law enforcement officers. Requires cultural diversity awareness training and training on unlawful racial profiling and pretextual stops for law enforcement officers. Specifies that a law enforcement agency shall transmit to the attorney general information concerning racial profiling complaints, investigations, and any action taken, as well as data collected relating to stops made by the law enforcement agency. Requires the attorney general to: (1) submit an annual report to the legislative council based on the information; (2) submit the data to a third party for statistical analysis; and (3) publish the results of the analysis on the attorney general's Internet web site. Establishes the racial profiling review commission to review complaints of unlawful racial profiling and unlawful pretextual stops. Permits a person to bring a civil action based on unlawful racial profiling and unlawful pretextual stops. Permits a law enforcement agency to use certain federal funds to purchase vehicle cameras and body cameras, and establishes training standards and standards for use. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Cherrish Pryor
State Bill Page: HB1076
HB1078 PROPERTY TAX RELIEF (PRYOR C) Permits the Marion County city-county council to establish a neighborhood enhancement property tax relief program. After 2021, permits other counties, cities, and towns to establish the program. The program provides an assessed value deduction for longtime owner-occupants of homesteads having an assessed value of less than $125,000 in designated areas. Specifies various conditions for the program. Allows a local unit to include additional requirements for the program. Provides a penalty for wrongly receiving the deduction that is the same as the penalty for wrongly receiving the homestead standard deduction.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Porter and Forestal
1/3/2018 - Authored By Cherrish Pryor
State Bill Page: HB1078
HB1079 AGE 65 AND OVER PROPERTY TAX CREDIT (MOED J) Permits Marion County to adopt an ordinance to establish a geographic territory in which a property owner may qualify for the age 65 and over property tax credit at a higher adjusted gross income than the statutory amount. Permits local income taxes to be used to offset property tax losses by taxing units because of the higher income limit.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Justin Moed
State Bill Page: HB1079
HB1080 CENTRAL INDIANA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS (MOED J) Repeals the prohibition that prevents certain counties from: (1) purchasing; (2) leasing; (3) acquiring; (4) constructing; or (5) operating a light rail project.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 2
2/27/2018 - Senate Homeland Security and Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Merritt and Taylor G
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 82: yeas 90, nays 5
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 1
1/24/2018 - House Roads and Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Kirchhofer and Forestal
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Torr
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Roads and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Justin Moed
State Bill Page: HB1080
HB1081 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (MOED J) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly shall meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Justin Moed
State Bill Page: HB1081
HB1082 NOTIFICATION OF EXPUNGEMENT (ZIEMKE C) Requires the department of workforce development to: (1) inform persons seeking employment of the possibility of criminal history expungement, in appropriate cases; and (2) develop an informational brochure describing the criminal history expungement process.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Cindy Ziemke
State Bill Page: HB1082
HB1085 INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS (HAMM R) Provides that an individual who is a volunteer firefighter is entitled to a credit of $500 against the individual's adjusted gross income tax liability each taxable year.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pressel
1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Saunders
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Richard Hamm
State Bill Page: HB1085
HB1086 GARNISHMENT OF WAGES (HAMM R) Provides that a creditor may, by written consent or court order, access wage report information from the department of workforce development for the purpose of obtaining a garnishment order. Requires a court that has issued a garnishment order to a third party to cancel the garnishment order and issue a new garnishment order without a hearing if certain circumstances have changed. Requires an employer that is garnishing a judgment debtor's wages to inform the clerk of courts when the judgment debtor leaves employment with the employer. Provides that, once such notice is given, the employer has no further obligations under the garnishment order. Provides that if: (1) a judgment debtor leaves employment with an employer that is garnishing the judgment debtor's wages under a garnishment order; (2) the judgment debtor subsequently returns to employment with the same employer; and (3) the judgment against the judgment debtor has not been satisfied; the judgment creditor must obtain a new garnishment order before the employer of the judgment debtor must resume wage garnishment.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Saunders
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Richard Hamm
State Bill Page: HB1086
HB1099 UNIFORM FOOD AND BEVERAGE TAX (CHERRY R) Provides that a county fiscal body may impose a uniform food and beverage tax if the county is not required or authorized to impose a food and beverage tax under any other law (other than the stadium and convention funding food and beverage tax). Specifies that the tax rate may not exceed 1% and must be imposed in increments of 0.25%. Provides that revenue from the tax may be used by the county, after appropriation by the county fiscal body, only for: (1) capital improvements that promote economic development in the county, including fairgrounds, convention centers, or conference centers; (2) certain costs that are necessary or useful for such a capital improvement; and (3) paying the principal and interest of any bonds issued or lease rental payments for a lease entered into for these purposes. Specifies that the tax revenue may not be used to pay any operating expenses. Authorizes the county fiscal body to pledge the tax revenue to pay bonds issued, loans obtained, and lease payments or other obligations incurred by or on behalf of the county for purposes authorized under the uniform food and beverage tax law. Specifies that a uniform food and beverage tax imposed in a county remains in effect until the earlier of: (1) the date on which the county fiscal body rescinds the food and beverage tax; or (2) the last day of the month beginning immediately after the tenth anniversary of the date on which the food and beverage tax was first imposed in the county.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Withdrawn
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Robert Cherry
State Bill Page: HB1099
HB1104 TAX MATTERS (LEONARD D) Excludes political subdivisions that do not have the power to impose ad valorem property taxes from the requirement to upload a digital copy of certain contracts on the Indiana transparency Internet web site. Provides that if a political subdivision publishes or submits to the department of local government finance's (DLGF) computer gateway a notice that contains an error or omission that inaccurately reflects the tax rate, tax levy, or budget actually proposed or fixed by the political subdivision by an amount that is less than 0.25%, the notice is a valid notice and the DLGF shall correct the error or omission. Specifies the deadlines for county auditors to submit property tax settlement and distribution information to the DLGF. Repeals the electronic digital signature act. Amends the definition of "owner" (for purposes of the property tax statutes) to delete the provision specifying that an owner of tangible property includes the holder of a tenancy for a term of years. Deletes obsolete language in the statutes exempting certain business personal property with an acquisition cost of less than $20,000. Specifies that a taxpayer eligible for such an exemption must include on the taxpayer's personal property tax return: (1) information concerning whether the taxpayer's business personal property within the county is in one location or multiple locations; and (2) an address for the location of the property. Provides that if a local service fee is imposed on a taxpayer claiming such an exemption, the county shall include the local service fee on a property tax bill associated with the tax district in which the majority value of the taxpayer's business personal property within the county is located. Provides that a taxpayer may be charged only one local service fee per county. Specifies that if a penalty is imposed on a taxpayer for failing to declare on the taxpayer's tax return that the taxpayer is entitled to the exemption for business personal property with an acquisition cost of less than $20,000, the county shall include the penalty on a property tax bill associated with the tax district in which the majority value of the taxpayer's business personal property within the county is located. Eliminates (effective retroactive to July 1, 2017) several property tax deduction and credit reapplication requirements that were added by HEA 1450-2017 concerning unmarried taxpayers who married, married taxpayers who divorced, and taxpayers who came to own their property jointly or as tenants in common with another individual. Provides that the appropriate county officer designated by the county executive (rather than the assessor, under current law) is responsible for: (1) maintaining data files of the geographic information system characteristics of each parcel in the county as of each assessment date; and (2) submitting those files to the geographic information office of the office of technology. Provides that if an assessing official determines that the owner of a parcel of property is unable to use the property to the owner's full and complete benefit because: (1) the parcel is completely surrounded by parcels owned by other owners; and (2) the owner does not possess and cannot obtain an easement granting ingress or egress into the property or the owner is otherwise incapable of having sufficient ingress or egress; the assessing official shall apply an influence factor for limited access. Requires that the budget notice that political subdivisions must publish on the DLGF's computer gateway must also include information concerning the percentage change between the current and proposed tax levies of each fund. Provides that a person seeking a property tax exemption for property used for a charitable purpose may file an exemption application up to 30 days following the statutory deadline for the exemption application if the person pays a late filing fee. Requires county auditors to submit data on deductions applicable to the current tax year to the homestead property data base on or before March 15 of each year, in a manner prescribed by the DLGF. Repeals the statute providing for a county board of tax adjustment. Repeals provisions related to the county board of tax adjustment and the local budgeting process. Specifies that a political subdivision shall file the budget adopted by the political subdivision with the DLGF not later than five business days after the budget is adopted. Authorizes the DLGF to adopt rules for procedures related to local government budgeting. Specifies that the adoption, amendment, or repeal of such a rule by the DLGF may not take effect before March 1 or after July 31 of a particular year. Specifies: (1) that rules adopted by the DLGF for the appraisal of real property may not apply to any appraisal contemporaneously being conducted under a county's reassessment plan; and (2) that rules adopted by the DLGF may first apply to the reassessment phase beginning in the following calendar year under a county's reassessment plan. Specifies that for purposes of attributing the amount of a property tax deduction or exemption to the gross assessed value of a property: (1) a deduction or exemption that is specific to an improvement shall be applied only to the assessed value allocation pertaining to that improvement; and (2) to the extent that a deduction or exemption is not specific to an improvement; the deduction or exemption shall be applied in the order that will maximize the benefit of the deduction or exemption to the taxpayer. Allows Green Township in Hancock County to increase its maximum levy for the township's general fund to offset the reduction in the maximum levy that occurred beginning in 2003 that was based on the township's actual levy (levy banked amount). Provides that the DLGF shall make a one time, temporary increase in the Goshen Public Library's maximum levy for 2019 if the governing body of the library petitions for the increase. Authorizes a county fiscal body to establish a salary schedule that includes greater compensation for the presiding officer or secretary of the county fiscal body or county executive if certain conditions are satisfied. Specifies that the base assessed value for tax increment financing purposes includes the net residential assessed value within the allocation area, as finally determined for the current assessment date. Provides that a redevelopment commission may issue bonds or enter into leases with a term of up to 35 years to finance a project that includes, as part of the project, the use and repurposing of two or more buildings and structures that are: (1) at least 75 years old; and (2) located at a site at which manufacturing previously occurred over a period of at least 75 years. Specifies that in the case of an allocation area for such a project, the expiration date of the allocation provision may not be more than 35 years after the date on which the allocation provision is established. Provides that in case of such a project, a pass through entity may allocate an industrial recovery tax credit among its shareholders, partners, beneficiaries, or members of the pass through entity as provided by written agreement. Provides for an alternative distribution of the certified share part of local income tax revenue in certain counties based on revenue and population of municipalities and townships in the county. Voids an annexation remonstrance waiver (waiver) executed on or before July 1, 2003. Void
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) (41-6)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Holdman
3/14/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Holdman
3/14/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Tallian
3/8/2018 - Advisor Added Senator Delph
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Bassler and Tallian
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Holdman, Taylor G, Zay, Buchanan and Spartz
3/5/2018 - Advisor Added Representative Negele
3/5/2018 - House Advisors appointed Torr, Ellington, Thompson, Schaibley, Huston and Porter
3/5/2018 - House Conferees appointed Leonard and GiaQuinta
3/5/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/5/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 269: yeas 47, nays 1
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/27/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/27/2018 - Amendment #1 (Buck) prevailed; voice vote
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/22/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Bassler and Holdman
1/30/2018 - removed as sponsor Senator Doriot
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Doriot
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 85: yeas 92, nays 0
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Representative GiaQuinta
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #4 (Leonard) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Porter) failed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - Amendment #3 (Negele) failed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 18; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Siegrist
1/11/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Daniel Leonard
State Bill Page: HB1104
HB1113 FOSTER PARENT BILL OF RIGHTS (MACER K) Requires the department of child services (department) to create and make available to a foster parent a bill of rights (bill of rights) for foster parents. Provides information that must be included in a bill of rights developed by the department. Requires the department to distribute the bill of rights annually and upon request. Requires the department to make the bill of rights available on the department's Internet web site.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Summers
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Mahan and Frizzell
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Karlee Macer
State Bill Page: HB1113
HB1114 INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR DONATIONS (HAMILTON C) Provides for an adjusted gross income tax credit for donations to a public school foundation. Provides that the maximum individual taxpayer credit is $2,000 in the case of a single return and $4,000 in the case of a joint return. Provides that the maximum corporate taxpayer credit is the greater of 10% of the corporation's total adjusted gross income tax liability or $10,000. Makes the credit refundable. Makes an appropriation.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Cook
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Carey Hamilton
State Bill Page: HB1114
HB1116 DENTAL HYGIENIST ACCESS PRACTICE AGREEMENTS (FRIZZELL D) Allows a dental hygienist to practice dental hygiene in a location and without supervision under an access practice agreement with an access practice dentist. Specifies the requirements to provide dental hygiene services under an access practice agreement. Requires an access practice dentist to be available to provide emergency communication and consultation with the dental hygienist. Establishes record keeping requirements. Requires a dental hygienist who provides services under an access practice agreement to maintain malpractice liability insurance. Requires a signed consent form before providing services under an access practice agreement. Requires that certain written information be provided to the patient or the parent or legal guardian of the patient after providing dental hygiene services. Requires patient records to be transferred to the access practice dentist when an access practice agreement is terminated.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed;
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/15/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/15/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/25/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Leising and Charbonneau
1/25/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 50: yeas 92, nays 0
1/25/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/23/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Bacon
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Zent and Shackleford
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By David Frizzell
State Bill Page: HB1116
HB1123 TRANSFERS TO CAREGIVERS (MAY C) Provides that a caregiver may not accept or receive one or more gifts from a senior consumer for whom the caregiver has assumed responsibility for all or a part of the care of the senior consumer who needs assistance with activities of daily living if the gift or gifts: (1) have an aggregate fair market value that exceeds $15,000; or (2) are real estate. Creates an exception for an immediate family member who resides with the senior consumer, if undue influence over the senior consumer is not used. Creates an exception for certain transfer instruments executed before the caregiver became the senior consumer's caregiver. Allows a court action to be brought against the caregiver for a violation. Requires the court to award court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and other actual expenses of litigation if the senior consumer prevails in a court case. Removes the authority of a court to require to give security upon the filing of the complaint, on the appearance of any defendant, claimant, or other party, or at any later time.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative McNamara
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Chris May
State Bill Page: HB1123
HB1130 PROFESSIONAL LICENSING AGENCY MATTERS (ZENT D) Allows a person who is enrolled in an architecture degree program to take the architect registration examination. Provides that the dietitians certification board is required to hold one regular meeting each year. (Current law requires two meetings.) Removes and repeals provisions concerning the application for and administration of the dietitian certification examination. Allows an individual to fit and dispense hearing aids while under the supervision and direction of a certified hearing aid dealer. Provides that certain duties of the medical licensing board are now duties of the committee of hearing aid dealer examiners. Requires that a person who applies for a massage therapist license must complete 625 hours of supervised classroom and hands on instruction on massage therapy. (Current law requires 500 hours.) Requires that a person who applies for a massage therapist license must submit to a national criminal history background check. (Current law requires a limited criminal history.) Requires a massage therapist who applies for license renewal to submit proof of professional liability insurance. Removes provisions that: (1) permit a student in medical school to take the medical licensure examination; and (2) concern grading examinations and how often the exam is administered. Changes a reference to a postgraduate training program that allows a permit to be issued to a foreign medical graduate. Requires a physician to make a personal appearance before the medical licensing board to establish the physician's work history if the physician has been inactive for more than three years. (Current law requires an appearance if the inactivity period is more than four years.) Allows the board of pharmacy to issue a provisional wholesale drug distributor license to an applicant that is located in Indiana and is in the process of obtaining accreditation or certification. Requires a third party logistics provider to be licensed by the board of pharmacy before engaging in third party logistics. Provides for certain requirements to be fulfilled prior to licensing for a third party logistics provider. Requires the board of pharmacy to adopt rules for licensing of third party logistics providers. Repeals provisions: (1) concerning the administration of the podiatrist licensure examination; and (2) that allow licensing of podiatrist's assistants. Conforms the podiatrist license reinstatement provisions with statutory reinstatement requirements. Provides that certain information from the previous two years must be reported to renew a podiatrist license. (Current law requires information to be reported from the previous four years.) Makes technical and conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 390: yeas 96, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (96-0)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 401: yeas 49, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/8/2018 - House Advisors appointed Lehman, Lyness and Taylor J
3/8/2018 - House Conferees appointed Zent and Bauer
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Brown L, Lanane and Glick
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Messmer and Randolph Lonnie M
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 313: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Stoops) failed; Division of the Senate: yeas 9, nays 40
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Messmer) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
2/22/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Messmer
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 31: yeas 94, nays 1
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Bacon
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/16/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Dennis Zent
State Bill Page: HB1130
HB1133 ADDICTION TREATMENT TEAMS AND MEDICAID (DAVISSON S) Establishes Medicaid reimbursement, including reimbursement under the healthy Indiana plan, for addiction treatment teams. Specifies providers and services that must be included as part of an addiction treatment team. Allows addiction treatment teams to provide services in temporary locations and mobile units in specified conditions.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Steven Davisson
State Bill Page: HB1133
HB1134 DRUG ADDICTION WORKFORCE RECOVERY PROGRAM (DAVISSON S) Requires the division of mental health and addiction (division) to establish a drug addiction workforce recovery program (program). Provides that the program is to assist employers who have recently hired or offered to hire individuals who are qualified for employment with the employer and have failed an initial drug screening, to employ the individual if the individual agrees to participate in a drug education and addiction treatment program as a condition of employment. Establishes requirements for the program. Provides that the division may allow an employer to deduct from the employee's wages to pay for a part of the employee's drug education and addiction treatment services if the employee has assigned the wages. Requires that the department of workforce development and the state department of health shall assist the division in administering the program. Provides that if an employer and employee comply with the program, the employer is not liable in a civil action alleging negligent hiring for negligence of the employee. Provides that in certain civil actions an employer's participation in the program is not admissible as evidence. Allows the department of workforce development to develop an incentive program for employers who participate in the program.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/23/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/23/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/23/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives VanNatter and Goodin
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Bartels
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Steven Davisson
State Bill Page: HB1134
HB1138 LOCAL TAX MATTERS (ELLINGTON J) Provides that the local income tax council is the county adopting body for purposes of the local income tax only if: (1) the county income tax council (under the prior law) adopted either the county option income tax or the county economic development income tax; and (2) the population of the county is more than 140,000. Specifies that in all other cases, the county adopting body is the county council. Provides that Highland Township in Greene County may increase its maximum township property tax levy for 2019 and thereafter. Provides that Taylor Township in Greene County may increase its maximum township property tax levy and its maximum fire protection and emergency services property tax levy for 2019 and thereafter.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jeff Ellington
State Bill Page: HB1138
HB1141 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER FUNDING (SCHAIBLEY D) Specifies the funding amounts that must be provided by counties to community mental health centers. Provides that a county's maximum funding amount for a year is equal to the maximum funding amount for the previous year multiplied by the percentage change in the county's general fund property tax levy, after subtracting circuit breaker credits (but provides that the maximum funding amount will not be less than the preceding year's maximum funding amount). Phases-in this change in the case of Marion County. Requires the department of local government finance (DLGF) to verify the maximum appropriation calculation as part of the DLGF's certification of the county's budget. Specifies that the funding provided by a county to community mental health centers shall be used solely for: (1) the operations of community mental health centers serving the county; or (2) contributing to the nonfederal share of medical assistance payments to community mental health centers serving the county. Provides that unless otherwise agreed to by the county and the community mental health center, the county payment to the community mental health center shall be paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the community mental health center's board of directors at least as frequently as semiannually (in July and in December). Provides that a county's funding for community mental health centers shall be apportioned according to the proportion of: (1) the county's population residing in the primary service area of each center that is certified by the division of mental health and addiction; to (2) the total population of the county. Deletes provisions requiring the county to pay the appropriated amounts to the division of mental health and addiction (the division). Deletes the provisions specifying how the payments to the division must be made. Repeals a provision allowing the appropriation of an additional amount under certain circumstances. Provides that the governing board of a community mental health center must include a member of a county fiscal body or a member of a board of county commissioners, appointed by the board of county commissioners of the county where the community mental health center maintains its corporate mailing address. Requires the annual report by a community mental health center to be made to the division of mental health and addiction (division) and to the fiscal body and the board of county commissioners of each county located in the community mental health center's primary service area. (Under current law the report is made only to the county fiscal body.) Specifies certain information that must be included in the annual reports provided by community mental health centers. Requires the division to specify the format of the annual reports that must be provided by community mental health centers. Requires the division to provide an annual report containing certain information to the county fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/13/2018 - Received by Governor
3/13/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 330: yeas 92, nays 2
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/6/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (92-2)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/27/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 230: yeas 48, nays 0
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Amendment #2 (Boots) prevailed; voice vote
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/13/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/13/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/13/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/31/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Richardson and Klinker
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Boots
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 87: yeas 92, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 21; Nays: 0
1/23/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Brown, T
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Donna Schaibley
State Bill Page: HB1141
HB1146 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYABILITY (HARRIS JR. E) Creates a certificate of employability for persons convicted of misdemeanors and certain felonies. Provides that a court shall issue a certificate of employability to persons convicted of misdemeanors and Class D or Level 6 felonies under certain circumstances, and that a court may issue a certificate of employability to persons convicted of certain more serious felonies. Establishes a procedure to petition for a certificate of employability and requires payment of the civil filing fee to petition for a certificate of employability. Provides that a petition for a certificate of employability may be filed not earlier than: (1) six months after the date of conviction, in the case of a misdemeanor; (2) one year after the date of conviction, in the case of Class D or Level 6 felonies; (3) three years after the date of conviction or one year after the date the sentence is completed, in the case of more serious felonies; and (4) six years after the date of conviction or two years after the date the sentence is completed, in the case of the most serious felonies. Prohibits the granting of a certificate of employability to sex and violent offenders and persons convicted of specified serious crimes. Provides immunity to employers in negligent hiring cases who hire persons with a certificate of employability under certain circumstances.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Mahan
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Smith, V
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Earl Harris Jr
State Bill Page: HB1146
HB1151 STUDY OF LOTTERY REVENUES FOR VETERANS (JUDY C) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the issues regarding allocating up to $4,000,000 from Indiana state lottery revenues to benefit veterans.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Chris Judy
State Bill Page: HB1151
HB1152 TRAFFIC AMNESTY PROGRAM (SHACKLEFORD R) Establishes a temporary traffic amnesty program to permit certain persons owing unpaid traffic fines, or who may be required to pay a fee for reinstatement of driving privileges, to obtain a reduction in the amount owed or amount payable. Specifies that a person seeking a reduction in fees owed is not required to pay a court filing fee but is required to pay a $50 administrative fee. Provides that as part of the traffic amnesty program a person must: (1) pay the driving privileges reinstatement fee to the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau); (2) provide financial responsibility to the court; and (3) not be ineligible to have their driving privileges reinstated. Provides that the court must transmit a copy of its order to the bureau in a manner prescribed by the bureau.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Negele
1/18/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - House Courts and Criminal Code, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Mahan and Pryor
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1152
HB1164 MILITARY EDUCATION BENEFITS (COOK A) Changes the definition of "eligible student" to expand who may participate in the course access program under which educational courses are permitted to be delivered through any method, including online technologies. Provides that an eligible student who is an adult student pursuing a diploma to qualify for enlistment in the armed forces of the United States may use course access program courses to meet graduation requirements at the school corporation that the eligible student previously attended. Provides that a student who is eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the student is a child of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Provides that if the Indiana department of veterans' affairs approves a determination of eligibility for a request from a person after the person initially enrolls in a state educational institution and while the person attends the state educational institution, the determination of eligibility shall be made retroactive to the date the application to recognize the person's mother's or father's service related death or disability is submitted to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Provides that the applicant may receive a refund equal to the amount of the tuition and fees paid to the state educational institution by the applicant. Provides that the amount of tuition and fee exemption for a child of a veteran is reduced by any amount of assistance received by the student under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (G.I. Bill). Repeals a provision that limits the tuition exemption amount for a child of a veteran who serves in the armed forces after June 30, 2011, based on the percentage of the parent's disability rating. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Cherry
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Anthony Cook
State Bill Page: HB1164
HB1168 TAX CREDIT FOR HIRING VETERANS (CARBAUGH M) Provides for a tax credit known as the Indiana work opportunity tax credit against an employer's state tax liability for the employment of eligible veterans during a taxable year equal to $3,000 for each eligible veteran that the employer employs during the taxable year.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
State Bill Page: HB1168
HB1171 STUDY CONCERNING PROPERTY TAXES (SAUNDERS T) Urges a legislative interim study of property tax exemptions, property tax deductions, the stability of the property tax base, and providing public services that benefit property that is property tax exempt.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Hamm
1/8/2018 - Authored By Thomas Saunders
State Bill Page: HB1171
HB1175 DIABETES REPORTING (SUMMERS V) Requires the state department of health (state department) to collaborate with the office of the secretary of family and social services and develop a strategic plan to identify and significantly reduce the prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes. Requires the state department to establish workgroups to assist with development of the strategic plan. Requires the state department to submit the strategic plan to the governor and the general assembly and to update the strategic plan every two years until July 1, 2026. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services.)
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/27/2018 - added as third sponsor Senator Charbonneau
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 253: yeas 49, nays 1
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/22/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Becker and Breaux
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 19: yeas 92, nays 0
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Macer and Shackleford
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Kirchhofer
1/8/2018 - Authored By Vanessa Summers
State Bill Page: HB1175
HB1187 E-LIQUIDS TAXES (KLINKER S) Imposes a tax on e-liquids that contain nicotine at a rate of $0.10 per fluid milliliter of consumable product. Deposits the revenue from the tax in the state general fund and the addiction services fund.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Sheila Klinker
State Bill Page: HB1187
HB1188 FUNDING FOR VETERANS' ORGANIZATIONS (KLINKER S) Requires the auditor of state to transfer from the build Indiana fund before October 1 of each year: (1) $2,000,000 to the Indiana Veterans' Home; and (2) $400,000 each to the American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, AMVETS, and the Vietnam Veterans of America.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Sheila Klinker
State Bill Page: HB1188
HB1192 MATERNAL MORTALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE (ENGLEMAN K) Requires the state department of health (state department) to establish a statewide maternal mortality review committee (committee) and sets forth membership and duties of the committee. Specifies confidentiality of records reviewed by the committee. Requires a health care provider or health care facility that has a patient who dies of a maternal mortality to report the death to the committee and sets forth immunity provisions for the provider or facility. Requires the committee to submit a report to the state department before July 1 of each year concerning the committee's reviews and requires the state department to post the report on the state department's Internet web site and make the report available for public inspection. Provides civil and criminal immunity to committee members in discussing confidential matters before the committee.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Karen Engleman
State Bill Page: HB1192
HB1197 VETERANS MATTERS (SPEEDY M) Requires the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau) to issue a permanent parking placard to a disabled Hoosier veteran when requested. Removes the veteran and spouse indication from credentials issued by the bureau. Provides that an individual may use a United States Department of Veterans Affairs Identification Card to present to the bureau in order to receive a Hoosier veteran license plate.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Roads and Transportation
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Mike Speedy
State Bill Page: HB1197
HB1198 WORK SHARING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (VANNATTER H) Establishes a work sharing unemployment insurance program. Requires an employer that desires to participate in the work sharing unemployment insurance program to submit a work sharing plan for approval by the commissioner of the department of workforce development. Establishes the work sharing benefit as equal to an affected employee's unemployment benefit reduced by a percentage that is equivalent to the number of hours by which an affected employee's normal weekly work hours are reduced divided by the employer's number of normal weekly work hours.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
State Bill Page: HB1198
HB1199 VETERANS PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION (VANNATTER H) Eliminates the assessed value cap of $175,000 that applies to the property tax deduction for a veteran who: (1) has a total disability; or (2) is at least 62 years of age and has at least a 10% disability.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
State Bill Page: HB1199
HB1200 INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR MILITARY INCOME (LINDAUER S) Provides that income received for military service (other than qualified military income) or received as a retirement or a survivor's benefit paid because of an individual's military service is wholly deductible if the amount of the income is less than the specified maximum amount. Specifies that the maximum amount of the deduction for income received for military service (other than qualified military income) or received as a retirement or a survivor's benefit paid because of an individual's military service is equal to 12 times the monthly basic pay received as of July 1, 2017, by a member of the armed forces of the United States who: (1) served at the pay grade of E-7 on July 1, 2017; and (2) had nine years of service as of July 1, 2017. (Current law allows a deduction against the first $5,000 received for military service and a deduction of $6,250 for income received from retirement or survivor benefits.)
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Mayfield, Bartels and Bartlett
1/9/2018 - Authored By Shane Lindauer
State Bill Page: HB1200
HB1205 RESIDENT TUITION RATE FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS (TAYLOR III J) Provides that an agency or political subdivision is not required to verify that an individual is a United States citizen or qualified alien for the individual to be eligible to pay the resident tuition rate. Repeals a provision that provides that an individual who is not lawfully in the United States is not eligible to pay the resident tuition rate.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Joe Taylor III
State Bill Page: HB1205
HB1206 SNAP BENEFITS (TAYLOR III J) Removes the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) requirements for reentry court program participants. Provides that individuals who were receiving SNAP through a reentry court program continue to receive SNAP until the individual: (1) no longer meets the SNAP eligibility requirements; or (2) has received SNAP for the maximum period allowed. Allows individuals convicted of a drug offense to be eligible to participate in SNAP under the federal opt out option.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Joe Taylor III
State Bill Page: HB1206
HB1207 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONS (TAYLOR III J) Permits the department of local government finance under certain circumstances to cancel property taxes imposed on: (1) a nonprofit corporation organized for educational, literary, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes; (2) an entity organized as a church or religious entity; or (3) a cemetery corporation, firm, or association.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Joe Taylor III
State Bill Page: HB1207
HB1210 MAIN STREET DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS (BARTELS S) Provides that a city or town having a population that does not exceed 20,000 (eligible municipality) may establish a main street downtown redevelopment district (district) within the eligible municipality for the purpose of capturing sales tax collected by businesses located in the district. Provides that the sales tax increment distributed to each eligible municipality that establishes a district may be used to pay for improvements in the district or the financing of improvements in the district.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Steve Bartels
State Bill Page: HB1210
HB1211 STUDY OF LICENSING AND MILITARY FAMILIES (BARTELS S) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying policies, practices, administrative rules, and state laws that affect professional licensing of transitioning military persons and their spouses.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Steve Bartels
State Bill Page: HB1211
HB1213 STATE PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF PROPERTY TAXES (BARTELS S) Requires the state to make payments in lieu of property taxes (PILOTs) for qualified parcels in counties in which at least 15% of all land in the county is: (1) in the aggregate, owned or leased by the state of Indiana or the federal government; and (2) subject to an exemption from property taxes. Defines "qualified parcel" as a parcel that is: (1) owned or leased by the state of Indiana; (2) subject to an exemption from property taxes; and (3) located in a county to which this act applies. Provides that a county containing qualified parcels is entitled to receive PILOTs from the state. Provides that for purposes of calculating a PILOT, each acre of the qualified parcel is considered to have an assessed value of 1/2 of the statewide agricultural land base rate value. Annually appropriates from the state general fund the amount necessary to pay the required PILOTs.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Steve Bartels
State Bill Page: HB1213
HB1220 FSSA MATTERS (KIRCHHOFER C) Adds representatives of organizations that represent people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to the commission on rehabilitation services and the Medicaid advisory committee. Clarifies that outpatient home health services may be provided in other appropriate locations determined by the office. Changes the makeup of the drug utilization review board and the frequency with which the board is required to meet. Changes when a participant's funds remaining in the individual's healthy Indiana plan health (HIP) care account are refunded. Removes the HIP $25 copayment requirement for subsequent use of an emergency room for nonemergency services. Allows money in the mental health and addiction forensic treatment services account to be used as the state match under the Medicaid program. (Current law limits use of money in the account for the state match to the Medicaid rehabilitation program and the Behavioral and Primary Health Coordination program.)
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/7/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 345: yeas 93, nays 0
3/7/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/7/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (93-0)
3/7/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 292: yeas 48, nays 1
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Ruckelshaus
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Charbonneau
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 91: yeas 91, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Davisson) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Bacon and Shackleford
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Cindy Kirchhofer
State Bill Page: HB1220
HB1222 EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATES FOR MINORS (LYNESS R) Eliminates the requirement that a child less than 18 years of age obtain an employment certificate. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Randy Lyness
State Bill Page: HB1222
HB1233 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MATTERS (WOLKINS D) Provides that the term "onsite sewage system" applies to systems that treat sewage from municipalities or publicly owned treatment works. Strikes an incorrect statutory reference in the section defining that term. Amends the air pollution control law to add a reference to the law establishing the procedure for environmental rule making. Authorizes the use of certain regulated combustion facilities to dispose of drugs confiscated or collected as evidence by law enforcement agencies. Provides for the renewal of the certificate of a wastewater treatment plant operator, water treatment plant operator, or water distribution system operator after three years (instead of two years). Authorizes the environmental rules board to establish: (1) continuing education requirements; and (2) dates by which fees must be paid and proof of compliance with continuing education requirements must be submitted; as a condition of certificate renewal for wastewater treatment plant operators, water treatment plant operators, and water distribution system operators. Provides that, after a solid waste management district (SWMD) is dissolved, an employee of the SWMD who is also a member of the county executive, county legislative body, or county fiscal body: (1) may continue to hold the employee's elected office; (2) is neither required to resign nor considered to have resigned as a county employee; and (3) may not cast a vote on any matter concerning solid waste management as a member of the county executive, legislative body, or fiscal body. Repeals a section providing that a countywide regional water, sewage, or solid waste district established in response to an agreed order must have one appointed trustee who resides in the area that was the subject of the investigation resulting in the agreed order and one appointed trustee who is an elected official representing a political subdivision that has territory in the district. Makes it a Class B misdemeanor: (1) to make a false material statement or representation in a form, notice, or report required under an air pollution control permit or water pollution control permit; (2) to tamper with or falsify data from an air or water pollution monitoring device; or (3) to make a false material statement or representation in a label, manifest, record, report, or other document required under a hazardous waste permit. Makes it a Class B misdemeanor to transport regulated used oil without a manifest. Makes it a Class C misdemeanor to knowingly violate certain air pollution control rules, permit conditions, or fee or filing requirements. Makes it a Class A misdemeanor to willfully or negligently violate certain water pollution control rules, permit conditions, or fee or filing requirements. Defines "negligently." Provides for potential fines for environmental Class A misdemeanors and Class B misdemeanors in an amount exceeding the ordinary statutory limit on fines for Class A and Class B misdemeanors. Provides that certain violations of water pollution standards or limitations may be Class B or Class C misdemeanors. Provides that it is a felony for a person to knowingly commit any of certain offenses involving hazardous waste, air pollution, or water pollution if the person knows that the person's act places another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury. Requires the state department of health to adopt rules concerning: (1) the disposal of sewage through the use of onsite sewage systems for municipalities and publicly owned treatment works; and (2) sewage disposal in agricultural labor camps through methods other than septic tank absorption fields. Provides, for purposes of the statute defining the offense of criminal trespass as knowingly or intentionally entering real property after having been denied entry, that a property owner may "deny entry" to property by placing purple marks on trees or posts around the property. Urges the legislative council to assign an interim committee to study research and outreach efforts to reduce non-point source impacts on water quality conducted through government supported programs and by universities.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 408: yeas 36, nays 12; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 391: yeas 92, nays 5; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (91-6)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Eckerty, Stoops and Doriot
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Bassler and Niezgodski
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Wolkins and Errington
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Miller D, Lehe and Hamilton
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 293: yeas 47, nays 2
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (Bassler) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Young M) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Bassler) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Brown L) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/19/2018 - Senate Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Environmental Affairs
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Bassler
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 93: yeas 92, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Wolkins) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Miller
1/17/2018 - House Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Errington and Lehe
1/11/2018 - Authored By David Wolkins
State Bill Page: HB1233
HB1239 SECURITY FREEZES FOR CONSUMER REPORTS (HAMILTON C) Amends the statute governing security freezes for consumer reports as follows: (1) Requires each consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis to, not later than January 1, 2019, develop and maintain procedures to do the following: (A) Enable a consumer who makes a security freeze request (defined as a request to place, release, temporarily lift, or remove a security freeze) to elect, at the time the security freeze request is made, to have the consumer reporting agency refer the security freeze request to one or more of the other nationwide consumer reporting agencies for fulfillment of the request. (B) Refer a security freeze request to each consumer reporting agency that a consumer has selected to receive the consumer's security freeze request. (C) Fulfill a consumer's security freeze request that is referred to the consumer reporting agency by one of the other consumer reporting agencies in accordance with the consumer's selection. (2) Provides that in developing the required procedures, the credit reporting agencies may coordinate with one another to: (A) make uniform the information and documentation required by each credit reporting agency to fulfill a security freeze request; and (B) otherwise streamline the process involved for consumers in making a security freeze request. (3) Authorizes the attorney general to collaborate with or assist the credit reporting agencies in developing and implementing the required procedures, including the development of an online portal to enable a consumer who elects to submit a security freeze request to each consumer reporting agency to submit a single request for simultaneous transmission to each consumer reporting agency. (4) Provides that after December 31, 2018, upon receiving a security freeze request, a consumer reporting agency shall do the following: (A) If the consumer reporting agency receives the security freeze request directly from the consumer: (i) fulfill the security freeze request if the consumer reporting agency maintains a file on the consumer and has received appropriate proof of the requester's identity; and (ii) refer the security freeze request to any of the other consumer reporting agencies that the consumer has selected to receive the security freeze request. (B) If the consumer reporting agency receives the security freeze request upon referral from another consumer reporting agency, fulfill the security freeze request if the consumer reporting agency maintains a file on the consumer and has received appropriate proof of the requester's identity. (C) If the consumer reporting agency receives the security freeze request through an online portal that enables a single security freeze request to be simultaneously transmitted to each consumer reporting agency, fulfill the security freeze request if the consumer reporting agency: (i) maintains a file on the consumer; and (ii) has received appropriate proof of the requester's identity. Makes conforming amendments to the statute governing security freezes for protected consumers.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Schaibley
1/16/2018 - Authored By Carey Hamilton
State Bill Page: HB1239
HB1245 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING (DEVON D) Provides that the state and a local governmental unit (unit) shall explicitly list the crimes that will disqualify an individual from receiving an occupational license. Provides that the use of an individual's conviction of a crime as a disqualifying criminal conviction is limited to a crime that specifically and directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the occupation for which the individual is applying for or holds a license. Provides that the period of disqualification may not exceed five years unless the individual: (1) was convicted of a crime of violence or an offense relating to a criminal sexual act; or (2) is convicted of a second or subsequent crime during the disqualification period. Provides that an individual having a criminal conviction may at any time petition the board or unit requiring a license for a determination as to whether the individual's criminal conviction will disqualify the individual from receiving that license. Specifies the notice requirements for network health care providers that make referrals via telephone to out-of-network health care providers. Requires the professional licensing agency to consult with the small business ombudsman, the office of management and budget, and representatives of local units to develop and submit by November 1, 2018, a report to the legislative council concerning proposed policies and parameters for the licensing of occupations and professions by local units in order to reduce or eliminate redundant licensing by the state and multiple local units. Provides that a unit does not have the power to license, register, or certify a person to practice the person's profession or occupation within the unit if the occupation or profession is subject to licensure, registration, or certification under the Indiana Code. Provides that this prohibition does not apply: (1) to registration for particular projects for the alteration, construction, demolition, or repair of a building or other work on real property required under an ordinance or rule adopted under local government law; (2) to the ability to revoke, suspend, or impose additional conditions on a permit or registration previously given if the person holding the permit or registered has performed substandard work or has otherwise violated any condition of the permit or registration; or (3) when the unit determines the establishment and enforcement of health and safety standards for the occupation or profession is appropriate and necessary to protect the public. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 392: yeas 95, nays 1; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (95-1)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 402: yeas 48, nays 1; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Brown L, Tallian and Spartz
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Boots and Niezgodski
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed DeVon and Moseley
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed VanNatter, Lehman and Taylor J
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Koch
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 320: yeas 47, nays 2
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Spartz
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Spartz) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #5 (Koch) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Boots and Brown L
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 168: yeas 54, nays 39
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeVon) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/23/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 3
1/23/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative VanNatter
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Dale DeVon
State Bill Page: HB1245
HB1247 RENTER'S DEDUCTION FOR DISABLED VETERANS (AYLESWORTH M) Allows a disabled veteran who rents a dwelling for use as the disabled veteran's principal place of residence to claim an increased adjusted gross income tax renter's deduction.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Heine and Moseley
1/11/2018 - Authored By Mike Aylesworth
State Bill Page: HB1247
HB1261 PROTECTING PETS IN DISTRESSED HOMES (KARICKHOFF M) Provides that: (1) an adult protective services unit conducting an investigation; or (2) a caseworker conducting an assessment; who observes, or has reason to believe, that an animal is a victim of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect may make a report to the local law enforcement agency or local animal control officer. Provides that: (1) an adult protective services unit; or (2) a caseworker; who makes a report of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect is immune from civil and criminal liability.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Lawson L, Cook and Wright
1/16/2018 - Authored By Michael Karickhoff
State Bill Page: HB1261
HB1264 COMPETENCY BASED HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION (BROWN T) Establishes the competency based high school education pilot program (pilot program) to provide grants to school corporations for the design and implementation of competency based education programs in high schools. Provides that the department of education (department) administers the pilot program. Requires a school corporation to apply and provide certain information to the department to participate in the pilot program. Requires the Indiana state board of education to establish requirements and standards concerning the competency based education programs. Provides that, after June 30, 2019, a school corporation is eligible to receive a grant for participation in the pilot program. Prohibits a school corporation to which an eligible pupil who received credit under a competency based education program transfers from: (1) requiring the eligible pupil to repeat the course work for which the eligible student received the credit; (2) changing the grade or credit that the eligible pupil received from participating in the competency based education program; or (3) otherwise penalizing the eligible pupil regarding the eligible pupil's previous attendance of a competency based education program. Requires, with exceptions, a school corporation to repay to the department a grant awarded for an eligible pupil who: (1) fails to attain a Core 40 diploma or, for students with disabilities, a high school diploma or certificate of completion in accordance with the student's individualized education program; or (2) is considered a dropout. Requires the department to: (1) before June 30, 2020, and before June 30 each year thereafter, evaluate and prepare a report concerning implementation and pupil outcomes of the
competency based education programs; and (2) submit the report to the legislative council. Requires state educational institutions to recognize and accept credits awarded under a competency based education program and a diploma awarded to a student who successfully completes an education program that includes, in whole or in part, a competency based education program.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/16/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/16/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 2
1/16/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Timothy Brown
State Bill Page: HB1264
HB1265 VETERANS' PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION (KLINKER S) Provides that, beginning with the January 1, 2019, assessment date, the assessed value of an individual's Indiana real property, Indiana mobile home not assessed as real property, and Indiana manufactured home not assessed as real property may not be considered when determining whether the individual is eligible for the property tax deduction for: (1) totally disabled veterans; and (2) veterans who are at least 62 years of age and have a disability of at least 10%.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Sheila Klinker
State Bill Page: HB1265
HB1268 PHASEOUT OF UNDERGRADUATE TUITION (DVORAK R) Freezes the Indiana resident undergraduate tuition rates that may be charged by state educational institutions for the 2018-2019 academic year. Phases down the maximum Indiana resident undergraduate tuition rates that may be charged by state educational institutions. Provides that for the 2028-2029 academic year and for each academic year thereafter, the state educational institutions may not charge any tuition to undergraduate students who are Indiana residents.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Ryan Dvorak
State Bill Page: HB1268
HB1276 VETERANS RECOVERY PILOT PROGRAM (ZENT D) Extends the Indiana veteran recovery pilot program (program) to 2020. (Under current law, the program expires June 30, 2019.) Requires the state department of health (state department) to adopt rules by August 1, 2018, to implement the program. Allows the state department to select and approve up to five providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans receiving treatment under the program. (Under current law, only one provider may be selected and approved.) Requires providers to perform services at cost out of the block grant amount awarded to the provider. Removes the restriction on when a veteran's injury occurred in order for the veteran to receive treatment under the program. Requires the state department to annually report on the status of the program to the governor, the department of veterans' affairs, and the legislative council. Directs the department of veterans' affairs to seek funding for grants to qualified entities providing veterans services and for funding of the program. Requires appropriations to the department of veterans' affairs for the purpose of providing grants to providers under the program to be used exclusively for that purpose.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Delph
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 135: yeas 93, nays 0
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Brown, T., Bacon, Brown, C
1/29/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Dennis Zent
State Bill Page: HB1276
HB1285 NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE (VANNATTER H) Urges the legislative council to assign for study to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues related to eligibility verification and monitoring, identity authentication, and work requirements for participation in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Medicaid program.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/8/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 353: yeas 74, nays 0
3/8/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/8/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (74-0)
3/8/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - added as third sponsor Senator Leising
3/5/2018 - added as second sponsor Senator Houchin
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 297: yeas 40, nays 9
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/31/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Koch
1/31/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 106: yeas 93, nays 0
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representative DeVon
1/11/2018 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
State Bill Page: HB1285
HB1288 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (TORR J) Provides that, if the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) determines that a business, school corporation, or charter school (entity) that has received a grant award under the skills enhancement fund program is noncompliant with the terms of its grant agreement, the IEDC shall, after giving notice to the entity and an opportunity to explain the noncompliance, provide the entity with a written demand for return or repayment of an amount not to exceed the sum of all grants previously awarded to the entity. Provides that, if the entity fails to repay the IEDC, the IEDC may notify the department of state revenue (department) of the noncompliance and request that the department exercise its authority under the department's refund set off program to recover the sum of all grants previously awarded to the entity. Provides that the IEDC is authorized to participate in the refund set off program. Provides for the expiration of provisions in the enterprise zone statute relating to the functions of the IEDC, and authorizes similar functions to be performed by: (1) the urban enterprise association (U.E.A.) in the enterprise zone; and (2) the fiscal body of the municipality in which the enterprise zone is located. Provides for the expiration of the provision that requires a zone business to pay a registration fee to the IEDC. Eliminates the enterprise zone fund. Provides that any money remaining in the fund after its expiration shall revert to the economic development fund. Retains provisions in current law that require each zone business that receives an incentive to assist the U.E.A. in the enterprise zone in an amount determined by the legislative body of the municipality (legislative body) in which the zone business is located. Provides that the legislative body may pass an ordinance disqualifying a zone business from eligibility for incentives if the zone business does not assist the U.E.A. Provides that the legislative body may, in certain circumstances, impose an additional fee that is equal to 1% of all the zone business's incentives. Authorizes the U.E.A. in an enterprise zone to do the following: (1) Adopt guidelines for the disqualification of a zone business. (2) Modify the boundaries of the enterprise zone. Provides that the board of the IEDC may not renew an enterprise zone during a phase out period after June 30, 2018. Provides that an enterprise zone that was not renewed under those provisions between January 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018, may be renewed for an additional five year period if the fiscal body of the municipality adopts a resolution to renew the enterprise zone for an additional five year period. Amends the definition of "lender" under the capital access program for the period beginning after June 30, 2018, and ending before July 1, 2021, to include: (1) a credit corporation; and (2) other specified entities that are approved as a lender by the IEDC in accordance with policy guidelines adopted by the board of the IEDC. Decreases the minimum premium charges payable to the reserve fund account for the capital access program from 1.5% to 1%. Repeals and replaces the definition of "disadvantaged business enterprise" used for purposes of determining the premium charges payable to a reserve fund account to incorporate the definition of "small disadvantaged business" under the federal regulation that applies to the United States Small Business Administration. Repeals the statute authorizing the department to carry out a centralized debt collection program for use by state agencies to collect delinquent amounts owed to state agencies. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/13/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 369: yeas 83, nays 0
3/13/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/13/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (83-0)
3/13/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/12/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/1/2018 - removed as second sponsor Senator Spartz
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 258: yeas 50, nays 0
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (Raatz) prevailed; voice vote
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Austin
2/5/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Raatz, Spartz and Niezgodski
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 164: yeas 91, nays 0
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - Amendment #1 (Torr) prevailed; voice vote
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pressel
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Candelaria Reardon
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Jerry Torr
State Bill Page: HB1288
HB1297 BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (NEGELE S) Defines "unserved area" for purposes of the state broadband development program as an area that does not have access to the minimum speed thresholds for broadband services, and replaces the term "underserved area" with "unserved area". Changes the minimum speed threshold for broadband services to be consistent with the minimum broadband speeds set by the Federal Communications Commission. (Current law sets the minimum speed threshold at 384 kilobits per second in at least one direction.)
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/17/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Sharon Negele
State Bill Page: HB1297
HB1299 OCCUPATIONAL REGULATION OVERSIGHT AND REVIEW (WESCO T) Provides that the small business ombudsman (ombudsman) shall review a proposed rule that is an occupational regulation and imposes requirements or costs on persons subject to the occupational regulation. Requires the attorney general to disapprove a proposed rule if it violates federal antitrust laws. Requires that a statement must be filed concerning the economic impact of the proposed occupational regulation on persons who are subject to the occupational regulation. Requires a regulatory flexibility analysis that considers any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed occupational regulation, including the establishment of the least restrictive regulation that is necessary to regulate the occupation or protect consumers. Establishes guidelines to analyze an occupation regulation to determine if it is the least restrictive regulation. Makes conforming changes to include regulated occupations in the laws that affect adoption of rules that affect small businesses. Allows an individual who has a criminal record to submit a petition to the board that issues a license, certificate, or permit that an individual is required by law to hold to engage in a business, profession, or occupation to determine if the individual's criminal record will disqualify the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit. Establishes criteria and procedures to determine if an individual's criminal record disqualifies the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Timothy Wesco
State Bill Page: HB1299
HB1301 INSURANCE MATTERS (CARBAUGH M) Updates names of health care provider billing forms. Amends the financial responsibility requirement for a contract carrier that transports railroad employees. Permits the department of insurance and governor to apply for a state innovation waiver under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Provides for reduced limits and removal of commercial umbrella or excess liability coverage and requires notice of a reduction or removal. Repeals the law providing for a multistate surplus lines insurance compact, which has not gone into effect due to an insufficient number of states enacting the legislation. Amends the law concerning taxation of surplus lines producers on business sold to insureds whose home state is Indiana. Corrects a provision of HEA 1143-2018 providing for paper prior authorization requests. Requires health maintenance organizations to be member insurers in the life and health insurance guaranty association. Repeals unnecessary deposit requirements of HMOs to the department of insurance for noncovered healthcare expenditures. Urges the legislative council to assign the issue of bond requirements for public-private agreements for study during the 2018 interim of the general assembly. Resolves conflicts with SEA 341-2018. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 409: yeas 48, nays 0; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 399: yeas 98, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (98-0)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Holdman, Melton, Messmer and Zay
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Perfect and Mrvan
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Morris, Lehman and Harris
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Carbaugh and Austin
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 299: yeas 48, nays 1
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Raatz) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Tallian) failed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Brown L) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Perfect
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 137: yeas 92, nays 0
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - Amendment #1 (Candelaria Reardon) motion withdrawn voice vote
1/31/2018 - Amendment #5 (Lehman) prevailed; voice vote
1/31/2018 - Amendment #3 (Carbaugh) prevailed; voice vote
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Hamm
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/24/2018 - House Insurance, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Insurance
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Austin
1/11/2018 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
State Bill Page: HB1301
HB1317 HEALTH MATTERS (CLERE E) Provides that a pharmacy or pharmacist has a right to provide individuals with information concerning the individual's cost share for a prescription drug. States that a pharmacy or pharmacist cannot be proscribed by a third party administrator, a health insurer, or a health maintenance organization from discussing the information or from selling to the individual a more affordable alternative. Prohibits a copayment for a drug under the state employee health plan, an accident and sickness insurance policy, or a health maintenance organization contract from exceeding the amount payable to the pharmacy for the drug under an agreement with the pharmacy. Provides that changes to the designated coverage area of an area agency on aging may not be made until after a public hearing is held and one year elapses from the date of the hearing. Provides that the definition of "community and home care services" includes services, not covered by Medicaid, necessary to prevent individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities from being institutionalized and to help such individuals to transition out of health care facilities or group homes. Requires the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled (CHOICE) board to review proposed rules concerning the CHOICE program and removes the time requirement for the review. (Current law requires review of proposed rules concerning home and community based services at least three months before the rule may be published.) Removes provisions concerning the CHOICE board setting a public comment period. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to study service provider and systems point of entry reimbursement rates for recipients of early intervention services. Beginning July 1, 2019, removes the 12 month limitation on receipt by certain individuals of supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. Specifies that, beginning January 1, 2020, Indiana elects to opt out of the federal law prohibiting individuals convicted of certain drug offenses from receiving SNAP assistance if the individual meets specified conditions. Specifies that if the individual violates any terms of the probation, parole, community corrections, or reentry court program, the individual is ineligible for SNAP. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to study reimbursement rates and the methodology for case management services for recipients of certain Medicaid waivers. Provides that any new rates as a result of a study: (1) may not take effect until January 1, 2019, or be applied retroactively; and (2) must be approved through a Medicaid waiver amendment. Requires the board of pharmacy to adopt rules concerning telepharmacy under the laws regulating remote dispensing facilities. Exempts from the law regulating pharmacists and pharmacies the delivery of peritoneal renal dialysis related supplies by manufacturers, third party logistic providers, and wholesale drug distributors in certain circumstances. Removes that an occupant of a property was afflicted with or died from a disease related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the definition of "psychologically affected property". Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact that joining the nurse licensure compact would have on the delivery of nursing services to residents of Indiana.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 394: yeas 36, nays 13
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 375: yeas 95, nays 3; Rules Suspended
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (95-3)
3/13/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/8/2018 - House Advisors appointed Carbaugh, Davisson, Kirchhofer, Ziemke and Shackleford
3/8/2018 - House Conferees appointed Clere and Brown C
3/8/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/8/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Becker and Breaux
3/8/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Charbonneau, Stoops, Grooms and Bohacek
3/8/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 326: yeas 36, nays 12
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Bohacek) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Cosponsor: Senator Stoops
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Becker, Charbonneau and Grooms
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 161: yeas 91, nays 1
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Brown, C., Davisson, Ziemke
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Edward Clere
State Bill Page: HB1317
HB1319 SMALL LOANS AND UNSECURED CONSUMER INSTALLMENT LOANS (CARBAUGH M) Authorizes a lender that is licensed by the department of financial institutions (department) to make small loans under the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) to make unsecured consumer installment loans under the same license. Defines an "unsecured consumer installment loan" as a loan: (1) with a principal amount that is: (A) more than $605 and not more than $1,500; and (B) payable in three or more substantially equal periodic payments; and (2) in which the lender holds one or more checks of the borrower for a specific period, or receives the borrower's authorization to debit the borrower's account on one or more occasions for a specific period, before the lender deposits the check or debits the account. Amends the UCCC chapter governing small loans to establish the following with respect to unsecured consumer installment loans: (1) An authorized finance charge and monthly maintenance fee. (2) A $25 returned check fee. (3) Mandatory consumer disclosures, including the inclusion in the mandatory consumer pamphlet of information about the 211 telephone dialing code. (4) An annual fee assessed on lenders of $1,000 per license and $1,000 per Indiana branch location, for the department's use in supporting financial education programs. (5) A requirement that the loan term be at least three months but not more than 12 months. (6) Restrictions with respect to consecutive unsecured consumer installment loans. (7) Lending prohibitions based on a borrower's monthly gross income. (8) Provisions concerning a lender's duties upon payments made by a borrower. (9) Prohibitions against prepayment penalties and loan renewals. (10) Prohibitions against a borrower having: (A) a small loan and an unsecured consumer installment loan; or (B) more than one unsecured consumer installment; outstanding at the same time. (11) Permissible and prohibited remedies upon a borrower's default. (12) Remedies and damages for violations by licensees and unlicensed persons. (13) Prohibited acts by a lender. Removes from the chapter governing small loans and unsecured consumer installment loans provisions specifying a reference base index for use by the department in adjusting specified dollar amounts designated as subject to change. Makes conforming adjustments to specified dollar amounts in provisions concerning small loans.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/1/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/31/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Messmer, Houchin and Raatz
1/31/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 113: yeas 53, nays 41
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Representative McNamara
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 5
1/24/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Burton
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
State Bill Page: HB1319
HB1322 SMALL EMPLOYER EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HUSTON T) Provides that an employee of a small employer in a county in which a public health emergency has been declared under the syringe exchange program is entitled to access without cost to the same extent and on the same basis as a state employee any employee assistance program offered to state employees by the state personnel department. Requires the department of workforce development to pay the costs of providing these services using federal or state funds available to the department.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/23/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Heine, Klinker, Porter
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Todd Huston
State Bill Page: HB1322
HB1329 WORKFORCE INCLUSION AND OPPORTUNITY PILOT PROGRAM (CLERE E) Establishes a workforce inclusion and opportunity pilot program for the purpose of demonstrating a coordinated training program that provides training and other services to: (1) incumbent workers of participating employers to allow those workers to qualify for higher paying positions; and (2) unemployed or underemployed individuals, particularly people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, to allow those individuals to qualify for job openings created by incumbent workers taking new positions. Establishes a seven member task force to implement and administer the pilot program. Requires the task force to implement the pilot program not later than October 1, 2018. Appropriates to the task force from the skills enhancement training fund and the rehabilitation services fund amounts sufficient to provide: (1) grants to employers and providers of training and other services that are participating in the pilot program; (2) reimbursement of employer costs related to the hiring and training of new employees related to the pilot program; and (3) grants to incumbent workers of an employer participating in the pilot program to pay the costs related to the worker earning a portable, industry recognized certification or credential. Appropriates on July 1 each year, for the years 2018 and 2019, to a training institute for people with disabilities from the skills enhancement training fund $1,750,000 for curriculum development, operating expenses, and marketing expenses. Requires the Indiana economic development corporation to submit a report to the budget committee each year concerning the training institute's use of the money.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Edward Clere
State Bill Page: HB1329
HB1337 BENEFITS FOR INDEPENDENT WORKERS (DELANEY E) Requires one or more independent workers who want to establish a benefit group (group) to provide work-related benefits to group members to register with the department of labor (department) and file annual reports with the department commissioner summarizing the group's activities. Requires the group to establish an hourly rate or rates for payment of services performed by a group member, including in each hourly rate an amount attributable to each work-related benefit chosen by a group member, plus an amount, not to exceed 0.5%, attributable to the cost of administering that work-related benefit, unless the members approve a greater amount. Provides that amounts paid for work-related benefits and associated administrative costs are payable only from earned income. Provides that an independent worker who resigns membership in a group may not be required to sign a noncompete agreement. Establishes a benefit group council, consisting of a representative of each group, to recommend and administer the work-related benefits offered by the groups, including the receipt and remittance of amounts attributable to the work-related benefits and associated costs. Requires the council to file annual reports with the department commissioner summarizing the council's activities.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Edward DeLaney
State Bill Page: HB1337
HB1344 PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH DISCRIMINATION (SHACKLEFORD R) Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee who has a condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Requires an employer to provide reasonable employment accommodations for an employee who has a condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Requires the civil rights commission to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve complaints. Provides a right of action. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Engleman
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1344
HB1345 PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICING STUDY (SHACKLEFORD R) Urges the legislative council to assign to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services the task of studying issues related to prescription drug price transparency by drug manufacturers in Indiana.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Brown, C
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1345
HB1347 MAIL IN BALLOTS (KERSEY C) Requires that all elections be conducted by mail beginning with elections in 2022. Provides for the January 1, 2022, expiration of several provisions of the election Code that will be obsolete under a vote by mail system. Requires the interim study committee on elections to study the transition to a vote by mail system and propose necessary legislation to accomplish the transition.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Clyde Kersey
State Bill Page: HB1347
HB1348 ADMINISTRATIVE RULES FOR VETERANS' PROGRAMS (KERSEY C) Requires that, by May 1, 2018, each state agency must review veterans' programs the agency is required to administer by state law and adopt emergency rules for any programs that have not yet been implemented.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Torr
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Clyde Kersey
State Bill Page: HB1348
HB1357 COLLEGE REMEDIAL EDUCATION (PORTER G) Provides for the Hoosier student success initiative. Requires a state educational institution to develop a plan for students who are determined to need remedial education. Requires state educational institutions to develop a corequisite model under which a student concurrently enrolls in a remedial education course and a freshman level course in the same subject area for each subject area for which the student is referred for remedial course work. Provides that, not later than August 1, 2024, each state educational institution shall ensure that at least 75% of the state educational institution's students enrolled in remedial course work other than adult basic education or basic academic skills education are enrolled in remedial corequisite course work. Requires the commission for higher education (commission), in consultation with state educational institutions, to develop and provide professional development programs to faculty and staff who provide remedial course work. Requires each state educational institution to annually report to the commission on the success of the students and the effectiveness of the student success initiative. Requires, not later than November 1, 2020, and each November 1 thereafter, that the commission submit a report evaluating the success of the initiative on a statewide basis to the general assembly.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Gregory Porter
State Bill Page: HB1357
HB1363 ELIGIBILITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES (FORESTAL D) Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to compile a list of all employers that relocate a call center to a foreign country and to disqualify employers on that list from state grants, loans, and tax credits. Requires an employer receiving a state grant, loan, or tax credit to notify the IEDC if it intends to relocate a call center. Imposes a civil penalty on an employer that does not notify the IEDC.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Dan Forestal
State Bill Page: HB1363
HB1371 SPECIALIZED DRIVING PRIVILEGES (YOUNG J) Allows a court to stay a person's driving privileges suspension by not submitting the probable cause affidavit related to the person's offense to the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau) if the person indicates to the court, at the initial hearing, that the person intends to file a petition for a specialized driving privileges hearing. Provides that if the person does not file a petition for a specialized driving privileges hearing after seven days from the date of the initial hearing with the court, the court shall lift the stay of the person's suspension of driving privileges and shall submit the probable cause affidavit related to the person's offense to the bureau for automatic suspension. If a person files a petition for a specialized driving privileges hearing within the seven days, the stay of the driving privileges suspension continues until the matter is heard and a determination is made by the court at the specialized driving privileges hearing. Provides that the court must set a specialized driving privileges hearing, if requested, not later than 30 days after the initial hearing. Sets parameters for a person's driving privileges suspension due to delays caused by the court, the prosecuting attorney, and the person. Adds that a judge must inform a person that the person may request a specialized driving privileges hearing during an initial hearing when the person is charged with certain driving related offenses. Requires an individual with suspended driving privileges who seeks specialized driving privileges to file a petition for specialized driving privileges in the court that ordered or imposed the suspension.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By John Young
State Bill Page: HB1371
HB1382 STUDY OF PHARMACY DESERTS (BROWN C) Defines "pharmacy desert". Urges the legislative council to assign topics to a study committee concerning pharmacy deserts in rural and urban areas of Indiana.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House without amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 303: yeas 43, nays 6
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Lanane
2/26/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 5; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Ruckelshaus and Melton
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 154: yeas 88, nays 3
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/31/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Frizzell
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Olthoff and Hamm
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Charlie Brown
State Bill Page: HB1382
HB1388 PAID SICK LEAVE (LAWSON L) Provides that certain employers shall provide paid sick leave to employees of one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours of employment, up to a maximum of 40 hours of paid sick leave a year. Provides that the commissioner of labor shall enforce paid sick leave for employees and shall adopt rules to implement paid sick leave.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Linda Lawson
State Bill Page: HB1388
HB1390 EQUAL PAY; WAGE DISCLOSURE PROTECTION (LAWSON L) Provides that it is an unlawful employment practice to: (1) pay wages that discriminate based on sex for substantially similar work; (2) discharge, discipline, discriminate against, coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any employee or other person because the employee inquired about, disclosed, compared, or otherwise discussed the employee's wages; (3) require as a condition of employment nondisclosure by an employee of the employee's wages; or (4) require an employee to sign a waiver or other document that purports to deny the employee the right to disclose the employee's wage information. Provides that the civil rights commission has jurisdiction for the investigation and resolution of complaints of these employment actions.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Hamilton
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Olthoff and Taylor J
1/16/2018 - Authored By Linda Lawson
State Bill Page: HB1390
HB1411 NEW MARKETS HEALTHY FOOD ACCESS INVESTMENT CREDIT (SHACKLEFORD R) Establishes a new markets healthy food access investment credit against state tax liability for investments made by a taxpayer in a qualified community development entity that then uses the proceeds of the investment exclusively to make investments in qualified active low income community businesses for projects that increase the availability of and capacity to supply fresh and nutritious food in a low income area. Specifies that the tax credit is equal to an applicable percentage multiplied by the purchase price of the qualified investment. Requires a qualified community development entity to pay a nonrefundable application fee of $1,500 for each qualified equity investment that the qualified community development entity seeks to have approved by the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA). Requires the IHCDA to limit the monetary amount of qualified equity investments to an amount necessary to limit the claiming of the tax credit to not more than $3,000,000 in any state fiscal year (based on the anticipated use of the tax credits without regard to the potential for taxpayers to carry forward tax credits to later tax years). Provides that the IHCDA is required to issue letter rulings requested by taxpayers, similar to private letter rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service at the federal level, regarding the Indiana new markets tax credit. Makes an appropriation.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1411
HB1413 OVERTIME COMPENSATION FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES (HATFIELD R) Provides that, after December 31, 2018, certain employees must be paid compensation for employment in certain circumstances at a rate not less than 1.5 times the regular rate at which the employee is employed and, under certain circumstances, not less than two times the regular rate at which the employee is employed. Removes outdated language. Relocates language concerning the tip credit. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Ryan Hatfield
State Bill Page: HB1413
HB1426 EDUCATION MATTERS (BEHNING R) Urges the legislative council during the 2018 through 2020 interims to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to a school corporation's ability to provide adequate career counseling to students. Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one standard Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires the state board to create an alternate diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Requires the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Provides that the graduation examination shall be administered until the 2019-2020 school year. Provides that, for each school year beginning after June 30, 2021, a high school shall administer as part of the statewide assessment a nationally recognized college entrance exam. Eliminates the requirement of end of course assessments to be administered as part of the statewide assessment program. Provides that if the state board determines that no nationally recognized college entrance exam assesses a given high school subject that is required, the state board may select another type of assessment, including an end of course assessment, for that subject. Resolves a conflict in a provision that requires the state board to develop guidelines to assist secondary schools to identify students likely to require remediation. Eliminates a requirement that a student must take a college and career readiness examination if the student is identified under the guidelines developed by the state board to likely be in need of remediation. Provides that certain statewide assessments must use a scale score that will ensure the statewide assessment scores are comparable to assessment scoring used as part of the ISTEP program, before its expiration. Adds a provision to the list of purposes for which a charter school may limit new admissions to the charter school. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma. Makes conforming amendments. Specifies that certain provisions of SEA 354-2018 take effect upon passage instead of taking effect on July 1, 2018.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 415: yeas 71, nays 25; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (71-25)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Kruse and Melton
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Raatz, Mrvan, Zay and Spartz
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Behning and Austin
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Cook, Clere and Smith V
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 336: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Kruse) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Kruse) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Melton
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Kruse and Raatz
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 147: yeas 84, nays 5
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 143: yeas 21, nays 62
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeVon) prevailed; Roll Call 142: yeas 73, nays 12
2/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeLaney) failed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeVon) prevailed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Behning) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 20; Nays: 1
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Austin
1/29/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/23/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Cook
1/23/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robert Behning
State Bill Page: HB1426
HCR3 URGING THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL TO ASSIGN THE TOPIC OF REDUCING OVERT IDENTIFICATION OF FREE AND REDUCED PRICE LUNCH STUDENTS THROUGH ALTERNATE CHARGE AND MEAL POLICIES OF LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCIES TO T (SIEGRIST S) Urging the legislative council to assign the topic of reducing overt identification of free and reduced price lunch students through alternate charge and meal policies of local education agencies to the appropriate committee.
Current Status: 1/11/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Frye R, Olthoff, and Wright
1/4/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Olthoff, Frye R and Wright
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Sally Siegrist
State Bill Page: HCR3
SB1 SUNDAY CARRYOUT SALES (ALTING R) Allows the following to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout on Sunday from noon until 8 p.m.: (1) A package liquor store, grocery store, convenience store, or drug store. (2) A restaurant that satisfies the requirements to sell carryout. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the alcohol code revision commission.)
Current Status: 2/28/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 2/27/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/22/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 223: yeas 38, nays 10
2/22/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
2/22/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (38-10)
2/22/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/21/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Ober
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 187: yeas 82, nays 10
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative GiaQuinta
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 1
2/14/2018 - House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Policy
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Siegrist
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Smaltz
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 42: yeas 39, nays 10
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Amendment #1 (Tallian) failed; voice vote
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - Senate Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ron Alting
State Bill Page: SB1
SB4 DUTIES OF CORRECTIONS AND CRIMINAL CODE INTERIM STUDY COMMITTEE (BRAY R) Provides that the interim study committee on corrections and criminal code shall review current trends with respect to criminal behavior, sentencing, incarceration, and treatment and may: (1) identify particular needs of the criminal justice system that can be addressed by legislation; and (2) prepare legislation to address the particular needs found by the committee. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on corrections and criminal code.)
Current Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the Governor
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
3/6/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/27/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 188: yeas 94, nays 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Steuerwald
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/15/2018 - added as sponsor Representative Young J
2/15/2018 - removed as sponsor Representative Steuerwald
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Courts and Criminal Code, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/18/2018 - Referred to House
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Taylor G
1/16/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Steuerwald
1/16/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 12: yeas 40, nays 7
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/11/2018 - added as second author Senator Young M
1/11/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/11/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/9/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 1
1/9/2018 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rodric Bray
State Bill Page: SB4
SB11 ELIGIBILITY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE (BOHACEK M) Beginning July 1, 2019, removes the 12 month limitation on receipt by certain individuals of supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. Specifies that, beginning January 1, 2020, Indiana elects to opt out of the federal law prohibiting individuals convicted of certain drug offenses from receiving SNAP assistance if the individual meets specified conditions. Specifies that if the individual violates any terms of the probation, parole, community corrections, or reentry court program, the individual is ineligible for SNAP.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/14/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 95: yeas 41, nays 8
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Cook
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Reread second time: ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/25/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/22/2018 - added as third author Senator Ford
1/22/2018 - added as second author Senator Merritt
1/22/2018 - Reassign Reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/22/2018 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 68(b); reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/11/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/11/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Mike Bohacek
State Bill Page: SB11
SB15 WORKER CAREER ENHANCEMENT TAX CREDIT (RUCKELSHAUS J) Provides a credit against state tax liability for an employer of an employee earning the federal or state minimum wage who completes a career enhancement training program (program). Provides that the amount of the credit is 50% of the difference between the employee's annual compensation before and after the employee completes the program.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
1/4/2018 - added as third author Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB15
SB25 TERMINATION OF LOCAL DEFINED BENEFIT PLANS (BOOTS P) Requires the termination of a defined benefit plan sponsored by a political subdivision if the full actuarially determined contribution to the plan is not made for three consecutive years.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB25
SB29 PREKINDERGARTEN PILOT PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY (MELTON E) Removes the requirement that, for an eligible child to qualify for a grant under the prekindergarten pilot program, the eligible child reside with a parent or guardian who is: (1) working or attending a job training program or educational program; or (2) actively seeking employment. Removes a provision that allows priority for a grant to an eligible child whose parent or guardian is involved in: (1) activities that improve the parent's or guardian's education; or (2) job training.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Eddie Melton
State Bill Page: SB29
SB30 CHILD CARE HOME APPLICATION NOTICE AND COMMENT (NIEMEYER R) Requires the division of family resources to provide to the plan commission that has jurisdiction notice and opportunity to comment on a residential child care home licensure application.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
State Bill Page: SB30
SB50 GOVERNOR'S WORKFORCE CABINET (LONG D) Establishes the governor's workforce cabinet (cabinet). Specifies the membership and duties of the cabinet. Provides that the cabinet shall serve as the state advisory body required under certain federal laws. Provides that subject to the approval of the chairperson, the state personnel department, and the budget agency, the cabinet may employ professional, technical, and clerical personnel necessary to carry out its duties. Specifies that the cabinet is subject to the allotment system administered by the budget agency and financial oversight by the office of management and budget. Requires the cabinet to develop, not later than July 1, 2018, a comprehensive career navigation and coaching system for Indiana and requires all high schools to participate in the career coaching program. Requires the cabinet to conduct a regular review, analysis, and evaluation of all workforce related programs. Requires the cabinet to conduct a college and career funding review and submit, not later than November 1, 2018, to the governor and the legislative council a report concerning the results of the review. Requires the cabinet to study the advisability of establishing one or more real world career readiness programs that combine the theory of a particular career with workforce practice or application in order to provide students with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce and submit, not later than November 1, 2018, to the governor and the legislative council a report concerning the results of the study. Repeals the state workforce innovation council (council). Assigns the council's duties and obligations concerning postsecondary proprietary educational institution accreditation to the department of workforce development and all other council duties and obligations to the cabinet. Makes conforming amendments. Repeals obsolete definitions.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (67-29)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/12/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Niezgodski
3/12/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Niezgodski
3/12/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Tallian
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Huston and Austin
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Sullivan, Heine, Dvorak and Pryor
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Eckerty and Tallian
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Bassler, Niezgodski, Perfect and Ruckelshaus
3/6/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/6/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 312: yeas 96, nays 0
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Dvorak) prevailed; Roll Call 299: yeas 89, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Amendment #6 (Austin) prevailed; Roll Call 298: yeas 90, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Amendment #6 (Austin) prevailed;
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Sullivan) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (Huston) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Heine
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 18; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Austin
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/21/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Cook
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Glick
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Delph
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Huston
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 158: yeas 45, nays 3
2/6/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Niezgodski) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Niezgodski) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #5 (Taylor G) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Mishler) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Spartz
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 2
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/25/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Niemeyer, Grooms, Ford, Sandlin, Raatz, Crider, Brown L, Bassler, Messmer, Zakas, Bray, Walker, Buck, Doriot, Kruse, Charbonneau
1/22/2018 - added as third author Senator Perfect
1/22/2018 - added as second author Senator Head
1/22/2018 - added as author Senator Eckerty
1/22/2018 - removed as author Senator Long
1/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Long
State Bill Page: SB50
SB51 EXPUNGEMENT OF ADDICTION RELATED CONVICTIONS (LONG D) Establishes a procedure to permit a person: (1) with an addiction disorder related conviction; and (2) who has completed a high intensity residential treatment program; to expunge the person's addiction disorder related conviction.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - added as author Senator Crider
1/8/2018 - removed as author Senator Long
1/8/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Judiciary
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Long
State Bill Page: SB51
SB62 HOSPICES AND MEDICAID (BECKER V) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to retain a recipient who participates in the Medicaid risk based managed care program (program) on the program if the recipient is approved to receive hospice services without losing Medicaid coverage. Specifies certain Medicaid recipients may not participate in the Medicaid risk based managed care program. Requires reimbursement of the hospice provider through the program if the recipient participates in the program.
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 225: yeas 93, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsors Representatives Porter and Zent
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 96: yeas 49, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Bacon
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/29/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Tomes and Stoops
1/29/2018 - added as third author Senator Charbonneau
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Leising
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Vaneta Becker
State Bill Page: SB62
SB77 REDISTRICTING (LANANE T) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly must meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB77
SB78 DRIVING AUTHORITY PERMITS (LANANE T) Provides for the issuance of driving authority permits and driving authority learner's permits (permits) to residents of Indiana who cannot provide proof of identity and lawful status in the United States. Provides that permits may not be used for federal identification or any federal purposes. Requires that an individual who holds a permit and operates a motor vehicle must verify that financial responsibility on any motor vehicle that the holder operates is continuously maintained in the amounts required by law. Makes conforming amendments. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB78
SB79 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES (TANF) ELIGIBILITY (LANANE T) Sets the income eligibility requirements for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program at not more than 50% of the federal income poverty level. Requires the division of family resources to amend the state TANF plan or take any other action necessary to implement the income requirements. Increases certain payment amounts under the TANF program and requires the payments to be annually adjusted using the Social Security cost of living adjustment rate.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/10/2018 - added as author Senator Stoops
1/10/2018 - removed as author Senator Lanane
1/10/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB79
SB93 FAIR PAY IN EMPLOYMENT (BREAUX J) Provides that: (1) it is an unlawful employment practice to pay wages that discriminate based on sex, race, or national origin for the same or equivalent jobs; and (2) the civil rights commission has jurisdiction for investigation and resolution of complaints of these employment actions.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Alting
1/16/2018 - added as second author Senator Becker
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB93
SB95 LEGISLATIVE ETHICS (DELPH M) Provides that a lobbyist and certain persons associated with state educational institutions may not give a gift to a legislative person with certain stated exceptions. Requires a lobbyist who communicates with certain legislative persons to make a log of the communication. Requires a lobbyist to submit a copy of the communications log electronically to the lobby registration commission (commission) on a weekly basis. Requires a lobbyist to maintain a copy of written communications and an archived copy of certain electronic communications for four years. Provides that upon the request of the commission, a lobbyist shall provide the commission with an electronic copy of a communication that is required to be maintained or archived. Requires the commission to provide an electronic copy of any of those communications to any person who makes a request to inspect the communication. Repeals superseded statutes. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB95
SB96 VETERANS PILOT PROGRAM (DELPH M) Extends to 2020 the program that provides assistance for certain providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans. (Under current law, the program expires June 30, 2019.) Allows the state department of health to select and approve up to five providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans receiving treatment under the pilot program. (Under current law, only one provider may be selected and approved.) Requires providers to perform services at cost out of the grant amount awarded to the provider. Removes the restriction on when a veteran's injury occurred in order for the veteran to receive treatment under the pilot program. Requires providers to quarterly file a status report concerning the services provided by the provider with the state department of health and the department of veterans' affairs (department). Requires the department, in collaboration with the state department of health, to prepare a final report at the conclusion of the pilot program and transmit the report to the governor, the leadership of the legislative council, the chairperson of the house committee on veterans affairs and public safety, and the chairperson of the senate committee on veterans affairs and the military. Requires the final report to be made available on the department's Internet web site. Provides immunity for providers and supervising physicians of services provided under the pilot program.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 381: yeas 46, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 381: yeas 98, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (96-0)
3/13/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/7/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/5/2018 - House Advisors appointed Davisson, Soliday and Shackleford
3/5/2018 - House Conferees appointed Zent and Brown C
3/1/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Delph and Niezgodski
3/1/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Sandlin, Ford and Mrvan
3/1/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
2/28/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 227: yeas 97, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Brown, C
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Walker
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Frye and Burton
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Zent
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 160: yeas 47, nays 1
2/6/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse, Zakas, Alting
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Delph) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
2/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/10/2018 - added as third author Senator Charbonneau
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB96
SB102 SPOUSAL SUPPORT AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT (DELPH M) Adds to the list of factors that a court may consider when making findings concerning spousal maintenance. Allows a court to award spousal maintenance as appropriate, but not to exceed: (1) a period of time that equals the duration of the marriage; or (2) an annual amount, including child support obligations for any child of the marriage, equivalent to 40% of the payor spouse's annual salary. Allows a court to issue an educational support order until a child reaches 26 years of age.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB102
SB104 VETERANS' COURT FUND (DELPH M) Establishes the veterans' court fund. Requires the criminal justice institute (institute), the Indiana judicial center, and the department of veterans' affairs to coordinate to: (1) apply for local, state, and federal grants and other funding sources for the veterans' court fund; and (2) conduct an annual study to determine the number of veterans arrested in each county in Indiana. Requires the institute to report its findings and grant application progress to the legislative council. Urges the legislative council to assign to a study committee the topic of: (1) funding the expansion of veterans' courts throughout Indiana; and (2) continuing the funding of existing veterans' courts in Indiana. Amends the definition of "public safety" under the local income tax law to allow revenue allocated for public safety to be used for a veterans' court. Requires the study committee to issue a final report to the legislative council containing the study committee's findings and recommendations not later than November 1, 2018.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB104
SB109 SATELLITE VOTING (TAYLOR G) Allows a county election board to adopt a resolution by the majority vote of the board's entire membership in order to establish satellite locations for early voting. (Currently, a resolution to establish satellite voting locations must be adopted unanimously by the board.)
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Greg Taylor
State Bill Page: SB109
SB113 PAID EMPLOYEE LEAVE (RANDOLPH L) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee during the 2018 legislative interim the task of studying paid personal leave from employment.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Lonnie Randolph
State Bill Page: SB113
SB114 PROTECTIVE ORDERS AND EMPLOYMENT (RANDOLPH L) Provides that an employer may not discriminate against an employee with respect to compensation and benefits from the employer or terms and conditions of employment based on: (1) the employee's filing of a petition for a protective order, whether or not the protective order has been issued; or (2) the actions of an individual against whom the employee has filed a protective order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Lonnie Randolph
State Bill Page: SB114
SB115 TAX CREDIT FOR TEACHERS' CLASSROOM SUPPLIES (RANDOLPH L) Increases the income tax credit for an individual employed as a teacher for amounts expended on classroom supplies from $100 to $500 per taxable year.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Lonnie Randolph
State Bill Page: SB115
SB121 MINIMUM WAGE (MRVAN F) Increases the minimum wage paid to certain employees in Indiana as follows: (1) after June 30, 2019, from $7.25 an hour to $10 an hour; (2) after June 30, 2020, from $10 an hour to $13 an hour; and (3) after June 30, 2021, from $13 an hour to $15 an hour. Provides that after June 30, 2022, and each subsequent June 30, the hourly minimum wage increases at the same percentage as any increase in the Consumer Price Index for the preceding calendar year. Makes technical corrections and corresponding changes. Removes outdated language.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB121
SB129 FINAL DISPOSITION OF INDIGENT DECEDENT (BUCK J) Transfers the township trustee's responsibility for the final disposition of an indigent decedent to the county coroner. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By James Buck
State Bill Page: SB129
SB133 INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENTS (BOHACEK M) Requires public schools to provide curricular materials to students with an individualized education program at no cost to the student. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Mike Bohacek
State Bill Page: SB133
SB136 WORKFORCE READY GRANT (ZAKAS J) Provides that an applicant is eligible to receive a high value workforce ready noncredit-bearing grant if the applicant has been accepted for enrollment in a noncredit-bearing credential or similar program that offers a certification or credential upon completion that is approved by the department of workforce development. Provides that the credential or similar program may be offered by any public, private, or nonprofit entity, including a postsecondary educational institution. Provides that the noncredit-bearing credential or similar programs determined to be eligible for the high value workforce ready noncredit-bearing grant may not be limited to programs offered by a postsecondary educational institution.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/31/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as third author Senator Kruse
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Joseph Zakas
State Bill Page: SB136
SB142 MATERNAL MORTALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE (LEISING J) Requires the state department of health (state department) to establish a statewide maternal mortality review committee (committee) until June 30, 2023, and sets forth membership and duties of the committee. Specifies confidentiality of records reviewed by the committee. Requires a health care provider or health care facility that has a patient who dies of a maternal mortality to report the death to the committee and sets forth immunity provisions for the provider or facility. Allows the committee to review maternal morbidity cases. Specifies records to which the committee may have access. Requires the committee to submit a report to the state department before July 1 of each year concerning the committee's reviews and requires the state department to post the report on the state department's Internet web site and make the report available for public inspection. Provides civil and criminal immunity to committee members in discussing confidential matters before the committee.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 277: yeas 48, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/1/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (48-0)
3/1/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 194: yeas 92, nays 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Brown, C
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Olthoff
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/18/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Kirchhofer
1/18/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Engleman
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 25: yeas 49, nays 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Amendment #1 (Charbonneau) prevailed; voice vote
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - added as third author Senator Becker
1/9/2018 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jean Leising
State Bill Page: SB142
SB144 ABSENTEE VOTING (FORD J) Permits a voter who is qualified to vote in person to vote by absentee ballot. Removes all other qualifications for a voter to vote by absentee ballot except for a voter with disabilities who is unable to make a voting mark on the ballot or sign the absentee ballot secrecy envelope. (Such a disabled voter is currently required to vote before an absentee voter board.)
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jon Ford
State Bill Page: SB144
SB157 REAL WORLD CAREER READINESS PROGRAM (RUCKELSHAUS J) Establishes the real world career readiness program (program). Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall establish the program to provide a real world career readiness student with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce. Provides that the state board, in consultation with the department of workforce development, may create an authorized program, or approve high or moderate value career and technical education programs administered by one or more school corporations or charter schools. Provides that a real world career readiness student may attend an authorized program for a period of not more than one school year after the student's cohort's expected graduation year in order to obtain an industry recognized certification, credential, or postsecondary degree. Provides that a program must include an apprenticeship program, a cooperative program, or a work based learning program. Provides that a student may participate in an authorized program if the student: (1) participates in the Indiana career explorer program or curriculum or an alternative Internet based system and curriculum approved by the department of education, in consultation with the department of workforce development, that includes an aptitude assessment that demonstrates the student's aptitude, in a manner prescribed by the state board, on the aptitude assessment administered for the applicable field of study; or (2) meets alternative qualification requirements for the student's applicable field of study established by the state board in consultation with the department of workforce development. Provides that not later than July 1, 2019, each school corporation or charter high school, either solely, or in a cooperative or consortia with one or more school corporations or charter high schools, must participate in an authorized program beginning with a cohort with an expected graduation year of 2023. Provides that an eligible pupil, for purposes of calculating state tuition support, includes a student enrolled in a program.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 2/5/2018 - removed as coauthor Senator Crane
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Crane and Bassler
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/25/2018 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 2
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Senator Niezgodski
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB157
SB159 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (RUCKELSHAUS J) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Provides for appointment of four commission members by the legislative leadership. Establishes the redistricting commission nominating committee (committee) to receive applications from and evaluate applicants to fill the five remaining positions on the commission. Provides for selection of those five commission members from pools of applicants selected by the committee. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly must meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Becker
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/4/2018 - added as third author Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB159
SB166 REPORTING ON WORKER MISCLASSIFICATION (NIEZGODSKI D) Requires the state department of revenue (DOR), the state department of labor (DOL), the worker's compensation board of Indiana (WCB), and the department of workforce development (DWD) to report before November 1 of each year for three years, beginning November 1, 2018, to the interim study committee on employment and labor for the immediately preceding state fiscal year certain information. Requires DOR, WCB, and DWD to report: (1) the number of employers that each department or the board determined during the immediately preceding state fiscal year improperly classified at least one worker as an independent contractor; (2) the total number of improperly classified workers employed by those employers; (3) the department's or board's estimate of the revenue not collected or the additional costs to the state that the department or board attributes to the improperly classified workers; and (4) the amount of the penalties and interest assessed against those employers by each department or the board, and the amount of the penalties and interest assessed that has been collected. Requires DOL to report: (1) the number of reports of suspected worker misclassification received through DOL's tip web page; and (2) the number of those reports referred to other state departments or agencies.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/13/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/30/2018 - Referred to House
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Taylor J, Bacon and Forestal
1/23/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Morris
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 54: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Melton and Tallian
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Walker
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Niezgodski
State Bill Page: SB166
SB170 ELIGIBILITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES (NIEZGODSKI D) Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to compile a list of all employers that relocate a call center to a foreign country and to disqualify employers on that list from state grants, loans, and tax credits. Requires an employer receiving a state grant, loan, or tax credit to notify the IEDC if it intends to relocate a call center. Imposes a civil penalty on an employer that does not notify the IEDC.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Niezgodski
State Bill Page: SB170
SB172 COMPUTER SCIENCE (RAATZ J) Establishes the next level computer science grant program (program) and the next level computer science fund (fund) to award grants, after June 30, 2019, to eligible entities to implement teacher professional development programs for training in teaching computer science. Requires the department of education (department) to: (1) administer the program and fund; and (2) develop, in consultation with the governor's office, guidelines to award grants from the fund to eligible entities. Requires, not later than August 1, 2018, the state superintendent of public instruction to enter into a contract for professional development services. Requires the department to biannually submit a progress report to the governor regarding the: (1) development and administration of the program and fund; and (2) status of public schools in meeting computer science curriculum requirements. Provides that, if the department does not comply with the requirements regarding the program and fund, the state board of education shall assume the department's duties. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to offer a computer science course as a one semester elective course in its curriculum at least once each school year to high school students. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to include computer science in the public school's science curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 367: yeas 35, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/8/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/8/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (35-0)
3/8/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 306: yeas 94, nays 0
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/28/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 263: yeas 23, nays 66
2/28/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/28/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed;
2/28/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeLaney) failed; voice vote
2/28/2018 - Amendment #1 (DeLaney) failed; voice vote
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsors Representatives Cook and Burton
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Shackleford
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bassler
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Sullivan
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 100: yeas 48, nays 1
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/25/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Leising and Freeman
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB172
SB177 THE INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA (KRUSE D) Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Allows the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/12/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Burton, DeVon and Wesco
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Behning
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 165: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/31/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/31/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Raatz
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Dennis Kruse
State Bill Page: SB177
SB179 CHILD SUPPORT (BRAY R) Provides that incarceration of a parent may not be considered to be voluntary unemployment in determining an amount to be ordered for support of a child. Provides that a court may modify the child support order, or approve a proposed modification, without holding a hearing if: (1) a petition to modify a child support order based on incarceration of a party is filed; and (2) after receiving notice, no party files an objection or request for a hearing within 30 days. Requires the child support bureau (bureau), beginning July 1, 2019, to notify both parties of each party's right to request a modification of the child support order not later than fifteen (15) days after learning that an obligor in a Title IV-D case is or may be incarcerated for a period of at least one hundred eighty (180) calendar days. Requires a prosecuting attorney or private attorney entering into an agreement or a contract with the bureau to review all requests for modification of child support due to the incarceration of an obligor within an open Title IV-D case and, if appropriate, file a petition for modification of child support and proposed order in the appropriate court.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/7/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 357: yeas 45, nays 1
3/7/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/7/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (45-1)
3/7/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/6/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 277: yeas 92, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/28/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - House Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to House
2/5/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Mayfield
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 130: yeas 48, nays 0
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/23/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Rodric Bray
State Bill Page: SB179
SB187 CHILD CARE (HOLDMAN T) Specifies civil penalties for violations by child care providers of safe sleep related requirements. Requires deposit of all civil penalties in the division of family resources child care fund. Specifies that a child care ministry registration expires two years after issuance. Provides an administrative procedure for child care ministry application and registration denial, suspension, and revocation. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/28/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Summers
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate without amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 232: yeas 96, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Olthoff
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/24/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Mahan
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse
1/23/2018 - added as second author Senator Houchin
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 57: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (First Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Travis Holdman
State Bill Page: SB187
SB189 K-12 FUNDING (MISHLER R) Requires the budget agency to transfer from the K-12 state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to cover the K-12 state tuition distribution amount if it exceeds the appropriated amount. Limits the transfer to $25,000,000 in state fiscal year 2017-2018 and $75,000,000 for state fiscal year 2018-2019. Requires school corporations to report information about virtual education programs to the department of education.
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 3/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 279: yeas 93, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/28/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 22; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/13/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Raatz
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Crane
1/22/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Jordan, Pressel and Olthoff
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Siegrist
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 35: yeas 49, nays 0
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Alting, Charbonneau, Bassler, Ford, Merritt, Tallian, Melton, Zakas, Brown L
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/11/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/11/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ryan Mishler
State Bill Page: SB189
SB191 TOWNSHIP CEMETERY OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE (BUCK J) Transfers from townships to counties the current provisions concerning cemetery establishment, ownership, and maintenance. Requires townships to transfer to the county in which the township is located cemetery related property and responsibilities before January 1, 2019.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By James Buck
State Bill Page: SB191
SB193 STUDY COMMITTEE ON PREGNANT WOMEN AND HIP (BREAUX J) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact of having a pregnant woman who is participating in the healthy Indiana plan (HIP) receive pregnancy services under HIP instead of moving the pregnant woman to the Hoosier Healthwise Medicaid program.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB193
SB196 ELIMINATION OF ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS OF ASSESSED VALUES (NIEMEYER R) Eliminates the annual adjustments (or "trending") to assessed values of certain real property for assessment dates beginning after December 31, 2018. Does not eliminate trending for agricultural land. Retains the provisions in current law that require four year cyclical reassessments. Makes conforming changes. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
State Bill Page: SB196
SB204 VETERANS EDUCATIONAL MATTERS (FREEMAN A) Excludes from the determination of financial eligibility for need based financial aid certain benefits received by veteran students. Provides for state educational institution students who are members of the Indiana National Guard or the reserves and are called to active duty during an academic term to receive: (1) a tuition refund or credit; or (2) reenrollment in courses not completed due to active duty status.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - added as second author Senator Glick
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Aaron Freeman
State Bill Page: SB204
SB205 SCHOOL CHOICE SCHOLARSHIPS (FREEMAN A) Provides that, if an eligible choice scholarship student (student) leaves an eligible school during the school year and transfers during the same school year to a different eligible school that has a choice scholarship available for that eligible school, the student may use the amount remaining of the choice scholarship awarded to the student for that school year to pay the tuition at the eligible school to which the student has transferred for the remainder of the school year. Provides that the student may not use the amounts if the student has previously transferred eligible schools during that same school year. Provides that any amounts distributed may not exceed the cost of tuition at the eligible school to which the student transfers.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - added as second author Senator Crane
1/25/2018 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Aaron Freeman
State Bill Page: SB205
SB213 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION FOR AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING (ECKERTY D) Provides a property tax exemption for affordable rental housing property when the property does not otherwise qualify for a property tax exemption. Provides that, in order to qualify for the exemption, the owner must meet the criteria applied by the Internal Revenue Service in determining if an organization that provides low income housing is considered charitable because it relieves the poor and distressed.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Clere
2/21/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Tallian
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Negele
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 169: yeas 45, nays 3
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/30/2018 - added as second author Senator Niemeyer
1/30/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 1
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Douglas Eckerty
State Bill Page: SB213
SB228 DRIVING CARDS (NIEZGODSKI D) Provides for the issuance of driving cards and driving card learner's permits (cards) to residents of Indiana who cannot provide proof of identity and lawful status in the United States. Provides that cards may not be used for federal identification or any federal purposes. Requires that an individual who holds a card and operates a motor vehicle must verify that financial responsibility on any motor vehicle that the holder operates is continuously maintained in the amounts required by law. Makes conforming amendments. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Niezgodski
State Bill Page: SB228
SB231 TOWNSHIP PROPERTY TAXES (RUCKELSHAUS J) Specifies that when formulating an annual budget, a township must consider: (1) the ending balance that will remain in each township fund relative to the budgeted expenditures from the fund; and (2) whether the part of the balance in excess of 10% of budgeted expenditures should be used instead of imposing additional property taxes for the ensuing year. Requires the department of local government finance to consider those factors when reviewing a township's budget, tax rate, and tax levy.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB231
SB232 ACCESS TO NUTRITIOUS FOOD PROGRAM (RUCKELSHAUS J) Establishes the access to nutritious food program (program) under the administration of the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA). Provides that the purpose of the program is to focus on: (1) distribution of fresh and nutritious food; and (2) education in food preparation and nutrition in food deserts. Defines "food desert". Requires the IHCDA to convene an annual meeting to share best practices and information concerning effective programs and submit an annual report to the lieutenant governor and legislative council.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/15/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Crane, Ford, Kruse, Lanane
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Sullivan, Shackleford and Summers
1/23/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Mahan
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 60: yeas 46, nays 3
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/22/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (Ruckelshaus) prevailed; voice vote
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Stoops
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Bohacek
1/18/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (First Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB232
SB242 STATE AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION (HOLDMAN T) Provides that the lottery commission must obtain a tax clearance statement from the department of state revenue (DOR) for a retailer before the lottery commission may enter into a contract with that retailer. Repeals the riverboat admissions tax provisions scheduled to expire July 1, 2018. Reorganizes the supplemental wagering tax law. Specifies that gaming activity information shall be reported to the gaming commission daily. Provides that taxes withheld from riverboat and racino winnings are due on a monthly basis rather than the day after the winnings are paid. Provides that money in the Indiana horse racing commission operating fund is continuously appropriated for the purposes of the fund. Changes reporting and remitting requirements of the slot machine wagering tax. Changes the allocation for adjusted gross receipts of slot machine wagering. Repeals the establishment of an investment product for the public employee deferred compensation plan and an alternative investment program for the annuity savings account of public employee retirement plans. Eliminates the maritime opportunity district property tax deduction for new manufacturing equipment installed in a district after June 30, 2018. Provides a sales tax exemption for certain property purchased and used by a person that manufactures hot mix asphalt at an asphalt plant. Provides that the DOR may require that certain information be provided or updated before the issuance or renewal of a registered retail merchant's certificate. Delays until July 1, 2019, the effective date of provisions concerning the sales taxation of the renting of rooms, lodgings, and accommodations for which a facilitator accepts payment. Makes various changes to the state income tax laws, including conformance with the latest version of the Internal Revenue Code, the net operating loss carryover period, the earned income tax credit, the calculation of income tax rates when two different rates are in effect during the taxpayer's taxable year, tax due dates, refund claims, and income tax preparer requirements. Provides that the reduced tax rate for a corporation in a qualified military enhancement area applies only to a corporation that locates all or part of its operations in an area before January 1, 2019. Provides that a county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to impose (within the local income tax expenditure rate) a tax rate for correctional facilities and rehabilitation facilities in the county. Provides that the Jasper County local income tax adopting body may adopt an ordinance to provide that property taxes imposed due to a referendum, adopted before July 1, 2015, are eligible for the property tax relief rate credit if the credit was applied before January 1, 2017. Requires state and local employees, contractors, and subcontractors whose duties include access to confidential tax information to submit to and update background checks. Revises a statute concerning the investment of proceeds from the sale of the Montgomery County hospital. Allows a petition to be filed with the department of local government finance by the North Spencer school corporation requesting a modified maximum operations fund levy for 2019. Requires a member of a redevelopment commission to annually present certain information to the governing body of every school corporation with territory within an allocation area. Requires, for a territory that was annexed by a municipality after June 1, 1976, and before March 4, 1988, one-half of the property taxes attributable to property taxes imposed by the park and recreation district on property that is within the annexed territory to be transferred to the annexing municipality's parks and recreation department. Changes the date that the trustees of Ivy Tech Community College may issue and sell bonds for the Kokomo campus renovation and addition and the Muncie campus renovation and addition. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Tallian
3/14/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Tallian
3/14/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Stoops
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Huston, Thompson, Leonard, Cherry, DeLaney and Pryor
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Brown T and Porter
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Holdman and Stoops
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Houchin, Tallian, Perfect and Zay
3/6/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/6/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 313: yeas 81, nays 14
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Brown T) prevailed; Division of the House: yeas 49, nays 43
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Thompson) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Thompson) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 16; Nays: 7
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Huston
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Brown T
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 173: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Holdman) prevailed;
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Travis Holdman
State Bill Page: SB242
SB245 COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAM (KOCH E) Establishes a state income tax credit for employers who contribute to employees' 529 education savings accounts. Limits the credit to $100 per employee. Allows taxpayers to designate an income tax refund to a 529 education savings account. Requires the Indiana education savings authority to make a contribution to 529 education savings accounts of lower income account owners in the amount of the lesser of: (1) the amount the account owner contributed minus the amount the account owner withdrew from the account in the previous calendar year; or (2) $250. Makes an annual appropriation from the state general fund to reimburse the Indiana education savings authority for the contributions made.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Eric Koch
State Bill Page: SB245
SB249 IMPROPER WORKER CLASSIFICATION (MRVAN F) Authorizes the department of state revenue, the department of labor, the worker's compensation board, and the department of workforce development to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of records and to question witnesses under oath when conducting an investigation of any suspected improper worker classification by a construction contractor. Allows the worker's compensation board to issue a stop work order as an additional remedy against an employer that does not have the required insurance and has not furnished satisfactory proof of self-insurance. Provides that service of a stop work order on a worksite is effective as to the employer's operations on that worksite, and that service of a stop work order on an employer is effective as to all of the employer's worksites where the employer has not complied with the insurance or self-insurance requirements. Provides a civil penalty of $1,000 for each day an employer violates a stop work order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB249
SB250 ABSENTEE VOTING (MRVAN F) Permits a voter who is qualified to vote in person to vote by absentee ballot. Removes all other qualifications for a voter to vote by absentee ballot except for a voter with disabilities who is unable to make a voting mark on the ballot or sign the absentee ballot secrecy envelope. (Such a disabled voter is currently required to vote before an absentee voter board.)
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/6/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Kersey
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Richardson
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 37: yeas 39, nays 10
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/11/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/11/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/10/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Breaux, Lanane, Melton, Niezgodski, Randolph, Stoops, Tallian, Taylor G
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Ford
1/8/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/8/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 0;
1/8/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB250
SB253 REGISTRY OF EMPLOYERS PREFERRING VETERANS (MRVAN F) Requires the Indiana department of workforce development to establish and maintain a registry of private employers, local units of governments, and labor unions in Indiana that have a voluntary veterans' preference employment policy.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB253
SB254 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY (MRVAN F) Adds various job and employee definitions to the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) laws. Requires that all records related to taxpayer funded economic development incentives must be disclosed under the open records law. Requires that the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report must be published on the Indiana transparency portal Internet web site. Requires the IEDC and the department of state revenue to compile information on all job creation incentives granted, including the total amount of uncollected or diverted state tax revenues resulting from each incentive, and requires that this information must be included as part of the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report. Requires the IEDC to recapture job creation incentives from a recipient that: (1) fails to make the level of capital investment; (2) fails to create or retain the promised number of jobs; or (3) pays less in wages; than specified in an incentive agreement. Requires the IEDC to compile information on all recapture activities and incentives recouped from unfulfilled commitments and to include the information as part of the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report. Requires incentive recipients to prepare an annual compliance report on the number of jobs created or retained, employee pay, and various other information concerning the use of the incentives, and requires the IEDC to compile this information and include it in the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report. Repeals and replaces the definition of "job creation incentive" without change to maintain alphabetical order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB254
SB259 MOTOR VEHICLE MATTERS (HEAD R) Prohibits the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau) from suspending the driving privileges of a person who provides proof of financial responsibility but did not the own the motor vehicle that the person was operating at the time of the accident or violation. Repeals the law allowing the bureau to suspend a person's driving privileges for certain offenses. Specifies conditions for suspension of driving privileges for convictions of certain offenses in other states. Provides that a person arrested or charged on probable cause of operating a vehicle while intoxicated is not required to provide proof of future financial responsibility until the person is convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Specifies that a person must petition for specialized driving privileges in each court that has ordered the suspension of the person's driving privileges. Requires the bureau to withhold disclosure of a moving traffic violation if the action is dismissed, the person is acquitted, or the action is vacated. Provides that this requirement does not apply to a moving traffic violation of an individual who holds a commercial driver's license.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Randall Head
State Bill Page: SB259
SB276 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS (BASSLER E) Provides that if a redevelopment commission outside Marion County wishes to establish a tax increment financing (TIF) area after December 31, 2018, a unit (county, city, town, or township) or school corporation that is located wholly or partly within a proposed TIF area may elect whether to participate in the TIF area. Provides that after December 31, 2018, each taxing unit that is located wholly or partly in a TIF area is bound by the terms of the TIF area until the TIF area expires, except for those units and school corporations that do not elect to participate in the TIF area.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Eric Bassler
State Bill Page: SB276
SB277 RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION FROM WORKER'S COMPENSATION (BASSLER E) Provides for an exemption from worker's compensation and occupational diseases coverage for a member of certain religious sects or a division of a religious sect who meets certain requirements and obtains a certificate of exemption (certificate) from the worker's compensation board (board). Provides that, if an employee for whom a certificate is issued no longer meets the requirements for a certificate, the employee and the employee's employer are required to notify the board in writing. Requires the employer to provide worker's compensation and occupational diseases coverage for that employee beginning on the date of the notice.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Eric Bassler
State Bill Page: SB277
SB282 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (BOOTS P) Requires the state board of education, when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Requires the state workforce innovation council, not an advisory committee, to approve all applicable federal and state workforce related programs. Defines apprenticeship program and work based learning course for career and technical education purposes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB282
SB283 VETERANS MATTERS (BOOTS P) Provides for a tax credit against a qualified veteran's adjusted gross income tax liability each taxable year to a qualified veteran who rents a dwelling as a principal place of residence equal to 10% of the rent paid by the qualified veteran during the taxable year. Requires the Indiana veterans' affairs commission, in collaboration with the state personnel department and the department of workforce development, to recruit active military service personnel during the final six months of their military service to live and work in Indiana at the conclusion of their miliary service.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB283
SB290 WORKER'S COMPENSATION (FORD J) Establishes a time frame for the payment of compensation under a settlement agreement, a permanent partial impairment agreement, and an award of compensation ordered by a single hearing member of the worker's compensation board (board). Provides that an employer that fails to make a timely payment is subject to a civil penalty. Requires an employer that has mobile or remote employees to convey information about worker's compensation coverage to the employer's employees in an electronic format or in the same manner as the employer conveys other employment related information. Allows the electronic filing of certain documents with the board. Provides that a permanently, totally disabled worker must reapply to the second injury fund for a wage replacement benefit every three years instead of every 150 weeks. Requires the reporting of workplace injuries needing medical attention beyond first aid instead of injuries causing an absence from work for more than one day. Provides that reporting requirements for workplace injuries are intended to be consistent with the recording requirements set out in the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration's regulations. Changes from $50 per employee to $100 per day the civil penalty for an employer's failure to provide proof of worker's compensation coverage. Revises the definition of employer to include corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and other entities that have common control and ownership. Makes conforming amendments for occupational diseases compensation. Establishes the assigned risk plan (plan) administered by the worker's compensation rating bureau (bureau). Provides that the plan may be substantially modified or eliminated only as the general assembly provides by statute. Removes the requirement for representation in the management of the bureau by stock companies and nonstock companies. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying increases to the benefit schedules for worker's compensation and occupational diseases compensation.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 346: yeas 49, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/6/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (49-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/1/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/19/2018 - Amendment #1 (Lehman) prevailed; voice vote
2/19/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 183: yeas 96, nays 0
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Moseley
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/15/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/15/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/13/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/13/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/13/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/30/2018 - Referred to House
1/29/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Lehman
1/29/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 84: yeas 47, nays 2
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/25/2018 - Amendment #2 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
1/25/2018 - Amendment #1 (Ford) prevailed; voice vote
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse
1/23/2018 - added as third author Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - added as second author Senator Tallian
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jon Ford
State Bill Page: SB290
SB291 EXPUNGEMENTS (YOUNG M) Provides that the court shall order the central repository for criminal history information maintained by the state police department to seal a person's expunged conviction records for a misdemeanor or Class D and Level 6 felony conviction including information related to: (1) an arrest or offense in which no conviction was entered and that was committed as part of the same episode of criminal conduct as the case ordered expunged; and (2) any other references to matters related to the case that was ordered expunged. Establishes a method for a person to expunge a protective order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Michael Young
State Bill Page: SB291
SB297 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS CURRICULUM (RAATZ J) Provides that the department of workforce development will establish standards that provide students with career and college planning resources under the Indiana career explorer program and standards. (Current law provides that the department of workforce development will establish curriculum under the Indiana career explorer program and curriculum.) Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, each school within a school corporation shall include interdisciplinary employability skills standards established by the department of education (department), in conjunction with the department of workforce development and approved by the state board of education, in the school's curriculum. Provides that, if the department determines that the pilot program for instruction in and use of the Indiana career explorer program and standards should be extended, the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development, must increase the number of schools involved in the pilot program by at least 15 additional schools, if possible based on the interest from schools. Provides that the state board of education, in consultation with the department and the department of workforce development, may approve an alternative Internet based system and standards (Current law provides that the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development may approve alternative Internet based system and standards.) Establishes the work ethic certificate program (program). Requires the department of workforce development to administer the program.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 278: yeas 46, nays 2
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/1/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (46-2)
3/1/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/27/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative McNamara
2/27/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
2/27/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 210: yeas 97, nays 0
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (DeLaney) failed; voice vote
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsors Representatives Stemler, Jordan, Cook
2/19/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/15/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/15/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Sullivan
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 177: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
2/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB297
SB301 CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECKS FOR HOME HEALTH WORKERS (RAATZ J) Provides that an expanded criminal history check may be used instead of certain background checks and criminal history checks for home health care workers. Prohibits an expanded criminal history check to include certain criminal history information. Provides that an expanded criminal history check satisfies the division of aging's criminal history requirements.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 347: yeas 49, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/6/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (49-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 241: yeas 90, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Bauer
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Thompson
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 40: yeas 49, nays 0
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/16/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/11/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/11/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB301
SB303 VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS (RAATZ J) Amends dates for the following: (1) The submission of reports regarding the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in an alternative education program. (2) Student enrollment and attendance and grant distributions regarding alternative education program grants. (3) A school corporation's count of pupils in homebound programs. (4) The submission of reports to the department of education (department) concerning scholarships awarded by a scholarship granting organization in the previous school year. Provides that an expanded child protection index check for an applicant for employment with a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school: (1) must be conducted for Indiana; and (2) may be conducted for other states. Specifies that a criminal history information policy adopted by a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school must state that the school corporation or school requires an expanded criminal history check concerning an employee of the school corporation or school who is likely to have direct, ongoing contact with children within the scope of the employee's employment (instead of any employee). Amends requirements and defines "appropriate vehicle" with regard to the types of vehicles a school corporation may use to transport homeless students to a school of origin. Provides that the same requirements apply to the transport of students in foster care to a school of origin. Provides that a school corporation may provide summer school educational services through an online provider. Voids 511 IAC 12-2-2, which pertains to reimbursements from the department for summer school. Amends the conditions that must apply for an original school corporation and a transitional school corporation to be required to enter into an agreement concerning the responsibility for and apportionment of the costs of transporting a foster student to and from a school of origin. Provides that, to drive a school bus, an individual must have a depth perception of at least 80% or 48 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis. (Current law requires an individual to have a depth perception of at least 80% or 33 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis.) Removes a provision that requires school corporations to conduct an additional cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs for informational purposes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 403: yeas 86, nays 0; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (85-0)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 403: yeas 47, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Behning and Klinker
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Thompson, Frye R and Smith V
3/6/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Raatz and Melton
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Kruse, Stoops, Zay and Brown L
3/6/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 315: yeas 96, nays 0
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Errington) failed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Frye R) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Behning) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Thompson
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Behning
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 178: yeas 45, nays 3
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB303
SB308 MINIMUM WAGE (TALLIAN K) Increases the state minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $11.31 an hour. Eliminates the tip credit in determining the minimum wage paid to a tipped employee. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SB308
SB309 FAMILY LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAM (TALLIAN K) Requires the department of insurance to establish, not later than January 1, 2019, a family leave insurance program (program) for the purpose of providing benefits to employees who elect to participate in the program. Requires that: (1) the program be voluntary for both employers and employees; (2) both employers and employees make contributions to the program to fund benefits; (3) employee contributions be made by payroll deduction; (4) the benefit eligibility requirements established for the program include, at a minimum, the requirements that qualify an employee for leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act; and (5) an employee have the option to select whether the employee's benefit is equal to 100%, 75%, or 50 % of the employee's salary and the number of weeks that a benefit will be paid. Requires the department of insurance to develop the program with the assistance of and in coordination with the department of labor. Requires the department of insurance, not later than November 1, 2018, to submit a report to the legislative council and the budget committee concerning the proposed program. Establishes the family leave insurance program trust fund (trust fund) for the purpose of paying program benefits. Transfers and appropriates the balance in the political subdivision risk management fund to the trust fund.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SB309
SB314 STUDENT MEALS AND LUNCH SHAMING (STOOPS M) Requires public schools, charter schools, and nonpublic schools that participate in the national school lunch program or national school breakfast program, or both, to provide a meal that meets the reimbursable meal requirements established by the United States Department of Agriculture to a student if: (1) the student requests a meal; and (2) the student's parent or guardian has not submitted a written request that the school not serve the student a meal. Prohibits the schools from the following: (1) Requiring a student to dispose of a meal because of the student's inability to pay for the meal or the student owes meal debt for previous meals. (2) Publicly identifying or stigmatizing a student of the school who is unable to pay for a meal or owes a meal debt. (3) Requiring a student of the school who is unable to pay for a meal or owes a meal debt to perform chores or other work for the purposes of paying for the meal or meal debt. Requires the schools to take certain actions if a student owes money to the school for more than four meals.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Mark Stoops
State Bill Page: SB314
SB321 MEDICAID RATE FOR CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SERVICES (BREAUX J) Requires Medicaid reimbursement for the provision of inpatient substance abuse detoxification services at a per diem rate that factors in the average length of stay for a patient for the reimbursed diagnosis related group.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB321
SB324 ABSENTEE VOTING AT SATELLITE OFFICES (BREAUX J) Requires a county to establish at least one satellite office in the county for voters to vote by absentee ballot.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB324
SB325 SMALL LOAN FINANCE CHARGES (WALKER G) Changes the current incremental finance charge limits that apply to a small loan to a maximum annual rate. Prohibits certain acts with respect to financing of a small loan and makes a violation a deceptive act and subject to penalties.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Messmer
1/29/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse and Becker
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Melton
1/16/2018 - added as second author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB325
SB326 REDISTRICTING STANDARDS (WALKER G) Establishes redistricting standards for congressional and state legislative districts. Provides that the initial proposed plans for congressional and state legislative districts must comply with the redistricting standards. Allows the general assembly, during the process by which the initial proposed plans become effective by being enacted as a law, to consider and adopt modifications to the initial proposed plans that deviate from the redistricting standards as long as the reason or reasons for each deviation are publicly explained and documented.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Bauer
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Becker and Bohacek
2/5/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Richardson and Judy
2/5/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Smith M
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 140: yeas 42, nays 6
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Breaux) failed; Roll Call 77: yeas 10, nays 39
1/29/2018 - Amendment #3 (Lanane) failed; Roll Call 76: yeas 9, nays 40
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Breaux) failed;
1/29/2018 - Amendment #3 (Lanane) failed;
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/25/2018 - added as third author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Head
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/22/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/22/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB326
SB329 ELECTION DAY REGISTRATION AT CENTRAL LOCATION (WALKER G) Permits a county election board in a county that has established a board of registration and is a vote center county to adopt an order to allow a person who is not registered to vote to register and vote on election day at a central location in the jurisdiction where the election is being held by completing a voter registration form and an affirmation that the person has not voted elsewhere in the election and by providing proof of residence.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Bohacek
1/22/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB329
SB343 VETERANS EDUCATION BENEFITS (MRVAN F) Provides that a student who is eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the student is a child of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Provides that if the Indiana department of veterans' affairs approves a request for a determination of eligibility for a person after the person initially enrolls in a state educational institution (institution) and while the person is attending the institution, the determination of eligibility shall be made retroactive to the date of submission to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs of the application to recognize the person's mother's or father's service related death or disability. Provides that the applicant may receive a refund equal to the amount of the tuition and fees paid to the institution by the applicant. Repeals a provision that limits the tuition exemption amount for a child of a veteran who served in the armed forces after June 30, 2011, based on the percentage of the parent's disability rating. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - added as second author Senator Glick
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB343
SB344 SCRATCH OFF TICKETS TO BENEFIT VETERANS (MRVAN F) Requires the state lottery commission, in collaboration with a vendor contracted for a major procurement, to design or designate a scratch off game to benefit Indiana veterans. Deposits a part of surplus revenue from sales of tickets for the scratch off game into the veterans homelessness assistance fund. Establishes the veterans homelessness assistance fund. Requires the department of veterans' affairs to adopt administrative rules for: (1) oversight of; and (2) the awarding of grants to qualified entities from; the veterans homelessness assistance fund.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB344
SB345 USE OF CREDIT INFORMATION IN INSURANCE (TAYLOR G) Prohibits an insurer's use of credit information in underwriting or rating risks. Repeals obsolete provisions.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Taylor
State Bill Page: SB345
SB353 STUDY TOPICS (KRUSE D) Urges the legislative council to assign to an interim study committee the tasks of studying issues related to: (1) the establishment of a regional development tax credit; (2) inclusion of property assessed as residential in a property tax allocation area; and (3) certified technology parks.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 350: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/6/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (49-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 245: yeas 94, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 1
2/20/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Zakas
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Morris, Lehman and GiaQuinta
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Heine
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 181: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Stoops and Randolph
1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Raatz
1/23/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Dennis Kruse
State Bill Page: SB353
SB356 BROADBAND GRANTS FOR UNSERVED AREAS (HOUCHIN E) Authorizes the office of community and rural affairs (office) to award grants to qualified broadband providers in connection with qualified broadband projects involving the deployment of infrastructure to provide qualified broadband service in unserved areas in Indiana. Defines "qualified broadband service" as a connection to the Internet at an average speed of at least ten 10 megabits per second downstream and at least one megabit per second upstream, regardless of the technology used. Defines an "unserved area" as a geographic area in Indiana in which there is not at least one provider of terrestrial broadband service at the designated speeds. Provides that grants shall be made from the rural economic development fund. Provides that in awarding grants, the office shall give priority to qualified broadband projects proposed for unserved areas in which at least 85% of the total population is without access to qualified broadband service: (1) as of the date of the grant application; and (2) as determined by the Federal Communications Commission in its annual Broadband Progress Report. Requires the office to: (1) publish on its Internet web site all grant applications received; and (2) for each application received, establish a period of at least thirty 30 days from the date of publication, during which time the office will accept comments or objections concerning the application. Sets forth factors that the office must consider in determining whether to award a grant. Sets forth conditions that apply to the awarding of grants. Requires the office to adopt guidelines to implement these provisions and authorizes the office to collaborate with state agencies and political subdivisions in adopting the guidelines and administering grants. Requires the office to annually submit to the general assembly a report that includes specified information on grants awarded and progress made in the deployment of broadband infrastructure in unserved areas. Requires the state board of accounts to conduct, every three years, an audit on the awarding of grants. Prohibits the office from disclosing information designated as confidential or proprietary business information by a grant applicant or recipient.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/21/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Glick and Holdman
2/6/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse and Taylor G
2/6/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Ober
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Negele
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 182: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Delph, Leising, Messmer, Tomes
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Utilities
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Erin Houchin
State Bill Page: SB356
SB360 PERINATAL LEVELS OF CARE DESIGNATION CERTIFICATION (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires the state department of health to establish a program to certify perinatal levels of care designations for licensed hospitals and birthing centers that provide birthing services. Specifies requirements that must be met in order to operate as a perinatal center. Allows perinatal centers to perform peer review for the perinatal center, other hospitals, and other birthing centers that provide birthing services.
Current Status: 3/7/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/27/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 203: yeas 95, nays 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Shackleford
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Bacon
1/23/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Kirchhofer
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 64: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Becker
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Ed Charbonneau
State Bill Page: SB360
SB363 FSSA MATTERS (CHARBONNEAU E) Corrects outdated references to the "division of aging and rehabilitative services" to refer instead to the "division of disability and rehabilitative services". Removes references to home care services from the long term care ombudsman program. Removes the requirement that the long term care ombudsman (ombudsman) report the findings of the long term care ombudsman office (office) to the complainant. Allows the office to disclose records, documents, and findings of an investigated case to certain individuals with the informed consent of the resident of the long term care facility or the resident's legal guardian. Specifies the manner in which consent can be given by a resident. Specifies information to which the ombudsman shall be given access by a long term care facility. Changes the persons that must be provided with the ombudsman's annual report. Requires the office to provide independent legal counsel to the ombudsman for specified matters. Specifies grievances and complaints that must be addressed by the office. Repeals language concerning: (1) the admission and placement requirements concerning Evansville State Psychiatric Treatment Center; (2) state institution wage agreements; and (3) a statistical report requirement concerning state institutions.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 386: yeas 48, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 385: yeas 97, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (97-0)
3/13/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Bacon and Brown C
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Kirchhofer and Shackleford
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Charbonneau and Breaux
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Head, Stoops and Ruckelshaus
3/7/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 246: yeas 96, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Amendment #1 (Kirchhofer) prevailed; voice vote
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Shackleford
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Cook
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Head
1/18/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Bacon
1/18/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Kirchhofer
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 30: yeas 49, nays 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Ed Charbonneau
State Bill Page: SB363
SB364 INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR K-12 EDUCATION DONATIONS (MELTON E) Provides a 50% income tax credit to donors who donate to a public school foundation. Sets forth standards that apply to taking the credit and to public school foundations that receive contributions. Limits the total credits that may be claimed during a state fiscal year using a three year phase in period.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Eddie Melton
State Bill Page: SB364
SB374 INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTS (DORIOT B) For purposes of the statute concerning individual development accounts (accounts), provides that, in addition to a community development corporation (as provided under current law), a municipality may administer accounts under the statute. Makes conforming changes throughout the statute and in the Indiana Code provisions establishing the individual development account tax credit. Provides that a municipality that administers accounts may, in determining an individual's order of placement on a waiting list maintained by the municipality to allow qualified individuals to establish accounts, give preference to qualified individuals who reside in or near the municipality over qualified individuals who do not reside in or near the municipality. Specifies that a community development corporation or a municipality may, but is not required to, administer accounts under the statute. Allows an individual who qualifies for an account under the statute (qualifying individual) to use funds in an account to reduce the principal amount owed on a primary residence located in Indiana. (Current law allows funds to be used for such purposes only if the residence was purchased with money from an individual development account.) Provides that a qualifying individual may deposit the following in an account: (1) Earned income. (2) Social Security benefits. (3) Social Security disability benefits. (4) Veterans benefits. (Current law provides that a qualifying individual may deposit money from the individual's earned income into the individual's account.) Provides the following with respect to state deposits made in individual accounts by the housing and community development authority (authority): (1) That the authority shall allocate to each account $4 for each $1 of the first $1,000 that an individual deposited into the individual's account during the preceding 12 months. (2) That the authority shall not make any allocation with respect to any amount that an individual deposits in the individual's account after the five year anniversary of the date on which the individual's account was opened. (3) That the authority's total allocation for any one individual's account may not exceed $4,000 with respect to all deposits made by the individual during the five year period, regardless of when during that period the $4,000 limit is reached. (4) That before making allocations under the statute, the authority may retain up to 20% of the allocation amount to pay for expenses incurred by the authority (and, at the discretion of the authority, by community development corporations and municipalities) in administering the statute. (Current law: (1) requires the authority to allocate $3 for each $1 of the first $400 that an individual deposited during the preceding 12 months, subject to the sufficiency of appropriated funds; and (2) allows the authority to allocate $3 for each $1 of any part of an amount above $400 that an individual deposited into the individual's account, subject to a total cap of $2,400 per account.)
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Blake Doriot
State Bill Page: SB374
SB377 SMALL LOANS (PERFECT C) Allows the director of the department of financial institutions to take certain actions concerning the use of technology for oversight and enforcement of compliance with the law concerning small loans.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate without amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 251: yeas 91, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Ellington
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Burton
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 122: yeas 48, nays 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - Reread second time: amended, ordered engrossed
1/30/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/30/2018 - Amendment #1 (Perfect) prevailed; voice vote
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Chip Perfect
State Bill Page: SB377
SB378 MEDICAID BASED STATEWIDE HEALTH PLAN (LANANE T) Establishes the Indiana statewide health plan within the Medicaid program. Sets forth requirements of the plan. Requires the office of the secretary of the family and social services administration to apply for any federal waivers required for the plan.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB378
SB396 VETERANS' PROPERTY TAX MATTERS (WALKER G) Provides that a veteran who is classified as individually unemployable is entitled to a property tax deduction. Increases the limit of the gross assessed value below which the veteran's property tax deduction is allowable for a veteran who is totally disabled, is at least 62 years of age and has a disability of at least 10%, or is individually unemployable. Provides that the surviving spouse of an individual who dies while serving in the military or naval forces of the United States is entitled to a property tax deduction. Provides a county option deduction to eligible individuals for the acquisition and occupation of abandoned dwellings as homesteads.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB396
SB397 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS (BOOTS P) Specifies the funding amounts that must be provided by counties to community mental health centers. Provides that a county's maximum funding amount for a year is equal to the maximum funding amount for the previous year multiplied by the percentage change in the county's general fund property tax levy, after subtracting circuit breaker credits (but provides that the maximum funding amount will not be less than the preceding year's maximum funding amount). Phases-in this change in the case of Marion County. Requires the department of local government finance (DLGF) to verify the maximum appropriation calculation as part of the DLGF's certification of the county's budget. Specifies that the funding provided by a county to community mental health centers shall be used solely for: (1) the operations of community mental health centers serving the county; or (2) contributing to the nonfederal share of medical assistance payments to community mental health centers serving the county. Provides that unless otherwise agreed to by the county and the community mental health center, the county payment to the community mental health center shall be paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the community mental health center's board of directors at least as frequently as semiannually (in July and in December). Provides that a county's funding for community mental health centers shall be apportioned according to the proportion of: (1) the county's population residing in the primary service area of each center that is certified by the division of mental health and addiction; to (2) the total population of the county. Deletes provisions requiring the county to pay the appropriated amounts to the division of mental health and addiction (the division). Deletes the provisions specifying how the payments to the division must be made. Repeals a provision allowing the appropriation of an additional amount under certain circumstances. Provides that the governing board of a community mental health center must include a member of a county fiscal body or a member of a board of county commissioners, appointed by the board of county commissioners of the county where the community mental health center maintains its corporate mailing address. Requires a community mental health center to provide an annual report to the division and to the fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county located in the community mental health center's primary service area. Specifies certain information that must be included in the annual report. Requires the division to review each annual report submitted by a community mental health center to determine whether the annual report is in the format required by the division and includes all information required by the division. Requires the division to provide an annual report containing certain information to the county fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Schaibley
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 187: yeas 46, nays 1
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Boots) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Crider
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Freeman
1/22/2018 - added as second author Senator Koch
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB397
SB398 OFFICE BASED OPIOID TREATMENT PROGRAMS (HOUCHIN E) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee for the 2018 interim period the task of studying whether Indiana should impose a license requirement or other regulatory requirements on an office based opioid treatment program operating in Indiana and, if the committee determines that regulation is necessary, to identify the appropriate agency to perform the regulation.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/12/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Smaltz
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 188: yeas 47, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as third author Senator Grooms
2/5/2018 - added as second author Senator Crider
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/31/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/31/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Erin Houchin
State Bill Page: SB398
SB399 PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS (HOLDMAN T) Provides that the small business ombudsman (ombudsman) shall review a proposed rule that is an occupational regulation and imposes requirements or costs on persons subject to the occupational regulation. Requires the attorney general to disapprove a proposed rule if it violates federal antitrust laws. Requires that an agency file a statement concerning the economic impact of the proposed occupational regulation on persons who are subject to the occupational regulation. Requires the ombudsman to approve or deny the occupational regulation after determining if the least restrictive regulation is used. Requires a regulatory flexibility analysis that considers any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed occupational regulation, including the establishment of the least restrictive regulation that is necessary to regulate the occupation or protect consumers. Establishes guidelines to analyze an occupational regulation to determine if it is the least restrictive regulation. Makes conforming changes to include regulated occupations in the laws that affect adoption of rules that affect small businesses. Provides that a an occupational regulation and that is adopted by an agency during: (1) an odd-numbered year may not become effective until March 15 during the subsequent year; and (1) an even-numbered year may not become effective until May 1 during the subsequent year. Allows an individual who has a criminal record to submit a petition to the board that issues a license, certificate, or permit that an individual is required by law to hold to engage in a business, profession, or occupation to determine if the individual's criminal record will disqualify the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit. Establishes criteria and procedures to determine if an individual's criminal record disqualifies the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit. Allows the board of cosmetology and barber examiners to approve the request of a beauty culture school to add an addition to the facility without having to obtain a separate license.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Austin) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 5
2/20/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Morris and Judy
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Wesco
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 189: yeas 41, nays 6
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Spartz
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Zakas
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Doriot and Merritt
2/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 2
2/1/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Travis Holdman
State Bill Page: SB399
SB403 EMERGENCY RULES FOR VETERANS' PROGRAMS (BECKER V) Requires that, by July 1, 2018, each state agency must review veterans' programs the agency is required to administer by state law and adopt emergency rules for any programs that have not yet been implemented.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Vaneta Becker
State Bill Page: SB403
SB415 REVERSE TRANSFER AGREEMENTS AND DEGREES (ECKERTY D) Requires, not later than January 1, 2019, each four year state educational institution to enter into a reverse transfer agreement with each two year state educational institution. Establishes requirements regarding the agreements. Establishes requirements that an individual and a state educational institution must meet before a state educational institution may award the individual a reverse transfer degree. Requires a state educational institution that awards a reverse transfer degree to report annually to the commission for higher education (commission) regarding reverse transfer degrees. Provides that the commission is not required to count reverse transfer degrees for purposes of performance funding.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Douglas Eckerty
State Bill Page: SB415
SB416 CONSUMER CREDIT CODE (ECKERTY D) Urges the legislative council to assign to an interim study committee, for study during the 2018 interim, the topic of revisions to the Uniform Consumer Credit Code. Sets forth issues for consideration by an interim study committee assigned this topic.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/21/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Carbaugh
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 194: yeas 47, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Eckerty
1/29/2018 - added as author Senator Zay
1/29/2018 - removed as author Senator Eckerty
1/25/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 68(b); reassigned to Committee on Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Civil Law
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Douglas Eckerty
State Bill Page: SB416
SB418 BIAS MOTIVATED CRIMES (GLICK S) Makes it an aggravating circumstance (for purposes of imposing a criminal sentence) that the crime was committed with the intent to harm or intimidate an individual because of certain perceived or actual characteristics of the individual. Requires law enforcement agencies to report bias motivated crimes to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Coauthored by Senator Grooms
1/10/2018 - Authored By Susan Glick
State Bill Page: SB418
SB419 PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES (DORIOT B) Provides that an agency or political subdivision may require verification of an individual's eligibility for a professional or occupational license, by requiring the individual to verify under penalty of perjury that the individual is: (1) authorized by the federal government to work in the United States; and (2) executing the verification only for the purpose of applying for a professional or occupational license issued by the state agency or political subdivision. Provides that an individual who is authorized by the federal government to work in the United States is eligible for a professional or occupational license issued by a state agency or political subdivision if the individual meets all the requirements, other than the requirement under 8 USC 1621(a), to obtain or renew the professional or occupational license. Provides that a unit does not have the power to license, register, or certify a person to practice the person's profession or occupation within the unit if the occupation or profession is subject to licensure, registration, or certification under the Indiana Code. Provides that this prohibition does not apply to: (1) registration for particular projects for the alteration, construction, demolition, or repair of a building or other work on real property required under an ordinance or rule adopted under local government law; (2) the ability to revoke, suspend, or impose additional conditions on a permit or registration previously given if the person holding the permit or registered has performed substandard work or has otherwise violated any condition of the permit or registration; or (3) when the unit determines the establishment and enforcement of health and safety standards for the occupation or profession is appropriate and necessary to protect the public.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 404: yeas 85, nays 7; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (80-7)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 405: yeas 39, nays 8; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/12/2018 - House Advisors appointed Clere, Mahan and Shackleford
3/12/2018 - House Conferees appointed Morris and Bartlett
3/12/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Koch, Randolph Lonnie M and Buck
3/12/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Doriot and Lanane
3/12/2018 - Concurrence withdrawn
3/12/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
3/12/2018 - removed as second author Senator Koch
3/12/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/12/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/12/2018 - Motion to withdraw concurrence: failed
3/12/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/8/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/6/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 319: yeas 88, nays 8
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Cherry
3/1/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Clere) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - House Government and Regulatory Reform, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Clere
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Miller
2/15/2018 - removed as cosponsor Representative Ober
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Ober and Ellington
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Morris
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 195: yeas 35, nays 12
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as second author Senator Koch
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 3
2/1/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Blake Doriot
State Bill Page: SB419
SB420 CREDIT SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS (PERFECT C) Amends the definition of the term "credit services organization" for purposes of the Indiana Code provisions governing credit services organizations to more closely align the definition with the definition of "credit repair organization" set forth in the federal Credit Repair Organizations Act. Makes a conforming amendment to the definition of the term "buyer" in the Indiana statute. Requires a credit services organization to do the following with respect to communications made by the credit services organization after June 30, 2018: (1) Include the complete name and address of the credit services organization on all communications. (2) Include a statement identifying itself as a credit services organization on all communications. Specifies that a person that receives a communication that is made in violation of these requirements may bring a cause of action to recover damages under the statute.
Current Status: 2/27/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 2/27/2018 - Third reading defeated; Roll Call 256: yeas 24, nays 71
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Ellington
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 3
2/21/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to House
2/5/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Burton
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 148: yeas 47, nays 0
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/30/2018 - Amendment #1 (Perfect) prevailed; voice vote
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Chip Perfect
State Bill Page: SB420
SB422 LAND BANKS (BECKER V) Revises the land bank statute. Provides that in a county that has established a county land bank the county treasurer shall establish a county land bank fund for the purpose of accumulating money for distribution to the county land bank. Provides that a county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to allocate to the county land bank an amount or percentage of the county's share of any penalties and interest on delinquent tax payments that is distributed to the county from the semiannual distribution made by the county auditor. Increases the fee charged for filing a sales disclosure form. Provides that in a county that has established a county land bank, part of the revenue received from fees charged for filing a sales disclosure form and any associated penalties shall be deposited in the county land bank fund. Reinstates the mortgage foreclosure counseling and education fee (expired July 1, 2017) to be collected as a civil cost in all mortgage foreclosure actions. Enacts a blight fee to be collected as a civil cost in all mortgage foreclosure actions. Enacts a supplemental tax deed petition fee to be collected as a civil cost in all petitions for issuance of a tax deed. Provides that redevelopment commissions and land banks are not required to pay recording fees or other fees charged by county recorders. Shortens the time limit for claiming a refund of excess property taxes paid by a taxpayer from three years to two years. Provides that unclaimed property tax refunds shall be deposited into the county land bank fund in a county that has established a land bank and a county land bank fund. Increases the penalties for delinquent property taxes in those counties that have established a county land bank. Emphasizes that the statute requiring execution of a residential real estate sales disclosure form does not apply to transfers of residential real property to or from a redevelopment commission or a land bank. Provides that the usual procedures for disposal of real property by a political subdivision do not apply to the disposal of property by a land bank. Provides that an enforcement authority may, upon determination that a vacant structure or an abandoned structure exists, inform the executive of the county, city, or town with which the enforcement authority is associated that the property is a candidate for inclusion on the executive's list of vacant or abandoned properties that are eligible for tax sale. Revises the statute concerning the determination by a court or hearing authority that real property is abandoned.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/17/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Vaneta Becker
State Bill Page: SB422
SB425 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE MATTERS (DORIOT B) Excludes from the definition of "employment", for purposes of the unemployment compensation system, service performed by a driver who provides drive away operations when: (1) the vehicle being driven is the commodity being delivered; and (2) the driver has entered into an agreement with the party arranging for the transportation that specifies the driver is an independent contractor and not an employee.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/27/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
2/1/2018 - added as third author Senator Bohacek
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse
1/30/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives VanNatter, Taylor J and Morris
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Miller D
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 114: yeas 47, nays 2
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Niezgodski
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Doriot) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Blake Doriot
State Bill Page: SB425
SB427 VOTE BY MAIL (TALLIAN K) Authorizes a county election board to provide that all municipal primary elections, municipal elections, and special elections for a public question held in the county in odd numbered years be held by all mail voting. Authorizes towns that conduct their own municipal elections to provide that all the town's municipal primary elections, municipal elections, and special elections for a public question held in the town in odd numbered years be held by all mail voting.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SB427
SB437 TAX CREDIT FOR HIRING UNEMPLOYED VETERANS (TAYLOR G) Provides a nonrefundable tax credit to a small business for employing an individual who is receiving unemployment benefits and returning from military service (qualified new employee). Provides that the small business must employ a greater number of full-time employees in Indiana in the taxable year than the small business employed in Indiana, on average, in the small business's base employment period (normally January 1, 2017, through June 30, 2017). Provides that the employee must be hired full time. Provides that the credit applies only to taxable years beginning in 2018 through 2020. Provides that the credit is $3,000 per qualified new employee, not to exceed $100,000 per small business. Provides that the small business may carry any excess credit over to not more than three subsequent taxable years. Provides that the small business forfeits 50% of the amount of the tax credits attributable to the employment of a qualified new employee, if within 18 months after the qualified new employee was initially hired: (1) the qualified new employee is terminated, laid off, or otherwise reclassified to a position that is not a full-time employment position with the small business; or (2) the position created for the qualified new employee is eliminated.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Greg Taylor
State Bill Page: SB437
SB438 STUDY COMMITTEE OF STATE AGENCY MANAGEMENT (SPARTZ V) Urges the legislative council to assign to the appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to effective legislative oversight, including: (1) modernization of state government reporting framework to integrate financial, performance, and enterprise risk management; and (2) establishment of periodic and systematic performance reviews of state programs to ensure that state programs are implemented and administered efficiently, effectively, and in a manner consistent with legislative intent. Urges the legislative council to assign to the appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to the benefits of implementing internal control procedures for state government that ensure verification of the number of work hours reported or billed by state contractors or state employees.
Current Status: 3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 276: yeas 48, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/1/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (48-0)
3/1/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/27/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/27/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 207: yeas 91, nays 0
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Miller
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - House Government and Regulatory Reform, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Gutwein
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/30/2018 - Referred to House
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Buck
1/29/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Lehman
1/29/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 91: yeas 49, nays 0
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/25/2018 - added as third author Senator Perfect
1/25/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/23/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Spartz, Victoria
State Bill Page: SB438
SJR12 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (DELPH M) Requires the general assembly to establish a commission to draw congressional and legislative districts. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SJR12
SR4 CONCERNING THE MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS IN LAKE AND PORTER COUNTIES (NIEMEYER R) A SENATE RESOLUTION concerning the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs in Lake and Porter counties.
Current Status: 1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Second reading adopted voice vote
1/16/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/9/2018 - Senate Homeland Security and Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
State Bill Page: SR4
SR5 SUPPORTING TAIWAN'S SIGNING OF A BILATERAL TRADE AGREEMENT WITH THE U.S. AND REAFFIRMING SUPPORT FOR INCREASING TAIWAN'S INTERNATIONAL PROFILE (YOUNG M) A SENATE RESOLUTION supporting Taiwan's signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement with the United States and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening sister-state ties between Indiana and Taiwan.
Current Status: 1/16/2018 - Second reading adopted voice vote
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/11/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - Senate Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Michael Young
State Bill Page: SR5
SR6 URGING SUPPORT OF CHIP RE-AUTHORIZATION (BREAUX J) A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the Indiana Congressional Delegation to support the re-authorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Current Status: 1/23/2018 - Withdrawn
All Bill Status: 1/23/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/22/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Becker
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SR6
SR25 URGING THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL TO ASSIGN THE TOPIC OF ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE PROGRAM TO THE APPROPRIATE STUDY COMMITTEE (TALLIAN K) A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign the topic of establishing a voluntary paid family and medical leave program to the appropriate study committee.
Current Status: 2/26/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
All Bill Status: 2/26/2018 - Second reading adopted voice vote
2/26/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
2/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 1
2/21/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
2/15/2018 - First Reading
2/15/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SR25
HB1002 WORKFORCE FUNDING AND PROGRAMS (HUSTON T) Requires an annual workforce related program review by the legislative services agency. Requires information on workforce related programs as part of the biennial budget report that is submitted to the governor and budget committee for preparation of the governor's proposed budget bill. Establishes the next level jobs employer training grant program. Revises eligibility criteria for applicants for high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants. Provides that if the demand for high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants exceeds the appropriation, the commission for higher education shall prioritize applicants who are classified as independent. Transforms Ivy Tech Community College's regional boards of trustees to campus boards of trustees. Adds provisions concerning the appointment, number, and terms of trustees serving on the state board of trustees of Ivy Tech. Provides that an emancipated student or the parent of a student enrolled in a career or technical course may voluntarily release information, on a form prescribed by the department of education, pertaining to the student's enrollment in the career and technical education course to potential employers that contact the school to recruit students with particular career and technical skills. Requires the state board of education, when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Specifies that an individual who is enrolled as a part-time postsecondary student, regardless of whether a part-time student is qualified to receive an adult student grant, may participate in the employment aid readiness network (EARN) Indiana program. Requires at least 25% of the money appropriated by the general assembly for adult education or the work Indiana program to be used: (1) to reimburse an eligible provider for adult education that is provided to individuals who need education in basic skills or necessary to receive a high school diploma or an Indiana high school equivalency diploma; or (2) for adult education grants to employers. Provides that an employer is eligible for an adult education grant equal to the lesser of $500 or the employer's out-of-pocket expenditures for each eligible employee who obtains a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma through a program organized or funded by the employer. Specifies criteria for an individual to be an eligible employee of an employer that is eligible for an adult education grant. Requires educational institutions offering programs subject to approval by the Indiana state board of nursing to obtain approval from the board for proprietary education. Exempts those educational institutions from obtaining accreditation as postsecondary proprietary educational institutions from the department of workforce development. Provides that until July 1, 2021, certain individuals with a bachelor's degree may serve as a nursing faculty member in an associate degree nursing program without yet having obtained a master's degree. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services and the Indiana department of transportation to perform a coordinated study on leveraging money for transportation to workforce related programs. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the question of whether the state should submit a combined state plan instead of a unified state plan to the United States Department of Labor when the state submits a new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act plan. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 406: yeas 48, nays 0; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 396: yeas 99, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (99-0)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Bassler, Tallian, Perfect, Mishler and Spartz
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Eckerty and Niezgodski
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Huston and Stemler
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Sullivan, Clere, Heine, Porter, DeLaney and Pryor
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Delph
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 306: yeas 48, nays 1
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Zakas
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Breaux) failed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #5 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 1
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Eckerty, Mishler and Bassler
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 174: yeas 70, nays 24
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Porter) ruled out of order voice vote
2/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 140: yeas 13, nays 70
2/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (DeLaney) failed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 139: yeas 21, nays 63
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Huston) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 18; Nays: 4
1/29/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Sullivan
1/8/2018 - Authored By Todd Huston
State Bill Page: HB1002
HB1003 STREAMLINING AGENCY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (GUTWEIN D) Repeals the requirement that the office of management and budget (OMB) perform a cost benefit analysis of certain rules for the three year period following the rules' effective dates. Repeals a statute that allows: (1) state agencies to submit comments on proposed legislation to OMB; and (2) OMB to review, amend, and transmit the comments to the legislative services agency for posting on the general assembly's web site. Eliminates or consolidates various state agency reporting requirements. Repeals the following: (1) Pilot program for state registration of privately certified individuals. (2) Family support program. (3) The early education evaluation program. (4) The health needs assessment component of the state department of health's duty to conduct health planning. (5) Certain reporting requirements of the department of environmental management and the department of insurance. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 321: yeas 87, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (86-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 222: yeas 46, nays 2
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/20/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/20/2018 - Amendment #1 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/13/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 4
2/13/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Bray
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 22: yeas 92, nays 2
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Beumer, Jordan, Candelaria Reardon
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/16/2018 - House Select Committee on Government Reduction, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Select Committee on Government Reduction
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Doug Gutwein
State Bill Page: HB1003
HB1007 MENTAL HEALTH ACCESS (KIRCHHOFER C) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to implement a centralized credentials verification organization and credentialing process. Allows the division of mental health and addiction (division) to grant approval for nine additional opioid treatment programs that: (1) are operated by a hospital; and (2) meet other specified requirements; if the division determines that there is a need for the program in the proposed location. Provides that mental health and addiction forensic treatment services may be administered or coordinated only by a provider certified by the division or licensed by the Indiana professional licensing agency to provide mental health and addiction treatment. (Under current law, a provider may provide services only if the provider is certified or licensed by the division.) Requires the division to establish best practice guidelines to assist employers with certain employees who agree to participate in a drug education and addiction treatment program (program). Requires the division to: (1) promote voluntary participation; (2) develop and deliver informational resources and training for employers; and (3) collect information and prepare an annual report. Provides that if an employer and employee comply with certain requirements, the employer is not liable in a civil action alleging negligent hiring for negligence of the employee. Provides that in certain civil actions, an employer's participation in the program is not admissible as evidence. Establishes new temporary permits for certain individuals who are pursuing required clinical supervisory hours needed for licensure. Allows clinical social work experience hours obtained under a temporary permit to be counted to supervise work experience requirements if certain conditions are met. Provides that the temporary permits are not renewable. Requires certain policies of accident and sickness insurance to provide coverage for substance abuse or chemical dependency treatment provided by: (1) an addiction counselor; and (2) a marriage and family therapist. Requires: (1) an accident and sickness insurer; and (2) a health maintenance organization; to provide provisional credentialing to a provider for which a credentialing determination is not completed in at least 30 days if certain requirements are met. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact that opioid treatment programs have on the neighborhoods and communities in the immediate area of the opioid treatment programs.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 389: yeas 98, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (95-0)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 400: yeas 49, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/13/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/12/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Charbonneau and Mrvan
3/12/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Head and Breaux
3/8/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/8/2018 - House Conferees appointed Kirchhofer and Shackleford
3/8/2018 - House Advisors appointed Ziemke, Olthoff and Brown C
3/8/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Zakas
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 307: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Raatz) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Head) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Stoops
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Head and Charbonneau
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 74: yeas 97, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Ziemke, Davisson, Shackleford
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Cindy Kirchhofer
State Bill Page: HB1007
HB1014 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (TORR J) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly must meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Bartlett and Moed
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Bosma
1/9/2018 - Authored By Jerry Torr
State Bill Page: HB1014
HB1018 SAME DAY REGISTRATION; CLOSE OF THE POLLS (KERSEY C) Provides that the polls close at 8 p.m. (Under current law, the polls must close at 6 p.m.) Permits a voter to register at the polls by completing a voter registration form and an affirmation that the person has not voted elsewhere in the election and by providing proof of residence.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Clyde Kersey
State Bill Page: HB1018
HB1019 GASOLINE TAX (BAUER B) Provides for a monthly determination of the gasoline tax rate per gallon that will be used in the following month. Provides that the gasoline tax rate is to be reduced if the statewide average retail price per gallon is greater than $3 using the same price that is used to convert the 7% tax on gasoline to a per gallon rate under the gasoline use tax. Specifies that the gasoline tax rate is to be reduced by $0.01 for each $0.01 the statewide average retail price per gallon exceeds $3.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By B Patrick Bauer
State Bill Page: HB1019
HB1020 HIGHER EDUCATION RESIDENT TUITION FOR ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS (HARRIS JR. E) Provides that an individual who meets certain conditions is eligible for the resident tuition rate as determined by the state educational institution. Requires such an individual to verify that the individual meets the criteria to receive the resident tuition rate.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Earl Harris Jr
State Bill Page: HB1020
HB1023 ANNEXATION REMONSTRANCE WAIVERS (BACON R) Permits a municipal works board to waive the requirement in a sewage works contract that a property owner releases the property owner's right to remonstrate against pending or future annexations by the municipality of the area served by the sewage works.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 243: yeas 50, nays 0
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/14/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Messmer
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 76: yeas 90, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pelath
1/25/2018 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Zent
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ronald Bacon
State Bill Page: HB1023
HB1032 SECOND REGULAR SESSION (WASHBURNE T) Repeals the statute requiring the general assembly to convene in a second regular session. Provides that the speaker of the house of representatives and the president pro tempore of the senate may jointly issue an order to require the general assembly to convene for a second regular session in an even-numbered year. Provides that the joint order must: (1) find that a second regular session is necessary for the general assembly to address issues of public concern; (2) identify the issues that the general assembly will address in the second regular session; and (3) specify the dates on which the second regular session will convene and adjourn sine die. Provides that the general assembly may not consider an issue unless it is identified in the joint order. Provides that the statute making a second regular session optional may not be construed to prohibit the legislative council from conducting business in the interim of an even-numbered year in which a second regular session is not convened. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Moed
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Thomas Washburne
State Bill Page: HB1032
HB1036 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (LEONARD D) Excludes worker's compensation and occupational diseases compensation payments from the definition of "wages" for unemployment insurance purposes. Establishes a flat fee of $12 as the employer's collection fee for withholding amounts from an individual's income to repay unemployment insurance benefit overpayments. Allows an individual to request a review by the commissioner of the department of workforce development or the commissioner's designee of an adverse decision following an administrative hearing in which the individual contests the income withholding.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 326: yeas 92, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/6/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (92-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Hamm
3/5/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed;
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Tallian
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Boots and Buck
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 26: yeas 94, nays 0
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/16/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Daniel Leonard
State Bill Page: HB1036
HB1042 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (ERRINGTON S) Removes the requirement that, for an eligible child to qualify for a grant under the prekindergarten pilot program, the eligible child reside with a parent or guardian who is: (1) working or attending a job training program or educational program; or (2) actively seeking employment. Removes a provision that allows priority for a grant to an eligible child whose parent or guardian is involved in: (1) activities that improve the parent's or guardian's education; or (2) job training.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Sue Errington
State Bill Page: HB1042
HB1047 EDUCATION BENEFITS FOR VETERANS (WESCO T) Excludes from the determination of financial eligibility for need based financial aid certain benefits received by veteran students. Provides for state educational institution students who are members of the Indiana National Guard, the National Guard of a state contiguous to Indiana, the reserves, or armed forces who are on active duty or are called to active duty during an academic term to receive: (1) a tuition refund or credit; or (2) reenrollment in courses not completed due to active duty status.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsors Senators Crane, Tomes, Leising, Crider
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Houchin
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 226: yeas 48, nays 0
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Zakas
2/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsors Senators Sandlin, Niemeyer, Doriot, Delph, Mrvan, Melton
2/20/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 5; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - added as second sponsor Senator Glick
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Freeman
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 14: yeas 95, nays 0
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Jordan and Macer
1/16/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Amendment #1 (Wesco) prevailed; voice vote
1/16/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/10/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/9/2018 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Frye
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Wesco
State Bill Page: HB1047
HB1048 TAX CREDITS (LEHMAN M) Establishes the regional development tax credit (credit). Allows a taxpayer to apply to the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) for the credit. Provides that a taxpayer is entitled to a credit against state tax liability if: (1) the taxpayer makes a qualified investment for the redevelopment or rehabilitation of real property that is vacant or underused; and (2) the qualified investment is approved by the IEDC. Specifies the factors that the IEDC shall consider in evaluating applications for a proposed qualified investment. Specifies that the credit is subject to an agreement entered into by the IEDC and the taxpayer. Provides that the amount of the credit is equal to: (1) the qualified investment made by the taxpayer and approved by the IEDC in the agreement; multiplied by (2) the applicable credit percentage determined by the IEDC. Specifies the maximum applicable credit percentages that apply to qualified investments. Prohibits the carryback or refund of any unused credit. Allows a taxpayer to carry forward any unused credit amounts and to assign any part of a credit to which the taxpayer is entitled. Authorizes the IEDC to negotiate with a taxpayer and include in the credit agreement a return on investment provision requiring the taxpayer to repay all or part of a credit awarded to the taxpayer if one or more conditions specified in the agreement are satisfied. Provides that a taxpayer is not entitled to receive any of the following (with certain exceptions): (1) An industrial recovery tax credit for a qualified investment made after December 31, 2018. (2) A community revitalization enhancement district tax credit for a qualified investment made after December 31, 2018.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/25/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Sullivan, Slager, Goodin
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Matt Lehman
State Bill Page: HB1048
HB1051 SUNDAY SALES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR CARRYOUT (SMALTZ B) Allows the following to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout on Sunday from noon until 8 p.m.: (1) A package liquor store, grocery store, convenience store, or drug store. (2) A restaurant that satisfies the requirements to sell carryout. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the alcohol code revision commission.)
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/21/2018 - Senate Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Alting
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 45: yeas 87, nays 10
1/23/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Amendment #2 (Pierce) failed; voice vote
1/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (DeLaney) motion withdrawn voice vote
1/22/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) motion withdrawn voice vote
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Austin
1/17/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 12; Nays: 1
1/17/2018 - House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives GiaQuinta and Ober
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Public Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ben Smaltz
State Bill Page: HB1051
HB1052 MONETARY AWARDS FOR EXONERATED PRISONERS (STEUERWALD G) Provides that a person whose conviction is vacated on the basis of DNA evidence is entitled to compensation in the amount of $25,000 for each year that the person was wrongfully incarcerated in the department of correction. Establishes the DNA exoneration fund, appropriates $200,000 to the fund, and specifies that the attorney general shall administer the fund and receive and investigate claims for compensation from the fund.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Thompson, Porter and Lawson L
1/3/2018 - Authored By Gregory Steuerwald
State Bill Page: HB1052
HB1056 INNKEEPERS' TAXES AND FOOD AND BEVERAGE TAXES (OBER D) Provides that a member appointed to a convention and tourism commission under the uniform innkeeper's tax statute who is required to be: (1) engaged in a convention, visitor, or tourism business; or (2) involved in or promoting conventions, visitors, or tourism; need not be a resident of the county if the member is an owner or an executive level employee of a convention, visitor, or tourism business that is located within the county. Provides that such a member must be a resident of Indiana. Repeals the requirement in the uniform innkeeper's tax statute that not more than a simple majority of the members of a convention and tourism commission may be affiliated with the same political party. Requires the department of state revenue (department) to provide each commission with summary data of the amount of the innkeeper's tax collections to the county. Provides that, in the case of a county that has adopted an ordinance requiring the payment of the innkeeper's tax to the county treasurer instead of the department: (1) the county treasurer is required to annually report to the department the amount of innkeeper's tax collected in the county in the preceding calendar year; and (2) the department is required to provide summary data of the total amount of the county's innkeeper's tax collected in the preceding calendar year to the commission established for that county. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 397: yeas 94, nays 4; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (94-4)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Messmer and Breaux
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Ford and Tallian
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Karickhoff, Culver and Pryor
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Ober and GiaQuinta
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 309: yeas 48, nays 1
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Ford) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Messmer) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Ford
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Messmer
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 172: yeas 87, nays 5
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Karickhoff
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 17; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representative GiaQuinta
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Ober
State Bill Page: HB1056
HB1065 BROADBAND GRANTS AND HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE (OBER D) Authorizes the office of community and rural affairs (office) to award grants to qualified broadband providers in connection with qualified broadband projects involving the deployment of infrastructure to provide qualified broadband service in unserved areas in Indiana. Defines "qualified broadband service" as a connection to the Internet at an actual speed of at least 10 megabits per second downstream and at least one megabit per second upstream, regardless of the technology used. Defines an "unserved area" as a geographic area in Indiana in which there is not at least one provider of terrestrial broadband service at the designated speeds. Provides that grants shall be made from the rural economic development fund. Provides that in awarding grants, the office shall give priority to first extending the deployment of qualified broadband service to areas in which: (1) Internet connections are unavailable; or (2) the only available Internet connections provide for an actual speed of less than 10 megabits per second downstream. Sets forth factors that the office must consider in determining whether to award a grant. Sets forth conditions that apply to the awarding of grants. Requires the office to adopt guidelines to implement these provisions and authorizes the office to collaborate with state agencies and political subdivisions in adopting the guidelines and administering grants. Repeals the statute establishing the high speed Internet service deployment and adoption initiative administered by the Indiana economic development corporation. Repeals the statute establishing the Indiana broadband development program administered by the Indiana finance authority. Amends the Indiana Code section that allows a holder of video service franchises issued by the utility regulatory commission (IURC) to apply to the IURC for direct marketing authority in a service area served by the holder to specify that such authority includes the authority to market directly to all businesses, as well as all households (as set forth in current law), in the service area. Directs the IURC to study certain topics regarding universal service reform and broadband services in Indiana and issue a report to the interim study committee on energy, utilities, and telecommunications before October 1, 2018.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 412: yeas 94, nays 1; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (94-1)
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Randolph Lonnie M
3/14/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Stoops
3/14/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Randolph Lonnie M
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Koch, Randolph Lonnie M, Messmer, Merritt and Buchanan
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Houchin and Stoops
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Ober and Hatfield
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Negele, DeVon and Pierce
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Crane
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 311: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Glick
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Bohacek
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Koch) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Koch) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Houchin) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Houchin) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Houchin) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsors Senators Merritt, Leising, Buchanan, Messmer, Randolph
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate Utilities
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Houchin and Koch
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 127: yeas 92, nays 0
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - Amendment #1 (Pierce) failed; Division of the House: yeas 33, nays 53
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pelath
1/24/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Negele and Hatfield
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Ober
State Bill Page: HB1065
HB1074 VARIOUS HIGHER EDUCATION MATTERS (SULLIVAN H) Provides that the provisions regarding employment of construction managers as constructors for public works projects applies only to state educational institutions after June 30, 2020. (Current law expires these provisions on July 1, 2020.) Makes changes regarding the: (1) conditions required to qualify for the renewal of a twenty-first century scholars program scholarship; and (2) award amounts to twenty-first century scholars program scholarship applicants who attend a private, approved postsecondary educational institution. Makes the following changes concerning the primary care shortage area scholarship: (1) Amends the practice requirements to receive a scholarship. (2) Amends the repayment requirements for noncompliance with a primary care practice agreement. (3) Allows the commission for higher education (commission) to impose and collect interest on unpaid repayment amounts. (4) Provides that, if the commission and a recipient of a scholarship enter into a new written agreement that complies with the primary care shortage area scholarship provisions, the commission and the recipient may terminate an agreement entered into or renewed before July 1, 2018. Requires the chairperson of the commission to appoint a: (1) seven member student member nominating committee; and (2) seven member faculty member nominating committee. (Current law requires the chairperson to appoint a ten member nominating committee of five student members and five faculty members.) Provides that an applicant who: (1) does not maintain satisfactory academic progress required to be eligible for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant; but (2) meets other certain conditions; is still eligible for the grant. Modifies the procedures that a state educational institution must use to dispose of real estate (including any real estate acquired by gift, bequest, or devise). Repeals certain statutes concerning: (1) the disposition of gifts, bequests, and devises of real estate to state educational institutions; and (2) matters that pertain to the closing process in the disposition of real estate by a state educational institution. Makes conforming amendments. Removes an expired provision.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 407: yeas 47, nays 1; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 398: yeas 99, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (99-0)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Melton
3/12/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Stoops
3/12/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Melton
3/7/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/5/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Kruse, Melton, Zay and Buchanan
3/5/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Raatz and Stoops
3/5/2018 - House Conferees appointed Sullivan and Austin
3/5/2018 - House Advisors appointed May, Schaibley, Smith V and Moseley
3/1/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
2/28/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 247: yeas 50, nays 0
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/14/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - added as second sponsor Senator Kruse
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Raatz
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 17: yeas 92, nays 0
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Amendment #1 (Sullivan) prevailed; voice vote
1/16/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/10/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/9/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
1/9/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Austin, May and Schaibley
1/3/2018 - Authored By Holli Sullivan
State Bill Page: HB1074
HB1076 RACIAL PROFILING AND PRETEXTUAL STOPS (PRYOR C) Prohibits a law enforcement agency or a law enforcement officer from engaging in racial profiling or conducting pretextual stops. Requires a law enforcement agency to adopt a detailed policy that defines the elements of racial profiling and pretextual stops, and requires a law enforcement agency to collect certain data relating to stops made by law enforcement officers. Requires cultural diversity awareness training and training on unlawful racial profiling and pretextual stops for law enforcement officers. Specifies that a law enforcement agency shall transmit to the attorney general information concerning racial profiling complaints, investigations, and any action taken, as well as data collected relating to stops made by the law enforcement agency. Requires the attorney general to: (1) submit an annual report to the legislative council based on the information; (2) submit the data to a third party for statistical analysis; and (3) publish the results of the analysis on the attorney general's Internet web site. Establishes the racial profiling review commission to review complaints of unlawful racial profiling and unlawful pretextual stops. Permits a person to bring a civil action based on unlawful racial profiling and unlawful pretextual stops. Permits a law enforcement agency to use certain federal funds to purchase vehicle cameras and body cameras, and establishes training standards and standards for use. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Cherrish Pryor
State Bill Page: HB1076
HB1078 PROPERTY TAX RELIEF (PRYOR C) Permits the Marion County city-county council to establish a neighborhood enhancement property tax relief program. After 2021, permits other counties, cities, and towns to establish the program. The program provides an assessed value deduction for longtime owner-occupants of homesteads having an assessed value of less than $125,000 in designated areas. Specifies various conditions for the program. Allows a local unit to include additional requirements for the program. Provides a penalty for wrongly receiving the deduction that is the same as the penalty for wrongly receiving the homestead standard deduction.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Porter and Forestal
1/3/2018 - Authored By Cherrish Pryor
State Bill Page: HB1078
HB1079 AGE 65 AND OVER PROPERTY TAX CREDIT (MOED J) Permits Marion County to adopt an ordinance to establish a geographic territory in which a property owner may qualify for the age 65 and over property tax credit at a higher adjusted gross income than the statutory amount. Permits local income taxes to be used to offset property tax losses by taxing units because of the higher income limit.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Justin Moed
State Bill Page: HB1079
HB1080 CENTRAL INDIANA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS (MOED J) Repeals the prohibition that prevents certain counties from: (1) purchasing; (2) leasing; (3) acquiring; (4) constructing; or (5) operating a light rail project.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 2
2/27/2018 - Senate Homeland Security and Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Merritt and Taylor G
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 82: yeas 90, nays 5
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 1
1/24/2018 - House Roads and Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Kirchhofer and Forestal
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Torr
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Roads and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Justin Moed
State Bill Page: HB1080
HB1081 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (MOED J) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly shall meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Justin Moed
State Bill Page: HB1081
HB1082 NOTIFICATION OF EXPUNGEMENT (ZIEMKE C) Requires the department of workforce development to: (1) inform persons seeking employment of the possibility of criminal history expungement, in appropriate cases; and (2) develop an informational brochure describing the criminal history expungement process.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Cindy Ziemke
State Bill Page: HB1082
HB1085 INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS (HAMM R) Provides that an individual who is a volunteer firefighter is entitled to a credit of $500 against the individual's adjusted gross income tax liability each taxable year.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pressel
1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Saunders
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Richard Hamm
State Bill Page: HB1085
HB1086 GARNISHMENT OF WAGES (HAMM R) Provides that a creditor may, by written consent or court order, access wage report information from the department of workforce development for the purpose of obtaining a garnishment order. Requires a court that has issued a garnishment order to a third party to cancel the garnishment order and issue a new garnishment order without a hearing if certain circumstances have changed. Requires an employer that is garnishing a judgment debtor's wages to inform the clerk of courts when the judgment debtor leaves employment with the employer. Provides that, once such notice is given, the employer has no further obligations under the garnishment order. Provides that if: (1) a judgment debtor leaves employment with an employer that is garnishing the judgment debtor's wages under a garnishment order; (2) the judgment debtor subsequently returns to employment with the same employer; and (3) the judgment against the judgment debtor has not been satisfied; the judgment creditor must obtain a new garnishment order before the employer of the judgment debtor must resume wage garnishment.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Saunders
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Richard Hamm
State Bill Page: HB1086
HB1099 UNIFORM FOOD AND BEVERAGE TAX (CHERRY R) Provides that a county fiscal body may impose a uniform food and beverage tax if the county is not required or authorized to impose a food and beverage tax under any other law (other than the stadium and convention funding food and beverage tax). Specifies that the tax rate may not exceed 1% and must be imposed in increments of 0.25%. Provides that revenue from the tax may be used by the county, after appropriation by the county fiscal body, only for: (1) capital improvements that promote economic development in the county, including fairgrounds, convention centers, or conference centers; (2) certain costs that are necessary or useful for such a capital improvement; and (3) paying the principal and interest of any bonds issued or lease rental payments for a lease entered into for these purposes. Specifies that the tax revenue may not be used to pay any operating expenses. Authorizes the county fiscal body to pledge the tax revenue to pay bonds issued, loans obtained, and lease payments or other obligations incurred by or on behalf of the county for purposes authorized under the uniform food and beverage tax law. Specifies that a uniform food and beverage tax imposed in a county remains in effect until the earlier of: (1) the date on which the county fiscal body rescinds the food and beverage tax; or (2) the last day of the month beginning immediately after the tenth anniversary of the date on which the food and beverage tax was first imposed in the county.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Withdrawn
1/3/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Robert Cherry
State Bill Page: HB1099
HB1104 TAX MATTERS (LEONARD D) Excludes political subdivisions that do not have the power to impose ad valorem property taxes from the requirement to upload a digital copy of certain contracts on the Indiana transparency Internet web site. Provides that if a political subdivision publishes or submits to the department of local government finance's (DLGF) computer gateway a notice that contains an error or omission that inaccurately reflects the tax rate, tax levy, or budget actually proposed or fixed by the political subdivision by an amount that is less than 0.25%, the notice is a valid notice and the DLGF shall correct the error or omission. Specifies the deadlines for county auditors to submit property tax settlement and distribution information to the DLGF. Repeals the electronic digital signature act. Amends the definition of "owner" (for purposes of the property tax statutes) to delete the provision specifying that an owner of tangible property includes the holder of a tenancy for a term of years. Deletes obsolete language in the statutes exempting certain business personal property with an acquisition cost of less than $20,000. Specifies that a taxpayer eligible for such an exemption must include on the taxpayer's personal property tax return: (1) information concerning whether the taxpayer's business personal property within the county is in one location or multiple locations; and (2) an address for the location of the property. Provides that if a local service fee is imposed on a taxpayer claiming such an exemption, the county shall include the local service fee on a property tax bill associated with the tax district in which the majority value of the taxpayer's business personal property within the county is located. Provides that a taxpayer may be charged only one local service fee per county. Specifies that if a penalty is imposed on a taxpayer for failing to declare on the taxpayer's tax return that the taxpayer is entitled to the exemption for business personal property with an acquisition cost of less than $20,000, the county shall include the penalty on a property tax bill associated with the tax district in which the majority value of the taxpayer's business personal property within the county is located. Eliminates (effective retroactive to July 1, 2017) several property tax deduction and credit reapplication requirements that were added by HEA 1450-2017 concerning unmarried taxpayers who married, married taxpayers who divorced, and taxpayers who came to own their property jointly or as tenants in common with another individual. Provides that the appropriate county officer designated by the county executive (rather than the assessor, under current law) is responsible for: (1) maintaining data files of the geographic information system characteristics of each parcel in the county as of each assessment date; and (2) submitting those files to the geographic information office of the office of technology. Provides that if an assessing official determines that the owner of a parcel of property is unable to use the property to the owner's full and complete benefit because: (1) the parcel is completely surrounded by parcels owned by other owners; and (2) the owner does not possess and cannot obtain an easement granting ingress or egress into the property or the owner is otherwise incapable of having sufficient ingress or egress; the assessing official shall apply an influence factor for limited access. Requires that the budget notice that political subdivisions must publish on the DLGF's computer gateway must also include information concerning the percentage change between the current and proposed tax levies of each fund. Provides that a person seeking a property tax exemption for property used for a charitable purpose may file an exemption application up to 30 days following the statutory deadline for the exemption application if the person pays a late filing fee. Requires county auditors to submit data on deductions applicable to the current tax year to the homestead property data base on or before March 15 of each year, in a manner prescribed by the DLGF. Repeals the statute providing for a county board of tax adjustment. Repeals provisions related to the county board of tax adjustment and the local budgeting process. Specifies that a political subdivision shall file the budget adopted by the political subdivision with the DLGF not later than five business days after the budget is adopted. Authorizes the DLGF to adopt rules for procedures related to local government budgeting. Specifies that the adoption, amendment, or repeal of such a rule by the DLGF may not take effect before March 1 or after July 31 of a particular year. Specifies: (1) that rules adopted by the DLGF for the appraisal of real property may not apply to any appraisal contemporaneously being conducted under a county's reassessment plan; and (2) that rules adopted by the DLGF may first apply to the reassessment phase beginning in the following calendar year under a county's reassessment plan. Specifies that for purposes of attributing the amount of a property tax deduction or exemption to the gross assessed value of a property: (1) a deduction or exemption that is specific to an improvement shall be applied only to the assessed value allocation pertaining to that improvement; and (2) to the extent that a deduction or exemption is not specific to an improvement; the deduction or exemption shall be applied in the order that will maximize the benefit of the deduction or exemption to the taxpayer. Allows Green Township in Hancock County to increase its maximum levy for the township's general fund to offset the reduction in the maximum levy that occurred beginning in 2003 that was based on the township's actual levy (levy banked amount). Provides that the DLGF shall make a one time, temporary increase in the Goshen Public Library's maximum levy for 2019 if the governing body of the library petitions for the increase. Authorizes a county fiscal body to establish a salary schedule that includes greater compensation for the presiding officer or secretary of the county fiscal body or county executive if certain conditions are satisfied. Specifies that the base assessed value for tax increment financing purposes includes the net residential assessed value within the allocation area, as finally determined for the current assessment date. Provides that a redevelopment commission may issue bonds or enter into leases with a term of up to 35 years to finance a project that includes, as part of the project, the use and repurposing of two or more buildings and structures that are: (1) at least 75 years old; and (2) located at a site at which manufacturing previously occurred over a period of at least 75 years. Specifies that in the case of an allocation area for such a project, the expiration date of the allocation provision may not be more than 35 years after the date on which the allocation provision is established. Provides that in case of such a project, a pass through entity may allocate an industrial recovery tax credit among its shareholders, partners, beneficiaries, or members of the pass through entity as provided by written agreement. Provides for an alternative distribution of the certified share part of local income tax revenue in certain counties based on revenue and population of municipalities and townships in the county. Voids an annexation remonstrance waiver (waiver) executed on or before July 1, 2003. Void
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) (41-6)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Holdman
3/14/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Holdman
3/14/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Tallian
3/8/2018 - Advisor Added Senator Delph
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Bassler and Tallian
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Holdman, Taylor G, Zay, Buchanan and Spartz
3/5/2018 - Advisor Added Representative Negele
3/5/2018 - House Advisors appointed Torr, Ellington, Thompson, Schaibley, Huston and Porter
3/5/2018 - House Conferees appointed Leonard and GiaQuinta
3/5/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/5/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 269: yeas 47, nays 1
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/27/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/27/2018 - Amendment #1 (Buck) prevailed; voice vote
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/22/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Bassler and Holdman
1/30/2018 - removed as sponsor Senator Doriot
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Doriot
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 85: yeas 92, nays 0
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Representative GiaQuinta
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #4 (Leonard) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Porter) failed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - Amendment #3 (Negele) failed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 18; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Siegrist
1/11/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Daniel Leonard
State Bill Page: HB1104
HB1113 FOSTER PARENT BILL OF RIGHTS (MACER K) Requires the department of child services (department) to create and make available to a foster parent a bill of rights (bill of rights) for foster parents. Provides information that must be included in a bill of rights developed by the department. Requires the department to distribute the bill of rights annually and upon request. Requires the department to make the bill of rights available on the department's Internet web site.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Summers
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Mahan and Frizzell
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Karlee Macer
State Bill Page: HB1113
HB1114 INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR DONATIONS (HAMILTON C) Provides for an adjusted gross income tax credit for donations to a public school foundation. Provides that the maximum individual taxpayer credit is $2,000 in the case of a single return and $4,000 in the case of a joint return. Provides that the maximum corporate taxpayer credit is the greater of 10% of the corporation's total adjusted gross income tax liability or $10,000. Makes the credit refundable. Makes an appropriation.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Cook
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Carey Hamilton
State Bill Page: HB1114
HB1116 DENTAL HYGIENIST ACCESS PRACTICE AGREEMENTS (FRIZZELL D) Allows a dental hygienist to practice dental hygiene in a location and without supervision under an access practice agreement with an access practice dentist. Specifies the requirements to provide dental hygiene services under an access practice agreement. Requires an access practice dentist to be available to provide emergency communication and consultation with the dental hygienist. Establishes record keeping requirements. Requires a dental hygienist who provides services under an access practice agreement to maintain malpractice liability insurance. Requires a signed consent form before providing services under an access practice agreement. Requires that certain written information be provided to the patient or the parent or legal guardian of the patient after providing dental hygiene services. Requires patient records to be transferred to the access practice dentist when an access practice agreement is terminated.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed;
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/15/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/15/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/25/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Leising and Charbonneau
1/25/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 50: yeas 92, nays 0
1/25/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/23/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Bacon
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Zent and Shackleford
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By David Frizzell
State Bill Page: HB1116
HB1123 TRANSFERS TO CAREGIVERS (MAY C) Provides that a caregiver may not accept or receive one or more gifts from a senior consumer for whom the caregiver has assumed responsibility for all or a part of the care of the senior consumer who needs assistance with activities of daily living if the gift or gifts: (1) have an aggregate fair market value that exceeds $15,000; or (2) are real estate. Creates an exception for an immediate family member who resides with the senior consumer, if undue influence over the senior consumer is not used. Creates an exception for certain transfer instruments executed before the caregiver became the senior consumer's caregiver. Allows a court action to be brought against the caregiver for a violation. Requires the court to award court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and other actual expenses of litigation if the senior consumer prevails in a court case. Removes the authority of a court to require to give security upon the filing of the complaint, on the appearance of any defendant, claimant, or other party, or at any later time.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative McNamara
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Chris May
State Bill Page: HB1123
HB1130 PROFESSIONAL LICENSING AGENCY MATTERS (ZENT D) Allows a person who is enrolled in an architecture degree program to take the architect registration examination. Provides that the dietitians certification board is required to hold one regular meeting each year. (Current law requires two meetings.) Removes and repeals provisions concerning the application for and administration of the dietitian certification examination. Allows an individual to fit and dispense hearing aids while under the supervision and direction of a certified hearing aid dealer. Provides that certain duties of the medical licensing board are now duties of the committee of hearing aid dealer examiners. Requires that a person who applies for a massage therapist license must complete 625 hours of supervised classroom and hands on instruction on massage therapy. (Current law requires 500 hours.) Requires that a person who applies for a massage therapist license must submit to a national criminal history background check. (Current law requires a limited criminal history.) Requires a massage therapist who applies for license renewal to submit proof of professional liability insurance. Removes provisions that: (1) permit a student in medical school to take the medical licensure examination; and (2) concern grading examinations and how often the exam is administered. Changes a reference to a postgraduate training program that allows a permit to be issued to a foreign medical graduate. Requires a physician to make a personal appearance before the medical licensing board to establish the physician's work history if the physician has been inactive for more than three years. (Current law requires an appearance if the inactivity period is more than four years.) Allows the board of pharmacy to issue a provisional wholesale drug distributor license to an applicant that is located in Indiana and is in the process of obtaining accreditation or certification. Requires a third party logistics provider to be licensed by the board of pharmacy before engaging in third party logistics. Provides for certain requirements to be fulfilled prior to licensing for a third party logistics provider. Requires the board of pharmacy to adopt rules for licensing of third party logistics providers. Repeals provisions: (1) concerning the administration of the podiatrist licensure examination; and (2) that allow licensing of podiatrist's assistants. Conforms the podiatrist license reinstatement provisions with statutory reinstatement requirements. Provides that certain information from the previous two years must be reported to renew a podiatrist license. (Current law requires information to be reported from the previous four years.) Makes technical and conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 390: yeas 96, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (96-0)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 401: yeas 49, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/8/2018 - House Advisors appointed Lehman, Lyness and Taylor J
3/8/2018 - House Conferees appointed Zent and Bauer
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Brown L, Lanane and Glick
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Messmer and Randolph Lonnie M
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 313: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Stoops) failed; Division of the Senate: yeas 9, nays 40
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Messmer) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
2/22/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Messmer
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 31: yeas 94, nays 1
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Bacon
1/22/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/16/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Dennis Zent
State Bill Page: HB1130
HB1133 ADDICTION TREATMENT TEAMS AND MEDICAID (DAVISSON S) Establishes Medicaid reimbursement, including reimbursement under the healthy Indiana plan, for addiction treatment teams. Specifies providers and services that must be included as part of an addiction treatment team. Allows addiction treatment teams to provide services in temporary locations and mobile units in specified conditions.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Steven Davisson
State Bill Page: HB1133
HB1134 DRUG ADDICTION WORKFORCE RECOVERY PROGRAM (DAVISSON S) Requires the division of mental health and addiction (division) to establish a drug addiction workforce recovery program (program). Provides that the program is to assist employers who have recently hired or offered to hire individuals who are qualified for employment with the employer and have failed an initial drug screening, to employ the individual if the individual agrees to participate in a drug education and addiction treatment program as a condition of employment. Establishes requirements for the program. Provides that the division may allow an employer to deduct from the employee's wages to pay for a part of the employee's drug education and addiction treatment services if the employee has assigned the wages. Requires that the department of workforce development and the state department of health shall assist the division in administering the program. Provides that if an employer and employee comply with the program, the employer is not liable in a civil action alleging negligent hiring for negligence of the employee. Provides that in certain civil actions an employer's participation in the program is not admissible as evidence. Allows the department of workforce development to develop an incentive program for employers who participate in the program.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/23/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/23/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/23/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives VanNatter and Goodin
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Bartels
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Steven Davisson
State Bill Page: HB1134
HB1138 LOCAL TAX MATTERS (ELLINGTON J) Provides that the local income tax council is the county adopting body for purposes of the local income tax only if: (1) the county income tax council (under the prior law) adopted either the county option income tax or the county economic development income tax; and (2) the population of the county is more than 140,000. Specifies that in all other cases, the county adopting body is the county council. Provides that Highland Township in Greene County may increase its maximum township property tax levy for 2019 and thereafter. Provides that Taylor Township in Greene County may increase its maximum township property tax levy and its maximum fire protection and emergency services property tax levy for 2019 and thereafter.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jeff Ellington
State Bill Page: HB1138
HB1141 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER FUNDING (SCHAIBLEY D) Specifies the funding amounts that must be provided by counties to community mental health centers. Provides that a county's maximum funding amount for a year is equal to the maximum funding amount for the previous year multiplied by the percentage change in the county's general fund property tax levy, after subtracting circuit breaker credits (but provides that the maximum funding amount will not be less than the preceding year's maximum funding amount). Phases-in this change in the case of Marion County. Requires the department of local government finance (DLGF) to verify the maximum appropriation calculation as part of the DLGF's certification of the county's budget. Specifies that the funding provided by a county to community mental health centers shall be used solely for: (1) the operations of community mental health centers serving the county; or (2) contributing to the nonfederal share of medical assistance payments to community mental health centers serving the county. Provides that unless otherwise agreed to by the county and the community mental health center, the county payment to the community mental health center shall be paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the community mental health center's board of directors at least as frequently as semiannually (in July and in December). Provides that a county's funding for community mental health centers shall be apportioned according to the proportion of: (1) the county's population residing in the primary service area of each center that is certified by the division of mental health and addiction; to (2) the total population of the county. Deletes provisions requiring the county to pay the appropriated amounts to the division of mental health and addiction (the division). Deletes the provisions specifying how the payments to the division must be made. Repeals a provision allowing the appropriation of an additional amount under certain circumstances. Provides that the governing board of a community mental health center must include a member of a county fiscal body or a member of a board of county commissioners, appointed by the board of county commissioners of the county where the community mental health center maintains its corporate mailing address. Requires the annual report by a community mental health center to be made to the division of mental health and addiction (division) and to the fiscal body and the board of county commissioners of each county located in the community mental health center's primary service area. (Under current law the report is made only to the county fiscal body.) Specifies certain information that must be included in the annual reports provided by community mental health centers. Requires the division to specify the format of the annual reports that must be provided by community mental health centers. Requires the division to provide an annual report containing certain information to the county fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/13/2018 - Received by Governor
3/13/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 330: yeas 92, nays 2
3/6/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/6/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (92-2)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/27/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 230: yeas 48, nays 0
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Amendment #2 (Boots) prevailed; voice vote
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/13/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/13/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/13/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/31/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Richardson and Klinker
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Boots
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 87: yeas 92, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 21; Nays: 0
1/23/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Brown, T
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Donna Schaibley
State Bill Page: HB1141
HB1146 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYABILITY (HARRIS JR. E) Creates a certificate of employability for persons convicted of misdemeanors and certain felonies. Provides that a court shall issue a certificate of employability to persons convicted of misdemeanors and Class D or Level 6 felonies under certain circumstances, and that a court may issue a certificate of employability to persons convicted of certain more serious felonies. Establishes a procedure to petition for a certificate of employability and requires payment of the civil filing fee to petition for a certificate of employability. Provides that a petition for a certificate of employability may be filed not earlier than: (1) six months after the date of conviction, in the case of a misdemeanor; (2) one year after the date of conviction, in the case of Class D or Level 6 felonies; (3) three years after the date of conviction or one year after the date the sentence is completed, in the case of more serious felonies; and (4) six years after the date of conviction or two years after the date the sentence is completed, in the case of the most serious felonies. Prohibits the granting of a certificate of employability to sex and violent offenders and persons convicted of specified serious crimes. Provides immunity to employers in negligent hiring cases who hire persons with a certificate of employability under certain circumstances.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Mahan
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Smith, V
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Earl Harris Jr
State Bill Page: HB1146
HB1151 STUDY OF LOTTERY REVENUES FOR VETERANS (JUDY C) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the issues regarding allocating up to $4,000,000 from Indiana state lottery revenues to benefit veterans.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Chris Judy
State Bill Page: HB1151
HB1152 TRAFFIC AMNESTY PROGRAM (SHACKLEFORD R) Establishes a temporary traffic amnesty program to permit certain persons owing unpaid traffic fines, or who may be required to pay a fee for reinstatement of driving privileges, to obtain a reduction in the amount owed or amount payable. Specifies that a person seeking a reduction in fees owed is not required to pay a court filing fee but is required to pay a $50 administrative fee. Provides that as part of the traffic amnesty program a person must: (1) pay the driving privileges reinstatement fee to the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau); (2) provide financial responsibility to the court; and (3) not be ineligible to have their driving privileges reinstated. Provides that the court must transmit a copy of its order to the bureau in a manner prescribed by the bureau.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Negele
1/18/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - House Courts and Criminal Code, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Mahan and Pryor
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1152
HB1164 MILITARY EDUCATION BENEFITS (COOK A) Changes the definition of "eligible student" to expand who may participate in the course access program under which educational courses are permitted to be delivered through any method, including online technologies. Provides that an eligible student who is an adult student pursuing a diploma to qualify for enlistment in the armed forces of the United States may use course access program courses to meet graduation requirements at the school corporation that the eligible student previously attended. Provides that a student who is eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the student is a child of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Provides that if the Indiana department of veterans' affairs approves a determination of eligibility for a request from a person after the person initially enrolls in a state educational institution and while the person attends the state educational institution, the determination of eligibility shall be made retroactive to the date the application to recognize the person's mother's or father's service related death or disability is submitted to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Provides that the applicant may receive a refund equal to the amount of the tuition and fees paid to the state educational institution by the applicant. Provides that the amount of tuition and fee exemption for a child of a veteran is reduced by any amount of assistance received by the student under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (G.I. Bill). Repeals a provision that limits the tuition exemption amount for a child of a veteran who serves in the armed forces after June 30, 2011, based on the percentage of the parent's disability rating. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Cherry
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Anthony Cook
State Bill Page: HB1164
HB1168 TAX CREDIT FOR HIRING VETERANS (CARBAUGH M) Provides for a tax credit known as the Indiana work opportunity tax credit against an employer's state tax liability for the employment of eligible veterans during a taxable year equal to $3,000 for each eligible veteran that the employer employs during the taxable year.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
State Bill Page: HB1168
HB1171 STUDY CONCERNING PROPERTY TAXES (SAUNDERS T) Urges a legislative interim study of property tax exemptions, property tax deductions, the stability of the property tax base, and providing public services that benefit property that is property tax exempt.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Hamm
1/8/2018 - Authored By Thomas Saunders
State Bill Page: HB1171
HB1175 DIABETES REPORTING (SUMMERS V) Requires the state department of health (state department) to collaborate with the office of the secretary of family and social services and develop a strategic plan to identify and significantly reduce the prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes. Requires the state department to establish workgroups to assist with development of the strategic plan. Requires the state department to submit the strategic plan to the governor and the general assembly and to update the strategic plan every two years until July 1, 2026. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services.)
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/5/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/27/2018 - added as third sponsor Senator Charbonneau
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 253: yeas 49, nays 1
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/22/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/22/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Becker and Breaux
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 19: yeas 92, nays 0
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Macer and Shackleford
1/18/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Kirchhofer
1/8/2018 - Authored By Vanessa Summers
State Bill Page: HB1175
HB1187 E-LIQUIDS TAXES (KLINKER S) Imposes a tax on e-liquids that contain nicotine at a rate of $0.10 per fluid milliliter of consumable product. Deposits the revenue from the tax in the state general fund and the addiction services fund.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Sheila Klinker
State Bill Page: HB1187
HB1188 FUNDING FOR VETERANS' ORGANIZATIONS (KLINKER S) Requires the auditor of state to transfer from the build Indiana fund before October 1 of each year: (1) $2,000,000 to the Indiana Veterans' Home; and (2) $400,000 each to the American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, AMVETS, and the Vietnam Veterans of America.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Sheila Klinker
State Bill Page: HB1188
HB1192 MATERNAL MORTALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE (ENGLEMAN K) Requires the state department of health (state department) to establish a statewide maternal mortality review committee (committee) and sets forth membership and duties of the committee. Specifies confidentiality of records reviewed by the committee. Requires a health care provider or health care facility that has a patient who dies of a maternal mortality to report the death to the committee and sets forth immunity provisions for the provider or facility. Requires the committee to submit a report to the state department before July 1 of each year concerning the committee's reviews and requires the state department to post the report on the state department's Internet web site and make the report available for public inspection. Provides civil and criminal immunity to committee members in discussing confidential matters before the committee.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Karen Engleman
State Bill Page: HB1192
HB1197 VETERANS MATTERS (SPEEDY M) Requires the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau) to issue a permanent parking placard to a disabled Hoosier veteran when requested. Removes the veteran and spouse indication from credentials issued by the bureau. Provides that an individual may use a United States Department of Veterans Affairs Identification Card to present to the bureau in order to receive a Hoosier veteran license plate.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Roads and Transportation
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Mike Speedy
State Bill Page: HB1197
HB1198 WORK SHARING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (VANNATTER H) Establishes a work sharing unemployment insurance program. Requires an employer that desires to participate in the work sharing unemployment insurance program to submit a work sharing plan for approval by the commissioner of the department of workforce development. Establishes the work sharing benefit as equal to an affected employee's unemployment benefit reduced by a percentage that is equivalent to the number of hours by which an affected employee's normal weekly work hours are reduced divided by the employer's number of normal weekly work hours.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
State Bill Page: HB1198
HB1199 VETERANS PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION (VANNATTER H) Eliminates the assessed value cap of $175,000 that applies to the property tax deduction for a veteran who: (1) has a total disability; or (2) is at least 62 years of age and has at least a 10% disability.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
State Bill Page: HB1199
HB1200 INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR MILITARY INCOME (LINDAUER S) Provides that income received for military service (other than qualified military income) or received as a retirement or a survivor's benefit paid because of an individual's military service is wholly deductible if the amount of the income is less than the specified maximum amount. Specifies that the maximum amount of the deduction for income received for military service (other than qualified military income) or received as a retirement or a survivor's benefit paid because of an individual's military service is equal to 12 times the monthly basic pay received as of July 1, 2017, by a member of the armed forces of the United States who: (1) served at the pay grade of E-7 on July 1, 2017; and (2) had nine years of service as of July 1, 2017. (Current law allows a deduction against the first $5,000 received for military service and a deduction of $6,250 for income received from retirement or survivor benefits.)
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Mayfield, Bartels and Bartlett
1/9/2018 - Authored By Shane Lindauer
State Bill Page: HB1200
HB1205 RESIDENT TUITION RATE FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS (TAYLOR III J) Provides that an agency or political subdivision is not required to verify that an individual is a United States citizen or qualified alien for the individual to be eligible to pay the resident tuition rate. Repeals a provision that provides that an individual who is not lawfully in the United States is not eligible to pay the resident tuition rate.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Joe Taylor III
State Bill Page: HB1205
HB1206 SNAP BENEFITS (TAYLOR III J) Removes the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) requirements for reentry court program participants. Provides that individuals who were receiving SNAP through a reentry court program continue to receive SNAP until the individual: (1) no longer meets the SNAP eligibility requirements; or (2) has received SNAP for the maximum period allowed. Allows individuals convicted of a drug offense to be eligible to participate in SNAP under the federal opt out option.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Joe Taylor III
State Bill Page: HB1206
HB1207 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONS (TAYLOR III J) Permits the department of local government finance under certain circumstances to cancel property taxes imposed on: (1) a nonprofit corporation organized for educational, literary, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes; (2) an entity organized as a church or religious entity; or (3) a cemetery corporation, firm, or association.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Joe Taylor III
State Bill Page: HB1207
HB1210 MAIN STREET DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS (BARTELS S) Provides that a city or town having a population that does not exceed 20,000 (eligible municipality) may establish a main street downtown redevelopment district (district) within the eligible municipality for the purpose of capturing sales tax collected by businesses located in the district. Provides that the sales tax increment distributed to each eligible municipality that establishes a district may be used to pay for improvements in the district or the financing of improvements in the district.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Steve Bartels
State Bill Page: HB1210
HB1211 STUDY OF LICENSING AND MILITARY FAMILIES (BARTELS S) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying policies, practices, administrative rules, and state laws that affect professional licensing of transitioning military persons and their spouses.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Steve Bartels
State Bill Page: HB1211
HB1213 STATE PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF PROPERTY TAXES (BARTELS S) Requires the state to make payments in lieu of property taxes (PILOTs) for qualified parcels in counties in which at least 15% of all land in the county is: (1) in the aggregate, owned or leased by the state of Indiana or the federal government; and (2) subject to an exemption from property taxes. Defines "qualified parcel" as a parcel that is: (1) owned or leased by the state of Indiana; (2) subject to an exemption from property taxes; and (3) located in a county to which this act applies. Provides that a county containing qualified parcels is entitled to receive PILOTs from the state. Provides that for purposes of calculating a PILOT, each acre of the qualified parcel is considered to have an assessed value of 1/2 of the statewide agricultural land base rate value. Annually appropriates from the state general fund the amount necessary to pay the required PILOTs.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Steve Bartels
State Bill Page: HB1213
HB1220 FSSA MATTERS (KIRCHHOFER C) Adds representatives of organizations that represent people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to the commission on rehabilitation services and the Medicaid advisory committee. Clarifies that outpatient home health services may be provided in other appropriate locations determined by the office. Changes the makeup of the drug utilization review board and the frequency with which the board is required to meet. Changes when a participant's funds remaining in the individual's healthy Indiana plan health (HIP) care account are refunded. Removes the HIP $25 copayment requirement for subsequent use of an emergency room for nonemergency services. Allows money in the mental health and addiction forensic treatment services account to be used as the state match under the Medicaid program. (Current law limits use of money in the account for the state match to the Medicaid rehabilitation program and the Behavioral and Primary Health Coordination program.)
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/7/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 345: yeas 93, nays 0
3/7/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/7/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (93-0)
3/7/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 292: yeas 48, nays 1
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Ruckelshaus
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Charbonneau
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 91: yeas 91, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Davisson) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Bacon and Shackleford
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Cindy Kirchhofer
State Bill Page: HB1220
HB1222 EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATES FOR MINORS (LYNESS R) Eliminates the requirement that a child less than 18 years of age obtain an employment certificate. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/9/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2018 - First Reading
1/9/2018 - Authored By Randy Lyness
State Bill Page: HB1222
HB1233 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MATTERS (WOLKINS D) Provides that the term "onsite sewage system" applies to systems that treat sewage from municipalities or publicly owned treatment works. Strikes an incorrect statutory reference in the section defining that term. Amends the air pollution control law to add a reference to the law establishing the procedure for environmental rule making. Authorizes the use of certain regulated combustion facilities to dispose of drugs confiscated or collected as evidence by law enforcement agencies. Provides for the renewal of the certificate of a wastewater treatment plant operator, water treatment plant operator, or water distribution system operator after three years (instead of two years). Authorizes the environmental rules board to establish: (1) continuing education requirements; and (2) dates by which fees must be paid and proof of compliance with continuing education requirements must be submitted; as a condition of certificate renewal for wastewater treatment plant operators, water treatment plant operators, and water distribution system operators. Provides that, after a solid waste management district (SWMD) is dissolved, an employee of the SWMD who is also a member of the county executive, county legislative body, or county fiscal body: (1) may continue to hold the employee's elected office; (2) is neither required to resign nor considered to have resigned as a county employee; and (3) may not cast a vote on any matter concerning solid waste management as a member of the county executive, legislative body, or fiscal body. Repeals a section providing that a countywide regional water, sewage, or solid waste district established in response to an agreed order must have one appointed trustee who resides in the area that was the subject of the investigation resulting in the agreed order and one appointed trustee who is an elected official representing a political subdivision that has territory in the district. Makes it a Class B misdemeanor: (1) to make a false material statement or representation in a form, notice, or report required under an air pollution control permit or water pollution control permit; (2) to tamper with or falsify data from an air or water pollution monitoring device; or (3) to make a false material statement or representation in a label, manifest, record, report, or other document required under a hazardous waste permit. Makes it a Class B misdemeanor to transport regulated used oil without a manifest. Makes it a Class C misdemeanor to knowingly violate certain air pollution control rules, permit conditions, or fee or filing requirements. Makes it a Class A misdemeanor to willfully or negligently violate certain water pollution control rules, permit conditions, or fee or filing requirements. Defines "negligently." Provides for potential fines for environmental Class A misdemeanors and Class B misdemeanors in an amount exceeding the ordinary statutory limit on fines for Class A and Class B misdemeanors. Provides that certain violations of water pollution standards or limitations may be Class B or Class C misdemeanors. Provides that it is a felony for a person to knowingly commit any of certain offenses involving hazardous waste, air pollution, or water pollution if the person knows that the person's act places another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury. Requires the state department of health to adopt rules concerning: (1) the disposal of sewage through the use of onsite sewage systems for municipalities and publicly owned treatment works; and (2) sewage disposal in agricultural labor camps through methods other than septic tank absorption fields. Provides, for purposes of the statute defining the offense of criminal trespass as knowingly or intentionally entering real property after having been denied entry, that a property owner may "deny entry" to property by placing purple marks on trees or posts around the property. Urges the legislative council to assign an interim committee to study research and outreach efforts to reduce non-point source impacts on water quality conducted through government supported programs and by universities.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 408: yeas 36, nays 12; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 391: yeas 92, nays 5; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (91-6)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Eckerty, Stoops and Doriot
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Bassler and Niezgodski
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Wolkins and Errington
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Miller D, Lehe and Hamilton
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 293: yeas 47, nays 2
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (Bassler) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Young M) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Bassler) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Brown L) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/19/2018 - Senate Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Environmental Affairs
2/1/2018 - First Reading
1/31/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/30/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Bassler
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 93: yeas 92, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Wolkins) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Miller
1/17/2018 - House Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Errington and Lehe
1/11/2018 - Authored By David Wolkins
State Bill Page: HB1233
HB1239 SECURITY FREEZES FOR CONSUMER REPORTS (HAMILTON C) Amends the statute governing security freezes for consumer reports as follows: (1) Requires each consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis to, not later than January 1, 2019, develop and maintain procedures to do the following: (A) Enable a consumer who makes a security freeze request (defined as a request to place, release, temporarily lift, or remove a security freeze) to elect, at the time the security freeze request is made, to have the consumer reporting agency refer the security freeze request to one or more of the other nationwide consumer reporting agencies for fulfillment of the request. (B) Refer a security freeze request to each consumer reporting agency that a consumer has selected to receive the consumer's security freeze request. (C) Fulfill a consumer's security freeze request that is referred to the consumer reporting agency by one of the other consumer reporting agencies in accordance with the consumer's selection. (2) Provides that in developing the required procedures, the credit reporting agencies may coordinate with one another to: (A) make uniform the information and documentation required by each credit reporting agency to fulfill a security freeze request; and (B) otherwise streamline the process involved for consumers in making a security freeze request. (3) Authorizes the attorney general to collaborate with or assist the credit reporting agencies in developing and implementing the required procedures, including the development of an online portal to enable a consumer who elects to submit a security freeze request to each consumer reporting agency to submit a single request for simultaneous transmission to each consumer reporting agency. (4) Provides that after December 31, 2018, upon receiving a security freeze request, a consumer reporting agency shall do the following: (A) If the consumer reporting agency receives the security freeze request directly from the consumer: (i) fulfill the security freeze request if the consumer reporting agency maintains a file on the consumer and has received appropriate proof of the requester's identity; and (ii) refer the security freeze request to any of the other consumer reporting agencies that the consumer has selected to receive the security freeze request. (B) If the consumer reporting agency receives the security freeze request upon referral from another consumer reporting agency, fulfill the security freeze request if the consumer reporting agency maintains a file on the consumer and has received appropriate proof of the requester's identity. (C) If the consumer reporting agency receives the security freeze request through an online portal that enables a single security freeze request to be simultaneously transmitted to each consumer reporting agency, fulfill the security freeze request if the consumer reporting agency: (i) maintains a file on the consumer; and (ii) has received appropriate proof of the requester's identity. Makes conforming amendments to the statute governing security freezes for protected consumers.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Schaibley
1/16/2018 - Authored By Carey Hamilton
State Bill Page: HB1239
HB1245 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING (DEVON D) Provides that the state and a local governmental unit (unit) shall explicitly list the crimes that will disqualify an individual from receiving an occupational license. Provides that the use of an individual's conviction of a crime as a disqualifying criminal conviction is limited to a crime that specifically and directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the occupation for which the individual is applying for or holds a license. Provides that the period of disqualification may not exceed five years unless the individual: (1) was convicted of a crime of violence or an offense relating to a criminal sexual act; or (2) is convicted of a second or subsequent crime during the disqualification period. Provides that an individual having a criminal conviction may at any time petition the board or unit requiring a license for a determination as to whether the individual's criminal conviction will disqualify the individual from receiving that license. Specifies the notice requirements for network health care providers that make referrals via telephone to out-of-network health care providers. Requires the professional licensing agency to consult with the small business ombudsman, the office of management and budget, and representatives of local units to develop and submit by November 1, 2018, a report to the legislative council concerning proposed policies and parameters for the licensing of occupations and professions by local units in order to reduce or eliminate redundant licensing by the state and multiple local units. Provides that a unit does not have the power to license, register, or certify a person to practice the person's profession or occupation within the unit if the occupation or profession is subject to licensure, registration, or certification under the Indiana Code. Provides that this prohibition does not apply: (1) to registration for particular projects for the alteration, construction, demolition, or repair of a building or other work on real property required under an ordinance or rule adopted under local government law; (2) to the ability to revoke, suspend, or impose additional conditions on a permit or registration previously given if the person holding the permit or registered has performed substandard work or has otherwise violated any condition of the permit or registration; or (3) when the unit determines the establishment and enforcement of health and safety standards for the occupation or profession is appropriate and necessary to protect the public. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 392: yeas 95, nays 1; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (95-1)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 402: yeas 48, nays 1; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Brown L, Tallian and Spartz
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Boots and Niezgodski
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed DeVon and Moseley
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed VanNatter, Lehman and Taylor J
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Koch
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 320: yeas 47, nays 2
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Spartz
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Spartz) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #5 (Koch) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Niezgodski
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Boots and Brown L
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 168: yeas 54, nays 39
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeVon) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/23/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 3
1/23/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative VanNatter
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Dale DeVon
State Bill Page: HB1245
HB1247 RENTER'S DEDUCTION FOR DISABLED VETERANS (AYLESWORTH M) Allows a disabled veteran who rents a dwelling for use as the disabled veteran's principal place of residence to claim an increased adjusted gross income tax renter's deduction.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Heine and Moseley
1/11/2018 - Authored By Mike Aylesworth
State Bill Page: HB1247
HB1261 PROTECTING PETS IN DISTRESSED HOMES (KARICKHOFF M) Provides that: (1) an adult protective services unit conducting an investigation; or (2) a caseworker conducting an assessment; who observes, or has reason to believe, that an animal is a victim of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect may make a report to the local law enforcement agency or local animal control officer. Provides that: (1) an adult protective services unit; or (2) a caseworker; who makes a report of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect is immune from civil and criminal liability.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Lawson L, Cook and Wright
1/16/2018 - Authored By Michael Karickhoff
State Bill Page: HB1261
HB1264 COMPETENCY BASED HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION (BROWN T) Establishes the competency based high school education pilot program (pilot program) to provide grants to school corporations for the design and implementation of competency based education programs in high schools. Provides that the department of education (department) administers the pilot program. Requires a school corporation to apply and provide certain information to the department to participate in the pilot program. Requires the Indiana state board of education to establish requirements and standards concerning the competency based education programs. Provides that, after June 30, 2019, a school corporation is eligible to receive a grant for participation in the pilot program. Prohibits a school corporation to which an eligible pupil who received credit under a competency based education program transfers from: (1) requiring the eligible pupil to repeat the course work for which the eligible student received the credit; (2) changing the grade or credit that the eligible pupil received from participating in the competency based education program; or (3) otherwise penalizing the eligible pupil regarding the eligible pupil's previous attendance of a competency based education program. Requires, with exceptions, a school corporation to repay to the department a grant awarded for an eligible pupil who: (1) fails to attain a Core 40 diploma or, for students with disabilities, a high school diploma or certificate of completion in accordance with the student's individualized education program; or (2) is considered a dropout. Requires the department to: (1) before June 30, 2020, and before June 30 each year thereafter, evaluate and prepare a report concerning implementation and pupil outcomes of the
competency based education programs; and (2) submit the report to the legislative council. Requires state educational institutions to recognize and accept credits awarded under a competency based education program and a diploma awarded to a student who successfully completes an education program that includes, in whole or in part, a competency based education program.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/16/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/16/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/16/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 2
1/16/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Timothy Brown
State Bill Page: HB1264
HB1265 VETERANS' PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION (KLINKER S) Provides that, beginning with the January 1, 2019, assessment date, the assessed value of an individual's Indiana real property, Indiana mobile home not assessed as real property, and Indiana manufactured home not assessed as real property may not be considered when determining whether the individual is eligible for the property tax deduction for: (1) totally disabled veterans; and (2) veterans who are at least 62 years of age and have a disability of at least 10%.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Sheila Klinker
State Bill Page: HB1265
HB1268 PHASEOUT OF UNDERGRADUATE TUITION (DVORAK R) Freezes the Indiana resident undergraduate tuition rates that may be charged by state educational institutions for the 2018-2019 academic year. Phases down the maximum Indiana resident undergraduate tuition rates that may be charged by state educational institutions. Provides that for the 2028-2029 academic year and for each academic year thereafter, the state educational institutions may not charge any tuition to undergraduate students who are Indiana residents.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Ryan Dvorak
State Bill Page: HB1268
HB1276 VETERANS RECOVERY PILOT PROGRAM (ZENT D) Extends the Indiana veteran recovery pilot program (program) to 2020. (Under current law, the program expires June 30, 2019.) Requires the state department of health (state department) to adopt rules by August 1, 2018, to implement the program. Allows the state department to select and approve up to five providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans receiving treatment under the program. (Under current law, only one provider may be selected and approved.) Requires providers to perform services at cost out of the block grant amount awarded to the provider. Removes the restriction on when a veteran's injury occurred in order for the veteran to receive treatment under the program. Requires the state department to annually report on the status of the program to the governor, the department of veterans' affairs, and the legislative council. Directs the department of veterans' affairs to seek funding for grants to qualified entities providing veterans services and for funding of the program. Requires appropriations to the department of veterans' affairs for the purpose of providing grants to providers under the program to be used exclusively for that purpose.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Delph
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 135: yeas 93, nays 0
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Brown, T., Bacon, Brown, C
1/29/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Dennis Zent
State Bill Page: HB1276
HB1285 NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE (VANNATTER H) Urges the legislative council to assign for study to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues related to eligibility verification and monitoring, identity authentication, and work requirements for participation in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Medicaid program.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/8/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 353: yeas 74, nays 0
3/8/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/8/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (74-0)
3/8/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - added as third sponsor Senator Leising
3/5/2018 - added as second sponsor Senator Houchin
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 297: yeas 40, nays 9
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
2/1/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/31/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Koch
1/31/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 106: yeas 93, nays 0
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representative DeVon
1/11/2018 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
State Bill Page: HB1285
HB1288 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (TORR J) Provides that, if the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) determines that a business, school corporation, or charter school (entity) that has received a grant award under the skills enhancement fund program is noncompliant with the terms of its grant agreement, the IEDC shall, after giving notice to the entity and an opportunity to explain the noncompliance, provide the entity with a written demand for return or repayment of an amount not to exceed the sum of all grants previously awarded to the entity. Provides that, if the entity fails to repay the IEDC, the IEDC may notify the department of state revenue (department) of the noncompliance and request that the department exercise its authority under the department's refund set off program to recover the sum of all grants previously awarded to the entity. Provides that the IEDC is authorized to participate in the refund set off program. Provides for the expiration of provisions in the enterprise zone statute relating to the functions of the IEDC, and authorizes similar functions to be performed by: (1) the urban enterprise association (U.E.A.) in the enterprise zone; and (2) the fiscal body of the municipality in which the enterprise zone is located. Provides for the expiration of the provision that requires a zone business to pay a registration fee to the IEDC. Eliminates the enterprise zone fund. Provides that any money remaining in the fund after its expiration shall revert to the economic development fund. Retains provisions in current law that require each zone business that receives an incentive to assist the U.E.A. in the enterprise zone in an amount determined by the legislative body of the municipality (legislative body) in which the zone business is located. Provides that the legislative body may pass an ordinance disqualifying a zone business from eligibility for incentives if the zone business does not assist the U.E.A. Provides that the legislative body may, in certain circumstances, impose an additional fee that is equal to 1% of all the zone business's incentives. Authorizes the U.E.A. in an enterprise zone to do the following: (1) Adopt guidelines for the disqualification of a zone business. (2) Modify the boundaries of the enterprise zone. Provides that the board of the IEDC may not renew an enterprise zone during a phase out period after June 30, 2018. Provides that an enterprise zone that was not renewed under those provisions between January 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018, may be renewed for an additional five year period if the fiscal body of the municipality adopts a resolution to renew the enterprise zone for an additional five year period. Amends the definition of "lender" under the capital access program for the period beginning after June 30, 2018, and ending before July 1, 2021, to include: (1) a credit corporation; and (2) other specified entities that are approved as a lender by the IEDC in accordance with policy guidelines adopted by the board of the IEDC. Decreases the minimum premium charges payable to the reserve fund account for the capital access program from 1.5% to 1%. Repeals and replaces the definition of "disadvantaged business enterprise" used for purposes of determining the premium charges payable to a reserve fund account to incorporate the definition of "small disadvantaged business" under the federal regulation that applies to the United States Small Business Administration. Repeals the statute authorizing the department to carry out a centralized debt collection program for use by state agencies to collect delinquent amounts owed to state agencies. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/13/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments; Roll Call 369: yeas 83, nays 0
3/13/2018 - House concurred in Senate amendments;
3/13/2018 - House Concurred with Senate Amendments Concurred (83-0)
3/13/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/12/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/1/2018 - removed as second sponsor Senator Spartz
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 258: yeas 50, nays 0
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (Raatz) prevailed; voice vote
2/22/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Austin
2/5/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Raatz, Spartz and Niezgodski
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 164: yeas 91, nays 0
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - Amendment #1 (Torr) prevailed; voice vote
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Pressel
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Candelaria Reardon
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Jerry Torr
State Bill Page: HB1288
HB1297 BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (NEGELE S) Defines "unserved area" for purposes of the state broadband development program as an area that does not have access to the minimum speed thresholds for broadband services, and replaces the term "underserved area" with "unserved area". Changes the minimum speed threshold for broadband services to be consistent with the minimum broadband speeds set by the Federal Communications Commission. (Current law sets the minimum speed threshold at 384 kilobits per second in at least one direction.)
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/17/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Sharon Negele
State Bill Page: HB1297
HB1299 OCCUPATIONAL REGULATION OVERSIGHT AND REVIEW (WESCO T) Provides that the small business ombudsman (ombudsman) shall review a proposed rule that is an occupational regulation and imposes requirements or costs on persons subject to the occupational regulation. Requires the attorney general to disapprove a proposed rule if it violates federal antitrust laws. Requires that a statement must be filed concerning the economic impact of the proposed occupational regulation on persons who are subject to the occupational regulation. Requires a regulatory flexibility analysis that considers any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed occupational regulation, including the establishment of the least restrictive regulation that is necessary to regulate the occupation or protect consumers. Establishes guidelines to analyze an occupation regulation to determine if it is the least restrictive regulation. Makes conforming changes to include regulated occupations in the laws that affect adoption of rules that affect small businesses. Allows an individual who has a criminal record to submit a petition to the board that issues a license, certificate, or permit that an individual is required by law to hold to engage in a business, profession, or occupation to determine if the individual's criminal record will disqualify the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit. Establishes criteria and procedures to determine if an individual's criminal record disqualifies the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Timothy Wesco
State Bill Page: HB1299
HB1301 INSURANCE MATTERS (CARBAUGH M) Updates names of health care provider billing forms. Amends the financial responsibility requirement for a contract carrier that transports railroad employees. Permits the department of insurance and governor to apply for a state innovation waiver under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Provides for reduced limits and removal of commercial umbrella or excess liability coverage and requires notice of a reduction or removal. Repeals the law providing for a multistate surplus lines insurance compact, which has not gone into effect due to an insufficient number of states enacting the legislation. Amends the law concerning taxation of surplus lines producers on business sold to insureds whose home state is Indiana. Corrects a provision of HEA 1143-2018 providing for paper prior authorization requests. Requires health maintenance organizations to be member insurers in the life and health insurance guaranty association. Repeals unnecessary deposit requirements of HMOs to the department of insurance for noncovered healthcare expenditures. Urges the legislative council to assign the issue of bond requirements for public-private agreements for study during the 2018 interim of the general assembly. Resolves conflicts with SEA 341-2018. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 409: yeas 48, nays 0; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 399: yeas 98, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (98-0)
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Holdman, Melton, Messmer and Zay
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Perfect and Mrvan
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Morris, Lehman and Harris
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Carbaugh and Austin
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 299: yeas 48, nays 1
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Raatz) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Tallian) failed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Brown L) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/22/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate sponsor: Senator Perfect
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 137: yeas 92, nays 0
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/31/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/31/2018 - Amendment #1 (Candelaria Reardon) motion withdrawn voice vote
1/31/2018 - Amendment #5 (Lehman) prevailed; voice vote
1/31/2018 - Amendment #3 (Carbaugh) prevailed; voice vote
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Hamm
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/24/2018 - House Insurance, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Insurance
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Coauthored by Representative Austin
1/11/2018 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
State Bill Page: HB1301
HB1317 HEALTH MATTERS (CLERE E) Provides that a pharmacy or pharmacist has a right to provide individuals with information concerning the individual's cost share for a prescription drug. States that a pharmacy or pharmacist cannot be proscribed by a third party administrator, a health insurer, or a health maintenance organization from discussing the information or from selling to the individual a more affordable alternative. Prohibits a copayment for a drug under the state employee health plan, an accident and sickness insurance policy, or a health maintenance organization contract from exceeding the amount payable to the pharmacy for the drug under an agreement with the pharmacy. Provides that changes to the designated coverage area of an area agency on aging may not be made until after a public hearing is held and one year elapses from the date of the hearing. Provides that the definition of "community and home care services" includes services, not covered by Medicaid, necessary to prevent individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities from being institutionalized and to help such individuals to transition out of health care facilities or group homes. Requires the community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled (CHOICE) board to review proposed rules concerning the CHOICE program and removes the time requirement for the review. (Current law requires review of proposed rules concerning home and community based services at least three months before the rule may be published.) Removes provisions concerning the CHOICE board setting a public comment period. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to study service provider and systems point of entry reimbursement rates for recipients of early intervention services. Beginning July 1, 2019, removes the 12 month limitation on receipt by certain individuals of supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. Specifies that, beginning January 1, 2020, Indiana elects to opt out of the federal law prohibiting individuals convicted of certain drug offenses from receiving SNAP assistance if the individual meets specified conditions. Specifies that if the individual violates any terms of the probation, parole, community corrections, or reentry court program, the individual is ineligible for SNAP. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to study reimbursement rates and the methodology for case management services for recipients of certain Medicaid waivers. Provides that any new rates as a result of a study: (1) may not take effect until January 1, 2019, or be applied retroactively; and (2) must be approved through a Medicaid waiver amendment. Requires the board of pharmacy to adopt rules concerning telepharmacy under the laws regulating remote dispensing facilities. Exempts from the law regulating pharmacists and pharmacies the delivery of peritoneal renal dialysis related supplies by manufacturers, third party logistic providers, and wholesale drug distributors in certain circumstances. Removes that an occupant of a property was afflicted with or died from a disease related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the definition of "psychologically affected property". Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact that joining the nurse licensure compact would have on the delivery of nursing services to residents of Indiana.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 394: yeas 36, nays 13
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 375: yeas 95, nays 3; Rules Suspended
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (95-3)
3/13/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/8/2018 - House Advisors appointed Carbaugh, Davisson, Kirchhofer, Ziemke and Shackleford
3/8/2018 - House Conferees appointed Clere and Brown C
3/8/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/8/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Becker and Breaux
3/8/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Charbonneau, Stoops, Grooms and Bohacek
3/8/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 326: yeas 36, nays 12
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Randolph
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Bohacek) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Cosponsor: Senator Stoops
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Becker, Charbonneau and Grooms
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 161: yeas 91, nays 1
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Brown, C., Davisson, Ziemke
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/29/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Edward Clere
State Bill Page: HB1317
HB1319 SMALL LOANS AND UNSECURED CONSUMER INSTALLMENT LOANS (CARBAUGH M) Authorizes a lender that is licensed by the department of financial institutions (department) to make small loans under the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) to make unsecured consumer installment loans under the same license. Defines an "unsecured consumer installment loan" as a loan: (1) with a principal amount that is: (A) more than $605 and not more than $1,500; and (B) payable in three or more substantially equal periodic payments; and (2) in which the lender holds one or more checks of the borrower for a specific period, or receives the borrower's authorization to debit the borrower's account on one or more occasions for a specific period, before the lender deposits the check or debits the account. Amends the UCCC chapter governing small loans to establish the following with respect to unsecured consumer installment loans: (1) An authorized finance charge and monthly maintenance fee. (2) A $25 returned check fee. (3) Mandatory consumer disclosures, including the inclusion in the mandatory consumer pamphlet of information about the 211 telephone dialing code. (4) An annual fee assessed on lenders of $1,000 per license and $1,000 per Indiana branch location, for the department's use in supporting financial education programs. (5) A requirement that the loan term be at least three months but not more than 12 months. (6) Restrictions with respect to consecutive unsecured consumer installment loans. (7) Lending prohibitions based on a borrower's monthly gross income. (8) Provisions concerning a lender's duties upon payments made by a borrower. (9) Prohibitions against prepayment penalties and loan renewals. (10) Prohibitions against a borrower having: (A) a small loan and an unsecured consumer installment loan; or (B) more than one unsecured consumer installment; outstanding at the same time. (11) Permissible and prohibited remedies upon a borrower's default. (12) Remedies and damages for violations by licensees and unlicensed persons. (13) Prohibited acts by a lender. Removes from the chapter governing small loans and unsecured consumer installment loans provisions specifying a reference base index for use by the department in adjusting specified dollar amounts designated as subject to change. Makes conforming adjustments to specified dollar amounts in provisions concerning small loans.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
All Bill Status: 2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
2/1/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to Senate
1/31/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Messmer, Houchin and Raatz
1/31/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 113: yeas 53, nays 41
1/31/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Representative McNamara
1/29/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 5
1/24/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Burton
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
State Bill Page: HB1319
HB1322 SMALL EMPLOYER EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HUSTON T) Provides that an employee of a small employer in a county in which a public health emergency has been declared under the syringe exchange program is entitled to access without cost to the same extent and on the same basis as a state employee any employee assistance program offered to state employees by the state personnel department. Requires the department of workforce development to pay the costs of providing these services using federal or state funds available to the department.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/23/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Heine, Klinker, Porter
1/11/2018 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Todd Huston
State Bill Page: HB1322
HB1329 WORKFORCE INCLUSION AND OPPORTUNITY PILOT PROGRAM (CLERE E) Establishes a workforce inclusion and opportunity pilot program for the purpose of demonstrating a coordinated training program that provides training and other services to: (1) incumbent workers of participating employers to allow those workers to qualify for higher paying positions; and (2) unemployed or underemployed individuals, particularly people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, to allow those individuals to qualify for job openings created by incumbent workers taking new positions. Establishes a seven member task force to implement and administer the pilot program. Requires the task force to implement the pilot program not later than October 1, 2018. Appropriates to the task force from the skills enhancement training fund and the rehabilitation services fund amounts sufficient to provide: (1) grants to employers and providers of training and other services that are participating in the pilot program; (2) reimbursement of employer costs related to the hiring and training of new employees related to the pilot program; and (3) grants to incumbent workers of an employer participating in the pilot program to pay the costs related to the worker earning a portable, industry recognized certification or credential. Appropriates on July 1 each year, for the years 2018 and 2019, to a training institute for people with disabilities from the skills enhancement training fund $1,750,000 for curriculum development, operating expenses, and marketing expenses. Requires the Indiana economic development corporation to submit a report to the budget committee each year concerning the training institute's use of the money.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/11/2018 - First Reading
1/11/2018 - Authored By Edward Clere
State Bill Page: HB1329
HB1337 BENEFITS FOR INDEPENDENT WORKERS (DELANEY E) Requires one or more independent workers who want to establish a benefit group (group) to provide work-related benefits to group members to register with the department of labor (department) and file annual reports with the department commissioner summarizing the group's activities. Requires the group to establish an hourly rate or rates for payment of services performed by a group member, including in each hourly rate an amount attributable to each work-related benefit chosen by a group member, plus an amount, not to exceed 0.5%, attributable to the cost of administering that work-related benefit, unless the members approve a greater amount. Provides that amounts paid for work-related benefits and associated administrative costs are payable only from earned income. Provides that an independent worker who resigns membership in a group may not be required to sign a noncompete agreement. Establishes a benefit group council, consisting of a representative of each group, to recommend and administer the work-related benefits offered by the groups, including the receipt and remittance of amounts attributable to the work-related benefits and associated costs. Requires the council to file annual reports with the department commissioner summarizing the council's activities.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Edward DeLaney
State Bill Page: HB1337
HB1344 PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH DISCRIMINATION (SHACKLEFORD R) Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee who has a condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Requires an employer to provide reasonable employment accommodations for an employee who has a condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Requires the civil rights commission to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve complaints. Provides a right of action. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Engleman
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1344
HB1345 PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICING STUDY (SHACKLEFORD R) Urges the legislative council to assign to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services the task of studying issues related to prescription drug price transparency by drug manufacturers in Indiana.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Brown, C
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1345
HB1347 MAIL IN BALLOTS (KERSEY C) Requires that all elections be conducted by mail beginning with elections in 2022. Provides for the January 1, 2022, expiration of several provisions of the election Code that will be obsolete under a vote by mail system. Requires the interim study committee on elections to study the transition to a vote by mail system and propose necessary legislation to accomplish the transition.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Clyde Kersey
State Bill Page: HB1347
HB1348 ADMINISTRATIVE RULES FOR VETERANS' PROGRAMS (KERSEY C) Requires that, by May 1, 2018, each state agency must review veterans' programs the agency is required to administer by state law and adopt emergency rules for any programs that have not yet been implemented.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Torr
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Clyde Kersey
State Bill Page: HB1348
HB1357 COLLEGE REMEDIAL EDUCATION (PORTER G) Provides for the Hoosier student success initiative. Requires a state educational institution to develop a plan for students who are determined to need remedial education. Requires state educational institutions to develop a corequisite model under which a student concurrently enrolls in a remedial education course and a freshman level course in the same subject area for each subject area for which the student is referred for remedial course work. Provides that, not later than August 1, 2024, each state educational institution shall ensure that at least 75% of the state educational institution's students enrolled in remedial course work other than adult basic education or basic academic skills education are enrolled in remedial corequisite course work. Requires the commission for higher education (commission), in consultation with state educational institutions, to develop and provide professional development programs to faculty and staff who provide remedial course work. Requires each state educational institution to annually report to the commission on the success of the students and the effectiveness of the student success initiative. Requires, not later than November 1, 2020, and each November 1 thereafter, that the commission submit a report evaluating the success of the initiative on a statewide basis to the general assembly.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Gregory Porter
State Bill Page: HB1357
HB1363 ELIGIBILITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES (FORESTAL D) Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to compile a list of all employers that relocate a call center to a foreign country and to disqualify employers on that list from state grants, loans, and tax credits. Requires an employer receiving a state grant, loan, or tax credit to notify the IEDC if it intends to relocate a call center. Imposes a civil penalty on an employer that does not notify the IEDC.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Dan Forestal
State Bill Page: HB1363
HB1371 SPECIALIZED DRIVING PRIVILEGES (YOUNG J) Allows a court to stay a person's driving privileges suspension by not submitting the probable cause affidavit related to the person's offense to the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau) if the person indicates to the court, at the initial hearing, that the person intends to file a petition for a specialized driving privileges hearing. Provides that if the person does not file a petition for a specialized driving privileges hearing after seven days from the date of the initial hearing with the court, the court shall lift the stay of the person's suspension of driving privileges and shall submit the probable cause affidavit related to the person's offense to the bureau for automatic suspension. If a person files a petition for a specialized driving privileges hearing within the seven days, the stay of the driving privileges suspension continues until the matter is heard and a determination is made by the court at the specialized driving privileges hearing. Provides that the court must set a specialized driving privileges hearing, if requested, not later than 30 days after the initial hearing. Sets parameters for a person's driving privileges suspension due to delays caused by the court, the prosecuting attorney, and the person. Adds that a judge must inform a person that the person may request a specialized driving privileges hearing during an initial hearing when the person is charged with certain driving related offenses. Requires an individual with suspended driving privileges who seeks specialized driving privileges to file a petition for specialized driving privileges in the court that ordered or imposed the suspension.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By John Young
State Bill Page: HB1371
HB1382 STUDY OF PHARMACY DESERTS (BROWN C) Defines "pharmacy desert". Urges the legislative council to assign topics to a study committee concerning pharmacy deserts in rural and urban areas of Indiana.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House without amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 303: yeas 43, nays 6
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Lanane
2/26/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 5; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Ruckelshaus and Melton
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 154: yeas 88, nays 3
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/31/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Frizzell
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - added as coauthors Representatives Olthoff and Hamm
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Charlie Brown
State Bill Page: HB1382
HB1388 PAID SICK LEAVE (LAWSON L) Provides that certain employers shall provide paid sick leave to employees of one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours of employment, up to a maximum of 40 hours of paid sick leave a year. Provides that the commissioner of labor shall enforce paid sick leave for employees and shall adopt rules to implement paid sick leave.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Linda Lawson
State Bill Page: HB1388
HB1390 EQUAL PAY; WAGE DISCLOSURE PROTECTION (LAWSON L) Provides that it is an unlawful employment practice to: (1) pay wages that discriminate based on sex for substantially similar work; (2) discharge, discipline, discriminate against, coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any employee or other person because the employee inquired about, disclosed, compared, or otherwise discussed the employee's wages; (3) require as a condition of employment nondisclosure by an employee of the employee's wages; or (4) require an employee to sign a waiver or other document that purports to deny the employee the right to disclose the employee's wage information. Provides that the civil rights commission has jurisdiction for the investigation and resolution of complaints of these employment actions.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Hamilton
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Olthoff and Taylor J
1/16/2018 - Authored By Linda Lawson
State Bill Page: HB1390
HB1411 NEW MARKETS HEALTHY FOOD ACCESS INVESTMENT CREDIT (SHACKLEFORD R) Establishes a new markets healthy food access investment credit against state tax liability for investments made by a taxpayer in a qualified community development entity that then uses the proceeds of the investment exclusively to make investments in qualified active low income community businesses for projects that increase the availability of and capacity to supply fresh and nutritious food in a low income area. Specifies that the tax credit is equal to an applicable percentage multiplied by the purchase price of the qualified investment. Requires a qualified community development entity to pay a nonrefundable application fee of $1,500 for each qualified equity investment that the qualified community development entity seeks to have approved by the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA). Requires the IHCDA to limit the monetary amount of qualified equity investments to an amount necessary to limit the claiming of the tax credit to not more than $3,000,000 in any state fiscal year (based on the anticipated use of the tax credits without regard to the potential for taxpayers to carry forward tax credits to later tax years). Provides that the IHCDA is required to issue letter rulings requested by taxpayers, similar to private letter rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service at the federal level, regarding the Indiana new markets tax credit. Makes an appropriation.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robin Shackleford
State Bill Page: HB1411
HB1413 OVERTIME COMPENSATION FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES (HATFIELD R) Provides that, after December 31, 2018, certain employees must be paid compensation for employment in certain circumstances at a rate not less than 1.5 times the regular rate at which the employee is employed and, under certain circumstances, not less than two times the regular rate at which the employee is employed. Removes outdated language. Relocates language concerning the tip credit. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
All Bill Status: 2/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Ryan Hatfield
State Bill Page: HB1413
HB1426 EDUCATION MATTERS (BEHNING R) Urges the legislative council during the 2018 through 2020 interims to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to a school corporation's ability to provide adequate career counseling to students. Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one standard Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires the state board to create an alternate diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Requires the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Provides that the graduation examination shall be administered until the 2019-2020 school year. Provides that, for each school year beginning after June 30, 2021, a high school shall administer as part of the statewide assessment a nationally recognized college entrance exam. Eliminates the requirement of end of course assessments to be administered as part of the statewide assessment program. Provides that if the state board determines that no nationally recognized college entrance exam assesses a given high school subject that is required, the state board may select another type of assessment, including an end of course assessment, for that subject. Resolves a conflict in a provision that requires the state board to develop guidelines to assist secondary schools to identify students likely to require remediation. Eliminates a requirement that a student must take a college and career readiness examination if the student is identified under the guidelines developed by the state board to likely be in need of remediation. Provides that certain statewide assessments must use a scale score that will ensure the statewide assessment scores are comparable to assessment scoring used as part of the ISTEP program, before its expiration. Adds a provision to the list of purposes for which a charter school may limit new admissions to the charter school. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma. Makes conforming amendments. Specifies that certain provisions of SEA 354-2018 take effect upon passage instead of taking effect on July 1, 2018.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 415: yeas 71, nays 25; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (71-25)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - House Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Kruse and Melton
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Raatz, Mrvan, Zay and Spartz
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Behning and Austin
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Cook, Clere and Smith V
3/7/2018 - House dissented from Senate Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the House with amendments
3/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 336: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
3/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Kruse) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Kruse) prevailed; voice vote
3/5/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
3/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
3/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Senator Melton
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/7/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
2/7/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to Senate
2/5/2018 - Senate sponsors: Senators Kruse and Raatz
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 147: yeas 84, nays 5
2/5/2018 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 143: yeas 21, nays 62
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeVon) prevailed; Roll Call 142: yeas 73, nays 12
2/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeLaney) failed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeVon) prevailed;
2/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Behning) prevailed; voice vote
2/1/2018 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 20; Nays: 1
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Austin
1/29/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
1/23/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Cook
1/23/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Representative Clere
1/16/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/16/2018 - First Reading
1/16/2018 - Authored By Robert Behning
State Bill Page: HB1426
HCR3 URGING THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL TO ASSIGN THE TOPIC OF REDUCING OVERT IDENTIFICATION OF FREE AND REDUCED PRICE LUNCH STUDENTS THROUGH ALTERNATE CHARGE AND MEAL POLICIES OF LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCIES TO T (SIEGRIST S) Urging the legislative council to assign the topic of reducing overt identification of free and reduced price lunch students through alternate charge and meal policies of local education agencies to the appropriate committee.
Current Status: 1/11/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Frye R, Olthoff, and Wright
1/4/2018 - Coauthored by Representatives Olthoff, Frye R and Wright
1/4/2018 - Referred to House Education
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Sally Siegrist
State Bill Page: HCR3
SB1 SUNDAY CARRYOUT SALES (ALTING R) Allows the following to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout on Sunday from noon until 8 p.m.: (1) A package liquor store, grocery store, convenience store, or drug store. (2) A restaurant that satisfies the requirements to sell carryout. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the alcohol code revision commission.)
Current Status: 2/28/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 2/27/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/22/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 223: yeas 38, nays 10
2/22/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
2/22/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (38-10)
2/22/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/21/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Ober
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 187: yeas 82, nays 10
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative GiaQuinta
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 1
2/14/2018 - House Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Policy
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Siegrist
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Smaltz
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 42: yeas 39, nays 10
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Amendment #1 (Tallian) failed; voice vote
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - Senate Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ron Alting
State Bill Page: SB1
SB4 DUTIES OF CORRECTIONS AND CRIMINAL CODE INTERIM STUDY COMMITTEE (BRAY R) Provides that the interim study committee on corrections and criminal code shall review current trends with respect to criminal behavior, sentencing, incarceration, and treatment and may: (1) identify particular needs of the criminal justice system that can be addressed by legislation; and (2) prepare legislation to address the particular needs found by the committee. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on corrections and criminal code.)
Current Status: 3/7/2018 - Signed by the Governor
All Bill Status: 3/7/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
3/6/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/27/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 188: yeas 94, nays 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Steuerwald
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/15/2018 - added as sponsor Representative Young J
2/15/2018 - removed as sponsor Representative Steuerwald
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Courts and Criminal Code, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/18/2018 - Referred to House
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Taylor G
1/16/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Steuerwald
1/16/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 12: yeas 40, nays 7
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/11/2018 - added as second author Senator Young M
1/11/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/11/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/9/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 1
1/9/2018 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rodric Bray
State Bill Page: SB4
SB11 ELIGIBILITY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE (BOHACEK M) Beginning July 1, 2019, removes the 12 month limitation on receipt by certain individuals of supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. Specifies that, beginning January 1, 2020, Indiana elects to opt out of the federal law prohibiting individuals convicted of certain drug offenses from receiving SNAP assistance if the individual meets specified conditions. Specifies that if the individual violates any terms of the probation, parole, community corrections, or reentry court program, the individual is ineligible for SNAP.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/14/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 95: yeas 41, nays 8
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Cook
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Reread second time: ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/25/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/22/2018 - added as third author Senator Ford
1/22/2018 - added as second author Senator Merritt
1/22/2018 - Reassign Reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/22/2018 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 68(b); reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/11/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/11/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Mike Bohacek
State Bill Page: SB11
SB15 WORKER CAREER ENHANCEMENT TAX CREDIT (RUCKELSHAUS J) Provides a credit against state tax liability for an employer of an employee earning the federal or state minimum wage who completes a career enhancement training program (program). Provides that the amount of the credit is 50% of the difference between the employee's annual compensation before and after the employee completes the program.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
1/4/2018 - added as third author Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB15
SB25 TERMINATION OF LOCAL DEFINED BENEFIT PLANS (BOOTS P) Requires the termination of a defined benefit plan sponsored by a political subdivision if the full actuarially determined contribution to the plan is not made for three consecutive years.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB25
SB29 PREKINDERGARTEN PILOT PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY (MELTON E) Removes the requirement that, for an eligible child to qualify for a grant under the prekindergarten pilot program, the eligible child reside with a parent or guardian who is: (1) working or attending a job training program or educational program; or (2) actively seeking employment. Removes a provision that allows priority for a grant to an eligible child whose parent or guardian is involved in: (1) activities that improve the parent's or guardian's education; or (2) job training.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Eddie Melton
State Bill Page: SB29
SB30 CHILD CARE HOME APPLICATION NOTICE AND COMMENT (NIEMEYER R) Requires the division of family resources to provide to the plan commission that has jurisdiction notice and opportunity to comment on a residential child care home licensure application.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
State Bill Page: SB30
SB50 GOVERNOR'S WORKFORCE CABINET (LONG D) Establishes the governor's workforce cabinet (cabinet). Specifies the membership and duties of the cabinet. Provides that the cabinet shall serve as the state advisory body required under certain federal laws. Provides that subject to the approval of the chairperson, the state personnel department, and the budget agency, the cabinet may employ professional, technical, and clerical personnel necessary to carry out its duties. Specifies that the cabinet is subject to the allotment system administered by the budget agency and financial oversight by the office of management and budget. Requires the cabinet to develop, not later than July 1, 2018, a comprehensive career navigation and coaching system for Indiana and requires all high schools to participate in the career coaching program. Requires the cabinet to conduct a regular review, analysis, and evaluation of all workforce related programs. Requires the cabinet to conduct a college and career funding review and submit, not later than November 1, 2018, to the governor and the legislative council a report concerning the results of the review. Requires the cabinet to study the advisability of establishing one or more real world career readiness programs that combine the theory of a particular career with workforce practice or application in order to provide students with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce and submit, not later than November 1, 2018, to the governor and the legislative council a report concerning the results of the study. Repeals the state workforce innovation council (council). Assigns the council's duties and obligations concerning postsecondary proprietary educational institution accreditation to the department of workforce development and all other council duties and obligations to the cabinet. Makes conforming amendments. Repeals obsolete definitions.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (67-29)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate;; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/12/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Niezgodski
3/12/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Niezgodski
3/12/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Tallian
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Huston and Austin
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Sullivan, Heine, Dvorak and Pryor
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Eckerty and Tallian
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Bassler, Niezgodski, Perfect and Ruckelshaus
3/6/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/6/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 312: yeas 96, nays 0
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Dvorak) prevailed; Roll Call 299: yeas 89, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Amendment #6 (Austin) prevailed; Roll Call 298: yeas 90, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Amendment #6 (Austin) prevailed;
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Sullivan) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #4 (Huston) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Heine
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 18; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Austin
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/21/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Cook
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Glick
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Delph
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Huston
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 158: yeas 45, nays 3
2/6/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #4 (Niezgodski) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #3 (Niezgodski) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #5 (Taylor G) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Mishler) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Spartz
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 2
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/25/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Niemeyer, Grooms, Ford, Sandlin, Raatz, Crider, Brown L, Bassler, Messmer, Zakas, Bray, Walker, Buck, Doriot, Kruse, Charbonneau
1/22/2018 - added as third author Senator Perfect
1/22/2018 - added as second author Senator Head
1/22/2018 - added as author Senator Eckerty
1/22/2018 - removed as author Senator Long
1/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Long
State Bill Page: SB50
SB51 EXPUNGEMENT OF ADDICTION RELATED CONVICTIONS (LONG D) Establishes a procedure to permit a person: (1) with an addiction disorder related conviction; and (2) who has completed a high intensity residential treatment program; to expunge the person's addiction disorder related conviction.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - added as author Senator Crider
1/8/2018 - removed as author Senator Long
1/8/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Judiciary
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Long
State Bill Page: SB51
SB62 HOSPICES AND MEDICAID (BECKER V) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to retain a recipient who participates in the Medicaid risk based managed care program (program) on the program if the recipient is approved to receive hospice services without losing Medicaid coverage. Specifies certain Medicaid recipients may not participate in the Medicaid risk based managed care program. Requires reimbursement of the hospice provider through the program if the recipient participates in the program.
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 225: yeas 93, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsors Representatives Porter and Zent
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 96: yeas 49, nays 0
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Bacon
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/29/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Tomes and Stoops
1/29/2018 - added as third author Senator Charbonneau
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Leising
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Vaneta Becker
State Bill Page: SB62
SB77 REDISTRICTING (LANANE T) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly must meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB77
SB78 DRIVING AUTHORITY PERMITS (LANANE T) Provides for the issuance of driving authority permits and driving authority learner's permits (permits) to residents of Indiana who cannot provide proof of identity and lawful status in the United States. Provides that permits may not be used for federal identification or any federal purposes. Requires that an individual who holds a permit and operates a motor vehicle must verify that financial responsibility on any motor vehicle that the holder operates is continuously maintained in the amounts required by law. Makes conforming amendments. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB78
SB79 TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES (TANF) ELIGIBILITY (LANANE T) Sets the income eligibility requirements for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program at not more than 50% of the federal income poverty level. Requires the division of family resources to amend the state TANF plan or take any other action necessary to implement the income requirements. Increases certain payment amounts under the TANF program and requires the payments to be annually adjusted using the Social Security cost of living adjustment rate.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/10/2018 - added as author Senator Stoops
1/10/2018 - removed as author Senator Lanane
1/10/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB79
SB93 FAIR PAY IN EMPLOYMENT (BREAUX J) Provides that: (1) it is an unlawful employment practice to pay wages that discriminate based on sex, race, or national origin for the same or equivalent jobs; and (2) the civil rights commission has jurisdiction for investigation and resolution of complaints of these employment actions.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Alting
1/16/2018 - added as second author Senator Becker
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB93
SB95 LEGISLATIVE ETHICS (DELPH M) Provides that a lobbyist and certain persons associated with state educational institutions may not give a gift to a legislative person with certain stated exceptions. Requires a lobbyist who communicates with certain legislative persons to make a log of the communication. Requires a lobbyist to submit a copy of the communications log electronically to the lobby registration commission (commission) on a weekly basis. Requires a lobbyist to maintain a copy of written communications and an archived copy of certain electronic communications for four years. Provides that upon the request of the commission, a lobbyist shall provide the commission with an electronic copy of a communication that is required to be maintained or archived. Requires the commission to provide an electronic copy of any of those communications to any person who makes a request to inspect the communication. Repeals superseded statutes. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB95
SB96 VETERANS PILOT PROGRAM (DELPH M) Extends to 2020 the program that provides assistance for certain providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans. (Under current law, the program expires June 30, 2019.) Allows the state department of health to select and approve up to five providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans receiving treatment under the pilot program. (Under current law, only one provider may be selected and approved.) Requires providers to perform services at cost out of the grant amount awarded to the provider. Removes the restriction on when a veteran's injury occurred in order for the veteran to receive treatment under the pilot program. Requires providers to quarterly file a status report concerning the services provided by the provider with the state department of health and the department of veterans' affairs (department). Requires the department, in collaboration with the state department of health, to prepare a final report at the conclusion of the pilot program and transmit the report to the governor, the leadership of the legislative council, the chairperson of the house committee on veterans affairs and public safety, and the chairperson of the senate committee on veterans affairs and the military. Requires the final report to be made available on the department's Internet web site. Provides immunity for providers and supervising physicians of services provided under the pilot program.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 381: yeas 46, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 381: yeas 98, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (96-0)
3/13/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/7/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/5/2018 - House Advisors appointed Davisson, Soliday and Shackleford
3/5/2018 - House Conferees appointed Zent and Brown C
3/1/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Delph and Niezgodski
3/1/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Sandlin, Ford and Mrvan
3/1/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
2/28/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 227: yeas 97, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Brown, C
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Walker
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Frye and Burton
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Zent
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 160: yeas 47, nays 1
2/6/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse, Zakas, Alting
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #6 (Delph) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
2/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/10/2018 - added as third author Senator Charbonneau
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB96
SB102 SPOUSAL SUPPORT AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT (DELPH M) Adds to the list of factors that a court may consider when making findings concerning spousal maintenance. Allows a court to award spousal maintenance as appropriate, but not to exceed: (1) a period of time that equals the duration of the marriage; or (2) an annual amount, including child support obligations for any child of the marriage, equivalent to 40% of the payor spouse's annual salary. Allows a court to issue an educational support order until a child reaches 26 years of age.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB102
SB104 VETERANS' COURT FUND (DELPH M) Establishes the veterans' court fund. Requires the criminal justice institute (institute), the Indiana judicial center, and the department of veterans' affairs to coordinate to: (1) apply for local, state, and federal grants and other funding sources for the veterans' court fund; and (2) conduct an annual study to determine the number of veterans arrested in each county in Indiana. Requires the institute to report its findings and grant application progress to the legislative council. Urges the legislative council to assign to a study committee the topic of: (1) funding the expansion of veterans' courts throughout Indiana; and (2) continuing the funding of existing veterans' courts in Indiana. Amends the definition of "public safety" under the local income tax law to allow revenue allocated for public safety to be used for a veterans' court. Requires the study committee to issue a final report to the legislative council containing the study committee's findings and recommendations not later than November 1, 2018.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SB104
SB109 SATELLITE VOTING (TAYLOR G) Allows a county election board to adopt a resolution by the majority vote of the board's entire membership in order to establish satellite locations for early voting. (Currently, a resolution to establish satellite voting locations must be adopted unanimously by the board.)
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Greg Taylor
State Bill Page: SB109
SB113 PAID EMPLOYEE LEAVE (RANDOLPH L) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee during the 2018 legislative interim the task of studying paid personal leave from employment.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Lonnie Randolph
State Bill Page: SB113
SB114 PROTECTIVE ORDERS AND EMPLOYMENT (RANDOLPH L) Provides that an employer may not discriminate against an employee with respect to compensation and benefits from the employer or terms and conditions of employment based on: (1) the employee's filing of a petition for a protective order, whether or not the protective order has been issued; or (2) the actions of an individual against whom the employee has filed a protective order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Lonnie Randolph
State Bill Page: SB114
SB115 TAX CREDIT FOR TEACHERS' CLASSROOM SUPPLIES (RANDOLPH L) Increases the income tax credit for an individual employed as a teacher for amounts expended on classroom supplies from $100 to $500 per taxable year.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Lonnie Randolph
State Bill Page: SB115
SB121 MINIMUM WAGE (MRVAN F) Increases the minimum wage paid to certain employees in Indiana as follows: (1) after June 30, 2019, from $7.25 an hour to $10 an hour; (2) after June 30, 2020, from $10 an hour to $13 an hour; and (3) after June 30, 2021, from $13 an hour to $15 an hour. Provides that after June 30, 2022, and each subsequent June 30, the hourly minimum wage increases at the same percentage as any increase in the Consumer Price Index for the preceding calendar year. Makes technical corrections and corresponding changes. Removes outdated language.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB121
SB129 FINAL DISPOSITION OF INDIGENT DECEDENT (BUCK J) Transfers the township trustee's responsibility for the final disposition of an indigent decedent to the county coroner. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By James Buck
State Bill Page: SB129
SB133 INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENTS (BOHACEK M) Requires public schools to provide curricular materials to students with an individualized education program at no cost to the student. Makes conforming changes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Mike Bohacek
State Bill Page: SB133
SB136 WORKFORCE READY GRANT (ZAKAS J) Provides that an applicant is eligible to receive a high value workforce ready noncredit-bearing grant if the applicant has been accepted for enrollment in a noncredit-bearing credential or similar program that offers a certification or credential upon completion that is approved by the department of workforce development. Provides that the credential or similar program may be offered by any public, private, or nonprofit entity, including a postsecondary educational institution. Provides that the noncredit-bearing credential or similar programs determined to be eligible for the high value workforce ready noncredit-bearing grant may not be limited to programs offered by a postsecondary educational institution.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/31/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as third author Senator Kruse
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Joseph Zakas
State Bill Page: SB136
SB142 MATERNAL MORTALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE (LEISING J) Requires the state department of health (state department) to establish a statewide maternal mortality review committee (committee) until June 30, 2023, and sets forth membership and duties of the committee. Specifies confidentiality of records reviewed by the committee. Requires a health care provider or health care facility that has a patient who dies of a maternal mortality to report the death to the committee and sets forth immunity provisions for the provider or facility. Allows the committee to review maternal morbidity cases. Specifies records to which the committee may have access. Requires the committee to submit a report to the state department before July 1 of each year concerning the committee's reviews and requires the state department to post the report on the state department's Internet web site and make the report available for public inspection. Provides civil and criminal immunity to committee members in discussing confidential matters before the committee.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 277: yeas 48, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/1/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (48-0)
3/1/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 194: yeas 92, nays 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Brown, C
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Olthoff
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/18/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Kirchhofer
1/18/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Engleman
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 25: yeas 49, nays 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Amendment #1 (Charbonneau) prevailed; voice vote
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/9/2018 - added as third author Senator Becker
1/9/2018 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jean Leising
State Bill Page: SB142
SB144 ABSENTEE VOTING (FORD J) Permits a voter who is qualified to vote in person to vote by absentee ballot. Removes all other qualifications for a voter to vote by absentee ballot except for a voter with disabilities who is unable to make a voting mark on the ballot or sign the absentee ballot secrecy envelope. (Such a disabled voter is currently required to vote before an absentee voter board.)
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jon Ford
State Bill Page: SB144
SB157 REAL WORLD CAREER READINESS PROGRAM (RUCKELSHAUS J) Establishes the real world career readiness program (program). Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall establish the program to provide a real world career readiness student with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce. Provides that the state board, in consultation with the department of workforce development, may create an authorized program, or approve high or moderate value career and technical education programs administered by one or more school corporations or charter schools. Provides that a real world career readiness student may attend an authorized program for a period of not more than one school year after the student's cohort's expected graduation year in order to obtain an industry recognized certification, credential, or postsecondary degree. Provides that a program must include an apprenticeship program, a cooperative program, or a work based learning program. Provides that a student may participate in an authorized program if the student: (1) participates in the Indiana career explorer program or curriculum or an alternative Internet based system and curriculum approved by the department of education, in consultation with the department of workforce development, that includes an aptitude assessment that demonstrates the student's aptitude, in a manner prescribed by the state board, on the aptitude assessment administered for the applicable field of study; or (2) meets alternative qualification requirements for the student's applicable field of study established by the state board in consultation with the department of workforce development. Provides that not later than July 1, 2019, each school corporation or charter high school, either solely, or in a cooperative or consortia with one or more school corporations or charter high schools, must participate in an authorized program beginning with a cohort with an expected graduation year of 2023. Provides that an eligible pupil, for purposes of calculating state tuition support, includes a student enrolled in a program.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 2/5/2018 - removed as coauthor Senator Crane
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Crane and Bassler
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/25/2018 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 2
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Coauthored by Senator Niezgodski
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB157
SB159 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (RUCKELSHAUS J) Establishes a redistricting commission (commission) to create, hold hearings on, take public comment about, and recommend plans to redraw general assembly districts and congressional districts. Provides for appointment of four commission members by the legislative leadership. Establishes the redistricting commission nominating committee (committee) to receive applications from and evaluate applicants to fill the five remaining positions on the commission. Provides for selection of those five commission members from pools of applicants selected by the committee. Requires the legislative services agency (agency) to provide staff and administrative services to the commission. Establishes standards to govern the commission and the agency in the creation of redistricting plans. Provides that the general assembly must meet and enact redistricting plans before October 1 of a redistricting year. Authorizes the general assembly to convene in a session to act on redistricting bills at times other than the times the general assembly is currently authorized to meet. Repeals the current law establishing a redistricting commission for congressional redistricting.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Becker
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/4/2018 - added as third author Senator Ford
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB159
SB166 REPORTING ON WORKER MISCLASSIFICATION (NIEZGODSKI D) Requires the state department of revenue (DOR), the state department of labor (DOL), the worker's compensation board of Indiana (WCB), and the department of workforce development (DWD) to report before November 1 of each year for three years, beginning November 1, 2018, to the interim study committee on employment and labor for the immediately preceding state fiscal year certain information. Requires DOR, WCB, and DWD to report: (1) the number of employers that each department or the board determined during the immediately preceding state fiscal year improperly classified at least one worker as an independent contractor; (2) the total number of improperly classified workers employed by those employers; (3) the department's or board's estimate of the revenue not collected or the additional costs to the state that the department or board attributes to the improperly classified workers; and (4) the amount of the penalties and interest assessed against those employers by each department or the board, and the amount of the penalties and interest assessed that has been collected. Requires DOL to report: (1) the number of reports of suspected worker misclassification received through DOL's tip web page; and (2) the number of those reports referred to other state departments or agencies.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/13/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/30/2018 - Referred to House
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Taylor J, Bacon and Forestal
1/23/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Morris
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 54: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Melton and Tallian
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Walker
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Niezgodski
State Bill Page: SB166
SB170 ELIGIBILITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES (NIEZGODSKI D) Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to compile a list of all employers that relocate a call center to a foreign country and to disqualify employers on that list from state grants, loans, and tax credits. Requires an employer receiving a state grant, loan, or tax credit to notify the IEDC if it intends to relocate a call center. Imposes a civil penalty on an employer that does not notify the IEDC.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Niezgodski
State Bill Page: SB170
SB172 COMPUTER SCIENCE (RAATZ J) Establishes the next level computer science grant program (program) and the next level computer science fund (fund) to award grants, after June 30, 2019, to eligible entities to implement teacher professional development programs for training in teaching computer science. Requires the department of education (department) to: (1) administer the program and fund; and (2) develop, in consultation with the governor's office, guidelines to award grants from the fund to eligible entities. Requires, not later than August 1, 2018, the state superintendent of public instruction to enter into a contract for professional development services. Requires the department to biannually submit a progress report to the governor regarding the: (1) development and administration of the program and fund; and (2) status of public schools in meeting computer science curriculum requirements. Provides that, if the department does not comply with the requirements regarding the program and fund, the state board of education shall assume the department's duties. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to offer a computer science course as a one semester elective course in its curriculum at least once each school year to high school students. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to include computer science in the public school's science curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Current Status: 3/8/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 367: yeas 35, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/8/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/8/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (35-0)
3/8/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 306: yeas 94, nays 0
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/28/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed; Roll Call 263: yeas 23, nays 66
2/28/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/28/2018 - Amendment #3 (DeLaney) failed;
2/28/2018 - Amendment #2 (DeLaney) failed; voice vote
2/28/2018 - Amendment #1 (DeLaney) failed; voice vote
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsors Representatives Cook and Burton
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/5/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Shackleford
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bassler
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Sullivan
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 100: yeas 48, nays 1
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/25/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/25/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Leising and Freeman
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB172
SB177 THE INDIANA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA (KRUSE D) Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Allows the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/12/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Burton, DeVon and Wesco
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Behning
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 165: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/31/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/31/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Raatz
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Dennis Kruse
State Bill Page: SB177
SB179 CHILD SUPPORT (BRAY R) Provides that incarceration of a parent may not be considered to be voluntary unemployment in determining an amount to be ordered for support of a child. Provides that a court may modify the child support order, or approve a proposed modification, without holding a hearing if: (1) a petition to modify a child support order based on incarceration of a party is filed; and (2) after receiving notice, no party files an objection or request for a hearing within 30 days. Requires the child support bureau (bureau), beginning July 1, 2019, to notify both parties of each party's right to request a modification of the child support order not later than fifteen (15) days after learning that an obligor in a Title IV-D case is or may be incarcerated for a period of at least one hundred eighty (180) calendar days. Requires a prosecuting attorney or private attorney entering into an agreement or a contract with the bureau to review all requests for modification of child support due to the incarceration of an obligor within an open Title IV-D case and, if appropriate, file a petition for modification of child support and proposed order in the appropriate court.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/7/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 357: yeas 45, nays 1
3/7/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/7/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (45-1)
3/7/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/6/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 277: yeas 92, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/28/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - House Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Judiciary
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to House
2/5/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Mayfield
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 130: yeas 48, nays 0
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/23/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Rodric Bray
State Bill Page: SB179
SB187 CHILD CARE (HOLDMAN T) Specifies civil penalties for violations by child care providers of safe sleep related requirements. Requires deposit of all civil penalties in the division of family resources child care fund. Specifies that a child care ministry registration expires two years after issuance. Provides an administrative procedure for child care ministry application and registration denial, suspension, and revocation. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/28/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Summers
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate without amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 232: yeas 96, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Olthoff
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/24/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Mahan
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse
1/23/2018 - added as second author Senator Houchin
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 57: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (First Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Travis Holdman
State Bill Page: SB187
SB189 K-12 FUNDING (MISHLER R) Requires the budget agency to transfer from the K-12 state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to cover the K-12 state tuition distribution amount if it exceeds the appropriated amount. Limits the transfer to $25,000,000 in state fiscal year 2017-2018 and $75,000,000 for state fiscal year 2018-2019. Requires school corporations to report information about virtual education programs to the department of education.
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 3/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 279: yeas 93, nays 0
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/28/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 22; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/13/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Raatz
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Crane
1/22/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Jordan, Pressel and Olthoff
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Siegrist
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 35: yeas 49, nays 0
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Alting, Charbonneau, Bassler, Ford, Merritt, Tallian, Melton, Zakas, Brown L
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/11/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/11/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Ryan Mishler
State Bill Page: SB189
SB191 TOWNSHIP CEMETERY OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE (BUCK J) Transfers from townships to counties the current provisions concerning cemetery establishment, ownership, and maintenance. Requires townships to transfer to the county in which the township is located cemetery related property and responsibilities before January 1, 2019.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By James Buck
State Bill Page: SB191
SB193 STUDY COMMITTEE ON PREGNANT WOMEN AND HIP (BREAUX J) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact of having a pregnant woman who is participating in the healthy Indiana plan (HIP) receive pregnancy services under HIP instead of moving the pregnant woman to the Hoosier Healthwise Medicaid program.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB193
SB196 ELIMINATION OF ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS OF ASSESSED VALUES (NIEMEYER R) Eliminates the annual adjustments (or "trending") to assessed values of certain real property for assessment dates beginning after December 31, 2018. Does not eliminate trending for agricultural land. Retains the provisions in current law that require four year cyclical reassessments. Makes conforming changes. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
State Bill Page: SB196
SB204 VETERANS EDUCATIONAL MATTERS (FREEMAN A) Excludes from the determination of financial eligibility for need based financial aid certain benefits received by veteran students. Provides for state educational institution students who are members of the Indiana National Guard or the reserves and are called to active duty during an academic term to receive: (1) a tuition refund or credit; or (2) reenrollment in courses not completed due to active duty status.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/11/2018 - added as second author Senator Glick
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Aaron Freeman
State Bill Page: SB204
SB205 SCHOOL CHOICE SCHOLARSHIPS (FREEMAN A) Provides that, if an eligible choice scholarship student (student) leaves an eligible school during the school year and transfers during the same school year to a different eligible school that has a choice scholarship available for that eligible school, the student may use the amount remaining of the choice scholarship awarded to the student for that school year to pay the tuition at the eligible school to which the student has transferred for the remainder of the school year. Provides that the student may not use the amounts if the student has previously transferred eligible schools during that same school year. Provides that any amounts distributed may not exceed the cost of tuition at the eligible school to which the student transfers.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - added as second author Senator Crane
1/25/2018 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Aaron Freeman
State Bill Page: SB205
SB213 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION FOR AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING (ECKERTY D) Provides a property tax exemption for affordable rental housing property when the property does not otherwise qualify for a property tax exemption. Provides that, in order to qualify for the exemption, the owner must meet the criteria applied by the Internal Revenue Service in determining if an organization that provides low income housing is considered charitable because it relieves the poor and distressed.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Clere
2/21/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Tallian
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Negele
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 169: yeas 45, nays 3
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Eckerty) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/30/2018 - added as second author Senator Niemeyer
1/30/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 1
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Douglas Eckerty
State Bill Page: SB213
SB228 DRIVING CARDS (NIEZGODSKI D) Provides for the issuance of driving cards and driving card learner's permits (cards) to residents of Indiana who cannot provide proof of identity and lawful status in the United States. Provides that cards may not be used for federal identification or any federal purposes. Requires that an individual who holds a card and operates a motor vehicle must verify that financial responsibility on any motor vehicle that the holder operates is continuously maintained in the amounts required by law. Makes conforming amendments. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By David Niezgodski
State Bill Page: SB228
SB231 TOWNSHIP PROPERTY TAXES (RUCKELSHAUS J) Specifies that when formulating an annual budget, a township must consider: (1) the ending balance that will remain in each township fund relative to the budgeted expenditures from the fund; and (2) whether the part of the balance in excess of 10% of budgeted expenditures should be used instead of imposing additional property taxes for the ensuing year. Requires the department of local government finance to consider those factors when reviewing a township's budget, tax rate, and tax levy.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB231
SB232 ACCESS TO NUTRITIOUS FOOD PROGRAM (RUCKELSHAUS J) Establishes the access to nutritious food program (program) under the administration of the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA). Provides that the purpose of the program is to focus on: (1) distribution of fresh and nutritious food; and (2) education in food preparation and nutrition in food deserts. Defines "food desert". Requires the IHCDA to convene an annual meeting to share best practices and information concerning effective programs and submit an annual report to the lieutenant governor and legislative council.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/15/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Crane, Ford, Kruse, Lanane
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Sullivan, Shackleford and Summers
1/23/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Mahan
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 60: yeas 46, nays 3
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/22/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (Ruckelshaus) prevailed; voice vote
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Stoops
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Bohacek
1/18/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - Senate Family and Children Services, (First Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Family and Children Services
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By John Ruckelshaus
State Bill Page: SB232
SB242 STATE AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION (HOLDMAN T) Provides that the lottery commission must obtain a tax clearance statement from the department of state revenue (DOR) for a retailer before the lottery commission may enter into a contract with that retailer. Repeals the riverboat admissions tax provisions scheduled to expire July 1, 2018. Reorganizes the supplemental wagering tax law. Specifies that gaming activity information shall be reported to the gaming commission daily. Provides that taxes withheld from riverboat and racino winnings are due on a monthly basis rather than the day after the winnings are paid. Provides that money in the Indiana horse racing commission operating fund is continuously appropriated for the purposes of the fund. Changes reporting and remitting requirements of the slot machine wagering tax. Changes the allocation for adjusted gross receipts of slot machine wagering. Repeals the establishment of an investment product for the public employee deferred compensation plan and an alternative investment program for the annuity savings account of public employee retirement plans. Eliminates the maritime opportunity district property tax deduction for new manufacturing equipment installed in a district after June 30, 2018. Provides a sales tax exemption for certain property purchased and used by a person that manufactures hot mix asphalt at an asphalt plant. Provides that the DOR may require that certain information be provided or updated before the issuance or renewal of a registered retail merchant's certificate. Delays until July 1, 2019, the effective date of provisions concerning the sales taxation of the renting of rooms, lodgings, and accommodations for which a facilitator accepts payment. Makes various changes to the state income tax laws, including conformance with the latest version of the Internal Revenue Code, the net operating loss carryover period, the earned income tax credit, the calculation of income tax rates when two different rates are in effect during the taxpayer's taxable year, tax due dates, refund claims, and income tax preparer requirements. Provides that the reduced tax rate for a corporation in a qualified military enhancement area applies only to a corporation that locates all or part of its operations in an area before January 1, 2019. Provides that a county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to impose (within the local income tax expenditure rate) a tax rate for correctional facilities and rehabilitation facilities in the county. Provides that the Jasper County local income tax adopting body may adopt an ordinance to provide that property taxes imposed due to a referendum, adopted before July 1, 2015, are eligible for the property tax relief rate credit if the credit was applied before January 1, 2017. Requires state and local employees, contractors, and subcontractors whose duties include access to confidential tax information to submit to and update background checks. Revises a statute concerning the investment of proceeds from the sale of the Montgomery County hospital. Allows a petition to be filed with the department of local government finance by the North Spencer school corporation requesting a modified maximum operations fund levy for 2019. Requires a member of a redevelopment commission to annually present certain information to the governing body of every school corporation with territory within an allocation area. Requires, for a territory that was annexed by a municipality after June 1, 1976, and before March 4, 1988, one-half of the property taxes attributable to property taxes imposed by the park and recreation district on property that is within the annexed territory to be transferred to the annexing municipality's parks and recreation department. Changes the date that the trustees of Ivy Tech Community College may issue and sell bonds for the Kokomo campus renovation and addition and the Muncie campus renovation and addition. Makes technical corrections.
Current Status: 3/15/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Advisor Dropped Senator Tallian
3/14/2018 - Conferee Added Senator Tallian
3/14/2018 - Conferee Dropped Senator Stoops
3/8/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Huston, Thompson, Leonard, Cherry, DeLaney and Pryor
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Brown T and Porter
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Holdman and Stoops
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Houchin, Tallian, Perfect and Zay
3/6/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/6/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 313: yeas 81, nays 14
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Brown T) prevailed; Division of the House: yeas 49, nays 43
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Thompson) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Thompson) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 16; Nays: 7
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Huston
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Brown T
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 173: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Holdman) prevailed;
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Travis Holdman
State Bill Page: SB242
SB245 COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAM (KOCH E) Establishes a state income tax credit for employers who contribute to employees' 529 education savings accounts. Limits the credit to $100 per employee. Allows taxpayers to designate an income tax refund to a 529 education savings account. Requires the Indiana education savings authority to make a contribution to 529 education savings accounts of lower income account owners in the amount of the lesser of: (1) the amount the account owner contributed minus the amount the account owner withdrew from the account in the previous calendar year; or (2) $250. Makes an annual appropriation from the state general fund to reimburse the Indiana education savings authority for the contributions made.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Eric Koch
State Bill Page: SB245
SB249 IMPROPER WORKER CLASSIFICATION (MRVAN F) Authorizes the department of state revenue, the department of labor, the worker's compensation board, and the department of workforce development to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of records and to question witnesses under oath when conducting an investigation of any suspected improper worker classification by a construction contractor. Allows the worker's compensation board to issue a stop work order as an additional remedy against an employer that does not have the required insurance and has not furnished satisfactory proof of self-insurance. Provides that service of a stop work order on a worksite is effective as to the employer's operations on that worksite, and that service of a stop work order on an employer is effective as to all of the employer's worksites where the employer has not complied with the insurance or self-insurance requirements. Provides a civil penalty of $1,000 for each day an employer violates a stop work order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB249
SB250 ABSENTEE VOTING (MRVAN F) Permits a voter who is qualified to vote in person to vote by absentee ballot. Removes all other qualifications for a voter to vote by absentee ballot except for a voter with disabilities who is unable to make a voting mark on the ballot or sign the absentee ballot secrecy envelope. (Such a disabled voter is currently required to vote before an absentee voter board.)
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/6/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Kersey
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Richardson
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 37: yeas 39, nays 10
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/11/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/11/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/10/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Breaux, Lanane, Melton, Niezgodski, Randolph, Stoops, Tallian, Taylor G
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Ford
1/8/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/8/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 0;
1/8/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB250
SB253 REGISTRY OF EMPLOYERS PREFERRING VETERANS (MRVAN F) Requires the Indiana department of workforce development to establish and maintain a registry of private employers, local units of governments, and labor unions in Indiana that have a voluntary veterans' preference employment policy.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB253
SB254 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY (MRVAN F) Adds various job and employee definitions to the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) laws. Requires that all records related to taxpayer funded economic development incentives must be disclosed under the open records law. Requires that the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report must be published on the Indiana transparency portal Internet web site. Requires the IEDC and the department of state revenue to compile information on all job creation incentives granted, including the total amount of uncollected or diverted state tax revenues resulting from each incentive, and requires that this information must be included as part of the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report. Requires the IEDC to recapture job creation incentives from a recipient that: (1) fails to make the level of capital investment; (2) fails to create or retain the promised number of jobs; or (3) pays less in wages; than specified in an incentive agreement. Requires the IEDC to compile information on all recapture activities and incentives recouped from unfulfilled commitments and to include the information as part of the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report. Requires incentive recipients to prepare an annual compliance report on the number of jobs created or retained, employee pay, and various other information concerning the use of the incentives, and requires the IEDC to compile this information and include it in the IEDC's annual job creation incentives and compliance report. Repeals and replaces the definition of "job creation incentive" without change to maintain alphabetical order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB254
SB259 MOTOR VEHICLE MATTERS (HEAD R) Prohibits the bureau of motor vehicles (bureau) from suspending the driving privileges of a person who provides proof of financial responsibility but did not the own the motor vehicle that the person was operating at the time of the accident or violation. Repeals the law allowing the bureau to suspend a person's driving privileges for certain offenses. Specifies conditions for suspension of driving privileges for convictions of certain offenses in other states. Provides that a person arrested or charged on probable cause of operating a vehicle while intoxicated is not required to provide proof of future financial responsibility until the person is convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Specifies that a person must petition for specialized driving privileges in each court that has ordered the suspension of the person's driving privileges. Requires the bureau to withhold disclosure of a moving traffic violation if the action is dismissed, the person is acquitted, or the action is vacated. Provides that this requirement does not apply to a moving traffic violation of an individual who holds a commercial driver's license.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Randall Head
State Bill Page: SB259
SB276 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS (BASSLER E) Provides that if a redevelopment commission outside Marion County wishes to establish a tax increment financing (TIF) area after December 31, 2018, a unit (county, city, town, or township) or school corporation that is located wholly or partly within a proposed TIF area may elect whether to participate in the TIF area. Provides that after December 31, 2018, each taxing unit that is located wholly or partly in a TIF area is bound by the terms of the TIF area until the TIF area expires, except for those units and school corporations that do not elect to participate in the TIF area.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Eric Bassler
State Bill Page: SB276
SB277 RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION FROM WORKER'S COMPENSATION (BASSLER E) Provides for an exemption from worker's compensation and occupational diseases coverage for a member of certain religious sects or a division of a religious sect who meets certain requirements and obtains a certificate of exemption (certificate) from the worker's compensation board (board). Provides that, if an employee for whom a certificate is issued no longer meets the requirements for a certificate, the employee and the employee's employer are required to notify the board in writing. Requires the employer to provide worker's compensation and occupational diseases coverage for that employee beginning on the date of the notice.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Eric Bassler
State Bill Page: SB277
SB282 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT MATTERS (BOOTS P) Requires the state board of education, when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Requires the state workforce innovation council, not an advisory committee, to approve all applicable federal and state workforce related programs. Defines apprenticeship program and work based learning course for career and technical education purposes.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB282
SB283 VETERANS MATTERS (BOOTS P) Provides for a tax credit against a qualified veteran's adjusted gross income tax liability each taxable year to a qualified veteran who rents a dwelling as a principal place of residence equal to 10% of the rent paid by the qualified veteran during the taxable year. Requires the Indiana veterans' affairs commission, in collaboration with the state personnel department and the department of workforce development, to recruit active military service personnel during the final six months of their military service to live and work in Indiana at the conclusion of their miliary service.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB283
SB290 WORKER'S COMPENSATION (FORD J) Establishes a time frame for the payment of compensation under a settlement agreement, a permanent partial impairment agreement, and an award of compensation ordered by a single hearing member of the worker's compensation board (board). Provides that an employer that fails to make a timely payment is subject to a civil penalty. Requires an employer that has mobile or remote employees to convey information about worker's compensation coverage to the employer's employees in an electronic format or in the same manner as the employer conveys other employment related information. Allows the electronic filing of certain documents with the board. Provides that a permanently, totally disabled worker must reapply to the second injury fund for a wage replacement benefit every three years instead of every 150 weeks. Requires the reporting of workplace injuries needing medical attention beyond first aid instead of injuries causing an absence from work for more than one day. Provides that reporting requirements for workplace injuries are intended to be consistent with the recording requirements set out in the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration's regulations. Changes from $50 per employee to $100 per day the civil penalty for an employer's failure to provide proof of worker's compensation coverage. Revises the definition of employer to include corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and other entities that have common control and ownership. Makes conforming amendments for occupational diseases compensation. Establishes the assigned risk plan (plan) administered by the worker's compensation rating bureau (bureau). Provides that the plan may be substantially modified or eliminated only as the general assembly provides by statute. Removes the requirement for representation in the management of the bureau by stock companies and nonstock companies. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying increases to the benefit schedules for worker's compensation and occupational diseases compensation.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 346: yeas 49, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/6/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (49-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/1/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/20/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/19/2018 - Amendment #1 (Lehman) prevailed; voice vote
2/19/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 183: yeas 96, nays 0
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Moseley
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/15/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/15/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/13/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/13/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/13/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/30/2018 - Referred to House
1/29/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Lehman
1/29/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 84: yeas 47, nays 2
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/25/2018 - Amendment #2 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
1/25/2018 - Amendment #1 (Ford) prevailed; voice vote
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse
1/23/2018 - added as third author Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - added as second author Senator Tallian
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Niezgodski
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jon Ford
State Bill Page: SB290
SB291 EXPUNGEMENTS (YOUNG M) Provides that the court shall order the central repository for criminal history information maintained by the state police department to seal a person's expunged conviction records for a misdemeanor or Class D and Level 6 felony conviction including information related to: (1) an arrest or offense in which no conviction was entered and that was committed as part of the same episode of criminal conduct as the case ordered expunged; and (2) any other references to matters related to the case that was ordered expunged. Establishes a method for a person to expunge a protective order.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Michael Young
State Bill Page: SB291
SB297 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS CURRICULUM (RAATZ J) Provides that the department of workforce development will establish standards that provide students with career and college planning resources under the Indiana career explorer program and standards. (Current law provides that the department of workforce development will establish curriculum under the Indiana career explorer program and curriculum.) Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, each school within a school corporation shall include interdisciplinary employability skills standards established by the department of education (department), in conjunction with the department of workforce development and approved by the state board of education, in the school's curriculum. Provides that, if the department determines that the pilot program for instruction in and use of the Indiana career explorer program and standards should be extended, the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development, must increase the number of schools involved in the pilot program by at least 15 additional schools, if possible based on the interest from schools. Provides that the state board of education, in consultation with the department and the department of workforce development, may approve an alternative Internet based system and standards (Current law provides that the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development may approve alternative Internet based system and standards.) Establishes the work ethic certificate program (program). Requires the department of workforce development to administer the program.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 278: yeas 46, nays 2
3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/1/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (46-2)
3/1/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/27/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative McNamara
2/27/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
2/27/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 210: yeas 97, nays 0
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Amendment #1 (DeLaney) failed; voice vote
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - added as cosponsors Representatives Stemler, Jordan, Cook
2/19/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/15/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/15/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Sullivan
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 177: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
2/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB297
SB301 CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECKS FOR HOME HEALTH WORKERS (RAATZ J) Provides that an expanded criminal history check may be used instead of certain background checks and criminal history checks for home health care workers. Prohibits an expanded criminal history check to include certain criminal history information. Provides that an expanded criminal history check satisfies the division of aging's criminal history requirements.
Current Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 347: yeas 49, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/6/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (49-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 241: yeas 90, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Bauer
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/22/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Thompson
1/22/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 40: yeas 49, nays 0
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Kruse
1/18/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/16/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/11/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/11/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB301
SB303 VARIOUS EDUCATION MATTERS (RAATZ J) Amends dates for the following: (1) The submission of reports regarding the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in an alternative education program. (2) Student enrollment and attendance and grant distributions regarding alternative education program grants. (3) A school corporation's count of pupils in homebound programs. (4) The submission of reports to the department of education (department) concerning scholarships awarded by a scholarship granting organization in the previous school year. Provides that an expanded child protection index check for an applicant for employment with a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school: (1) must be conducted for Indiana; and (2) may be conducted for other states. Specifies that a criminal history information policy adopted by a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school must state that the school corporation or school requires an expanded criminal history check concerning an employee of the school corporation or school who is likely to have direct, ongoing contact with children within the scope of the employee's employment (instead of any employee). Amends requirements and defines "appropriate vehicle" with regard to the types of vehicles a school corporation may use to transport homeless students to a school of origin. Provides that the same requirements apply to the transport of students in foster care to a school of origin. Provides that a school corporation may provide summer school educational services through an online provider. Voids 511 IAC 12-2-2, which pertains to reimbursements from the department for summer school. Amends the conditions that must apply for an original school corporation and a transitional school corporation to be required to enter into an agreement concerning the responsibility for and apportionment of the costs of transporting a foster student to and from a school of origin. Provides that, to drive a school bus, an individual must have a depth perception of at least 80% or 48 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis. (Current law requires an individual to have a depth perception of at least 80% or 33 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis.) Removes a provision that requires school corporations to conduct an additional cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs for informational purposes.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 403: yeas 86, nays 0; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (85-0)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 403: yeas 47, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Behning and Klinker
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Thompson, Frye R and Smith V
3/6/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/6/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Raatz and Melton
3/6/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Kruse, Stoops, Zay and Brown L
3/6/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 315: yeas 96, nays 0
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #5 (Errington) failed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Frye R) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Behning) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/22/2018 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Education
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Thompson
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Behning
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 178: yeas 45, nays 3
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Tallian) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Melton
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/24/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jeff Raatz
State Bill Page: SB303
SB308 MINIMUM WAGE (TALLIAN K) Increases the state minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $11.31 an hour. Eliminates the tip credit in determining the minimum wage paid to a tipped employee. Makes a technical correction.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SB308
SB309 FAMILY LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAM (TALLIAN K) Requires the department of insurance to establish, not later than January 1, 2019, a family leave insurance program (program) for the purpose of providing benefits to employees who elect to participate in the program. Requires that: (1) the program be voluntary for both employers and employees; (2) both employers and employees make contributions to the program to fund benefits; (3) employee contributions be made by payroll deduction; (4) the benefit eligibility requirements established for the program include, at a minimum, the requirements that qualify an employee for leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act; and (5) an employee have the option to select whether the employee's benefit is equal to 100%, 75%, or 50 % of the employee's salary and the number of weeks that a benefit will be paid. Requires the department of insurance to develop the program with the assistance of and in coordination with the department of labor. Requires the department of insurance, not later than November 1, 2018, to submit a report to the legislative council and the budget committee concerning the proposed program. Establishes the family leave insurance program trust fund (trust fund) for the purpose of paying program benefits. Transfers and appropriates the balance in the political subdivision risk management fund to the trust fund.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SB309
SB314 STUDENT MEALS AND LUNCH SHAMING (STOOPS M) Requires public schools, charter schools, and nonpublic schools that participate in the national school lunch program or national school breakfast program, or both, to provide a meal that meets the reimbursable meal requirements established by the United States Department of Agriculture to a student if: (1) the student requests a meal; and (2) the student's parent or guardian has not submitted a written request that the school not serve the student a meal. Prohibits the schools from the following: (1) Requiring a student to dispose of a meal because of the student's inability to pay for the meal or the student owes meal debt for previous meals. (2) Publicly identifying or stigmatizing a student of the school who is unable to pay for a meal or owes a meal debt. (3) Requiring a student of the school who is unable to pay for a meal or owes a meal debt to perform chores or other work for the purposes of paying for the meal or meal debt. Requires the schools to take certain actions if a student owes money to the school for more than four meals.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Mark Stoops
State Bill Page: SB314
SB321 MEDICAID RATE FOR CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY SERVICES (BREAUX J) Requires Medicaid reimbursement for the provision of inpatient substance abuse detoxification services at a per diem rate that factors in the average length of stay for a patient for the reimbursed diagnosis related group.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB321
SB324 ABSENTEE VOTING AT SATELLITE OFFICES (BREAUX J) Requires a county to establish at least one satellite office in the county for voters to vote by absentee ballot.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SB324
SB325 SMALL LOAN FINANCE CHARGES (WALKER G) Changes the current incremental finance charge limits that apply to a small loan to a maximum annual rate. Prohibits certain acts with respect to financing of a small loan and makes a violation a deceptive act and subject to penalties.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Messmer
1/29/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse and Becker
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Melton
1/16/2018 - added as second author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB325
SB326 REDISTRICTING STANDARDS (WALKER G) Establishes redistricting standards for congressional and state legislative districts. Provides that the initial proposed plans for congressional and state legislative districts must comply with the redistricting standards. Allows the general assembly, during the process by which the initial proposed plans become effective by being enacted as a law, to consider and adopt modifications to the initial proposed plans that deviate from the redistricting standards as long as the reason or reasons for each deviation are publicly explained and documented.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Bauer
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Becker and Bohacek
2/5/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Richardson and Judy
2/5/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Smith M
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 140: yeas 42, nays 6
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Breaux) failed; Roll Call 77: yeas 10, nays 39
1/29/2018 - Amendment #3 (Lanane) failed; Roll Call 76: yeas 9, nays 40
1/29/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Breaux) failed;
1/29/2018 - Amendment #3 (Lanane) failed;
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Breaux
1/25/2018 - added as third author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Head
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/22/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/22/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB326
SB329 ELECTION DAY REGISTRATION AT CENTRAL LOCATION (WALKER G) Permits a county election board in a county that has established a board of registration and is a vote center county to adopt an order to allow a person who is not registered to vote to register and vote on election day at a central location in the jurisdiction where the election is being held by completing a voter registration form and an affirmation that the person has not voted elsewhere in the election and by providing proof of residence.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Bohacek
1/22/2018 - Senate Elections, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB329
SB343 VETERANS EDUCATION BENEFITS (MRVAN F) Provides that a student who is eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the student is a child of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Provides that if the Indiana department of veterans' affairs approves a request for a determination of eligibility for a person after the person initially enrolls in a state educational institution (institution) and while the person is attending the institution, the determination of eligibility shall be made retroactive to the date of submission to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs of the application to recognize the person's mother's or father's service related death or disability. Provides that the applicant may receive a refund equal to the amount of the tuition and fees paid to the institution by the applicant. Repeals a provision that limits the tuition exemption amount for a child of a veteran who served in the armed forces after June 30, 2011, based on the percentage of the parent's disability rating. Makes conforming amendments.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/11/2018 - added as second author Senator Glick
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB343
SB344 SCRATCH OFF TICKETS TO BENEFIT VETERANS (MRVAN F) Requires the state lottery commission, in collaboration with a vendor contracted for a major procurement, to design or designate a scratch off game to benefit Indiana veterans. Deposits a part of surplus revenue from sales of tickets for the scratch off game into the veterans homelessness assistance fund. Establishes the veterans homelessness assistance fund. Requires the department of veterans' affairs to adopt administrative rules for: (1) oversight of; and (2) the awarding of grants to qualified entities from; the veterans homelessness assistance fund.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Frank Mrvan
State Bill Page: SB344
SB345 USE OF CREDIT INFORMATION IN INSURANCE (TAYLOR G) Prohibits an insurer's use of credit information in underwriting or rating risks. Repeals obsolete provisions.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Greg Taylor
State Bill Page: SB345
SB353 STUDY TOPICS (KRUSE D) Urges the legislative council to assign to an interim study committee the tasks of studying issues related to: (1) the establishment of a regional development tax credit; (2) inclusion of property assessed as residential in a property tax allocation area; and (3) certified technology parks.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Received by Governor
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 350: yeas 49, nays 0
3/6/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/6/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (49-0)
3/6/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/5/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/28/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 245: yeas 94, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 1
2/20/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Zakas
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Morris, Lehman and GiaQuinta
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Heine
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 181: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Stoops and Randolph
1/25/2018 - added as second author Senator Raatz
1/23/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Dennis Kruse
State Bill Page: SB353
SB356 BROADBAND GRANTS FOR UNSERVED AREAS (HOUCHIN E) Authorizes the office of community and rural affairs (office) to award grants to qualified broadband providers in connection with qualified broadband projects involving the deployment of infrastructure to provide qualified broadband service in unserved areas in Indiana. Defines "qualified broadband service" as a connection to the Internet at an average speed of at least ten 10 megabits per second downstream and at least one megabit per second upstream, regardless of the technology used. Defines an "unserved area" as a geographic area in Indiana in which there is not at least one provider of terrestrial broadband service at the designated speeds. Provides that grants shall be made from the rural economic development fund. Provides that in awarding grants, the office shall give priority to qualified broadband projects proposed for unserved areas in which at least 85% of the total population is without access to qualified broadband service: (1) as of the date of the grant application; and (2) as determined by the Federal Communications Commission in its annual Broadband Progress Report. Requires the office to: (1) publish on its Internet web site all grant applications received; and (2) for each application received, establish a period of at least thirty 30 days from the date of publication, during which time the office will accept comments or objections concerning the application. Sets forth factors that the office must consider in determining whether to award a grant. Sets forth conditions that apply to the awarding of grants. Requires the office to adopt guidelines to implement these provisions and authorizes the office to collaborate with state agencies and political subdivisions in adopting the guidelines and administering grants. Requires the office to annually submit to the general assembly a report that includes specified information on grants awarded and progress made in the deployment of broadband infrastructure in unserved areas. Requires the state board of accounts to conduct, every three years, an audit on the awarding of grants. Prohibits the office from disclosing information designated as confidential or proprietary business information by a grant applicant or recipient.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/21/2018 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Glick and Holdman
2/6/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse and Taylor G
2/6/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Ober
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Negele
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 182: yeas 48, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Delph, Leising, Messmer, Tomes
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Utilities
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Erin Houchin
State Bill Page: SB356
SB360 PERINATAL LEVELS OF CARE DESIGNATION CERTIFICATION (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires the state department of health to establish a program to certify perinatal levels of care designations for licensed hospitals and birthing centers that provide birthing services. Specifies requirements that must be met in order to operate as a perinatal center. Allows perinatal centers to perform peer review for the perinatal center, other hospitals, and other birthing centers that provide birthing services.
Current Status: 3/7/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/6/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/27/2018 - Signed by the President Pro Tempore
2/20/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 203: yeas 95, nays 0
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/19/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Shackleford
2/15/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/23/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Bacon
1/23/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Kirchhofer
1/23/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 64: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
1/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Becker
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Ed Charbonneau
State Bill Page: SB360
SB363 FSSA MATTERS (CHARBONNEAU E) Corrects outdated references to the "division of aging and rehabilitative services" to refer instead to the "division of disability and rehabilitative services". Removes references to home care services from the long term care ombudsman program. Removes the requirement that the long term care ombudsman (ombudsman) report the findings of the long term care ombudsman office (office) to the complainant. Allows the office to disclose records, documents, and findings of an investigated case to certain individuals with the informed consent of the resident of the long term care facility or the resident's legal guardian. Specifies the manner in which consent can be given by a resident. Specifies information to which the ombudsman shall be given access by a long term care facility. Changes the persons that must be provided with the ombudsman's annual report. Requires the office to provide independent legal counsel to the ombudsman for specified matters. Specifies grievances and complaints that must be addressed by the office. Repeals language concerning: (1) the admission and placement requirements concerning Evansville State Psychiatric Treatment Center; (2) state institution wage agreements; and (3) a statistical report requirement concerning state institutions.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 386: yeas 48, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 385: yeas 97, nays 0; Rules Suspended
3/13/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (97-0)
3/13/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/12/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/7/2018 - House Advisors appointed Bacon and Brown C
3/7/2018 - House Conferees appointed Kirchhofer and Shackleford
3/7/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Charbonneau and Breaux
3/7/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Head, Stoops and Ruckelshaus
3/7/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/7/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 246: yeas 96, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Amendment #1 (Kirchhofer) prevailed; voice vote
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/19/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/15/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Shackleford
2/15/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/14/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/14/2018 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Cook
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/18/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/18/2018 - added as third author Senator Ruckelshaus
1/18/2018 - added as second author Senator Head
1/18/2018 - Cosponsor: Representative Bacon
1/18/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Kirchhofer
1/18/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 30: yeas 49, nays 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/16/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/16/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Ed Charbonneau
State Bill Page: SB363
SB364 INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR K-12 EDUCATION DONATIONS (MELTON E) Provides a 50% income tax credit to donors who donate to a public school foundation. Sets forth standards that apply to taking the credit and to public school foundations that receive contributions. Limits the total credits that may be claimed during a state fiscal year using a three year phase in period.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Eddie Melton
State Bill Page: SB364
SB374 INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTS (DORIOT B) For purposes of the statute concerning individual development accounts (accounts), provides that, in addition to a community development corporation (as provided under current law), a municipality may administer accounts under the statute. Makes conforming changes throughout the statute and in the Indiana Code provisions establishing the individual development account tax credit. Provides that a municipality that administers accounts may, in determining an individual's order of placement on a waiting list maintained by the municipality to allow qualified individuals to establish accounts, give preference to qualified individuals who reside in or near the municipality over qualified individuals who do not reside in or near the municipality. Specifies that a community development corporation or a municipality may, but is not required to, administer accounts under the statute. Allows an individual who qualifies for an account under the statute (qualifying individual) to use funds in an account to reduce the principal amount owed on a primary residence located in Indiana. (Current law allows funds to be used for such purposes only if the residence was purchased with money from an individual development account.) Provides that a qualifying individual may deposit the following in an account: (1) Earned income. (2) Social Security benefits. (3) Social Security disability benefits. (4) Veterans benefits. (Current law provides that a qualifying individual may deposit money from the individual's earned income into the individual's account.) Provides the following with respect to state deposits made in individual accounts by the housing and community development authority (authority): (1) That the authority shall allocate to each account $4 for each $1 of the first $1,000 that an individual deposited into the individual's account during the preceding 12 months. (2) That the authority shall not make any allocation with respect to any amount that an individual deposits in the individual's account after the five year anniversary of the date on which the individual's account was opened. (3) That the authority's total allocation for any one individual's account may not exceed $4,000 with respect to all deposits made by the individual during the five year period, regardless of when during that period the $4,000 limit is reached. (4) That before making allocations under the statute, the authority may retain up to 20% of the allocation amount to pay for expenses incurred by the authority (and, at the discretion of the authority, by community development corporations and municipalities) in administering the statute. (Current law: (1) requires the authority to allocate $3 for each $1 of the first $400 that an individual deposited during the preceding 12 months, subject to the sufficiency of appropriated funds; and (2) allows the authority to allocate $3 for each $1 of any part of an amount above $400 that an individual deposited into the individual's account, subject to a total cap of $2,400 per account.)
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/18/2018 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Blake Doriot
State Bill Page: SB374
SB377 SMALL LOANS (PERFECT C) Allows the director of the department of financial institutions to take certain actions concerning the use of technology for oversight and enforcement of compliance with the law concerning small loans.
Current Status: 3/13/2018 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
All Bill Status: 3/12/2018 - Received by Governor
3/12/2018 - Signed by the President of the Senate
2/28/2018 - Returned to the Senate without amendments
2/27/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 251: yeas 91, nays 0
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Ellington
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
2/21/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Burton
2/1/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 122: yeas 48, nays 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - Reread second time: amended, ordered engrossed
1/30/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/30/2018 - Amendment #1 (Perfect) prevailed; voice vote
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Chip Perfect
State Bill Page: SB377
SB378 MEDICAID BASED STATEWIDE HEALTH PLAN (LANANE T) Establishes the Indiana statewide health plan within the Medicaid program. Sets forth requirements of the plan. Requires the office of the secretary of the family and social services administration to apply for any federal waivers required for the plan.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Timothy Lanane
State Bill Page: SB378
SB396 VETERANS' PROPERTY TAX MATTERS (WALKER G) Provides that a veteran who is classified as individually unemployable is entitled to a property tax deduction. Increases the limit of the gross assessed value below which the veteran's property tax deduction is allowable for a veteran who is totally disabled, is at least 62 years of age and has a disability of at least 10%, or is individually unemployable. Provides that the surviving spouse of an individual who dies while serving in the military or naval forces of the United States is entitled to a property tax deduction. Provides a county option deduction to eligible individuals for the acquisition and occupation of abandoned dwellings as homesteads.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Greg Walker
State Bill Page: SB396
SB397 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS (BOOTS P) Specifies the funding amounts that must be provided by counties to community mental health centers. Provides that a county's maximum funding amount for a year is equal to the maximum funding amount for the previous year multiplied by the percentage change in the county's general fund property tax levy, after subtracting circuit breaker credits (but provides that the maximum funding amount will not be less than the preceding year's maximum funding amount). Phases-in this change in the case of Marion County. Requires the department of local government finance (DLGF) to verify the maximum appropriation calculation as part of the DLGF's certification of the county's budget. Specifies that the funding provided by a county to community mental health centers shall be used solely for: (1) the operations of community mental health centers serving the county; or (2) contributing to the nonfederal share of medical assistance payments to community mental health centers serving the county. Provides that unless otherwise agreed to by the county and the community mental health center, the county payment to the community mental health center shall be paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the community mental health center's board of directors at least as frequently as semiannually (in July and in December). Provides that a county's funding for community mental health centers shall be apportioned according to the proportion of: (1) the county's population residing in the primary service area of each center that is certified by the division of mental health and addiction; to (2) the total population of the county. Deletes provisions requiring the county to pay the appropriated amounts to the division of mental health and addiction (the division). Deletes the provisions specifying how the payments to the division must be made. Repeals a provision allowing the appropriation of an additional amount under certain circumstances. Provides that the governing board of a community mental health center must include a member of a county fiscal body or a member of a board of county commissioners, appointed by the board of county commissioners of the county where the community mental health center maintains its corporate mailing address. Requires a community mental health center to provide an annual report to the division and to the fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county located in the community mental health center's primary service area. Specifies certain information that must be included in the annual report. Requires the division to review each annual report submitted by a community mental health center to determine whether the annual report is in the format required by the division and includes all information required by the division. Requires the division to provide an annual report containing certain information to the county fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/12/2018 - Referred to House Ways and Means
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Schaibley
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 187: yeas 46, nays 1
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #1 (Boots) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Crider
1/30/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/30/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Freeman
1/22/2018 - added as second author Senator Koch
1/18/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/17/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Philip Boots
State Bill Page: SB397
SB398 OFFICE BASED OPIOID TREATMENT PROGRAMS (HOUCHIN E) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee for the 2018 interim period the task of studying whether Indiana should impose a license requirement or other regulatory requirements on an office based opioid treatment program operating in Indiana and, if the committee determines that regulation is necessary, to identify the appropriate agency to perform the regulation.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/12/2018 - Referred to House Public Health
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Smaltz
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 188: yeas 47, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as third author Senator Grooms
2/5/2018 - added as second author Senator Crider
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/31/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/31/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Erin Houchin
State Bill Page: SB398
SB399 PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS (HOLDMAN T) Provides that the small business ombudsman (ombudsman) shall review a proposed rule that is an occupational regulation and imposes requirements or costs on persons subject to the occupational regulation. Requires the attorney general to disapprove a proposed rule if it violates federal antitrust laws. Requires that an agency file a statement concerning the economic impact of the proposed occupational regulation on persons who are subject to the occupational regulation. Requires the ombudsman to approve or deny the occupational regulation after determining if the least restrictive regulation is used. Requires a regulatory flexibility analysis that considers any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed occupational regulation, including the establishment of the least restrictive regulation that is necessary to regulate the occupation or protect consumers. Establishes guidelines to analyze an occupational regulation to determine if it is the least restrictive regulation. Makes conforming changes to include regulated occupations in the laws that affect adoption of rules that affect small businesses. Provides that a an occupational regulation and that is adopted by an agency during: (1) an odd-numbered year may not become effective until March 15 during the subsequent year; and (1) an even-numbered year may not become effective until May 1 during the subsequent year. Allows an individual who has a criminal record to submit a petition to the board that issues a license, certificate, or permit that an individual is required by law to hold to engage in a business, profession, or occupation to determine if the individual's criminal record will disqualify the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit. Establishes criteria and procedures to determine if an individual's criminal record disqualifies the individual from obtaining a license, certificate, or permit. Allows the board of cosmetology and barber examiners to approve the request of a beauty culture school to add an addition to the facility without having to obtain a separate license.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #3 (Austin) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Amendment #2 (Brown T) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/28/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/26/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/26/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 0
2/26/2018 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 127
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 7; Nays: 5
2/20/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Morris and Judy
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Wesco
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 189: yeas 41, nays 6
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Spartz
2/5/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Zakas
2/5/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Amendment #2 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthors Senators Doriot and Merritt
2/1/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 2
2/1/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Travis Holdman
State Bill Page: SB399
SB403 EMERGENCY RULES FOR VETERANS' PROGRAMS (BECKER V) Requires that, by July 1, 2018, each state agency must review veterans' programs the agency is required to administer by state law and adopt emergency rules for any programs that have not yet been implemented.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Veterans Affairs and The Military
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Vaneta Becker
State Bill Page: SB403
SB415 REVERSE TRANSFER AGREEMENTS AND DEGREES (ECKERTY D) Requires, not later than January 1, 2019, each four year state educational institution to enter into a reverse transfer agreement with each two year state educational institution. Establishes requirements regarding the agreements. Establishes requirements that an individual and a state educational institution must meet before a state educational institution may award the individual a reverse transfer degree. Requires a state educational institution that awards a reverse transfer degree to report annually to the commission for higher education (commission) regarding reverse transfer degrees. Provides that the commission is not required to count reverse transfer degrees for purposes of performance funding.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/17/2018 - Senate Education and Career Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Douglas Eckerty
State Bill Page: SB415
SB416 CONSUMER CREDIT CODE (ECKERTY D) Urges the legislative council to assign to an interim study committee, for study during the 2018 interim, the topic of revisions to the Uniform Consumer Credit Code. Sets forth issues for consideration by an interim study committee assigned this topic.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/21/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Carbaugh
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 194: yeas 47, nays 0
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Mrvan
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
2/1/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Eckerty
1/29/2018 - added as author Senator Zay
1/29/2018 - removed as author Senator Eckerty
1/25/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/18/2018 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 68(b); reassigned to Committee on Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Civil Law
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Douglas Eckerty
State Bill Page: SB416
SB418 BIAS MOTIVATED CRIMES (GLICK S) Makes it an aggravating circumstance (for purposes of imposing a criminal sentence) that the crime was committed with the intent to harm or intimidate an individual because of certain perceived or actual characteristics of the individual. Requires law enforcement agencies to report bias motivated crimes to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/30/2018 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/23/2018 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Coauthored by Senator Grooms
1/10/2018 - Authored By Susan Glick
State Bill Page: SB418
SB419 PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES (DORIOT B) Provides that an agency or political subdivision may require verification of an individual's eligibility for a professional or occupational license, by requiring the individual to verify under penalty of perjury that the individual is: (1) authorized by the federal government to work in the United States; and (2) executing the verification only for the purpose of applying for a professional or occupational license issued by the state agency or political subdivision. Provides that an individual who is authorized by the federal government to work in the United States is eligible for a professional or occupational license issued by a state agency or political subdivision if the individual meets all the requirements, other than the requirement under 8 USC 1621(a), to obtain or renew the professional or occupational license. Provides that a unit does not have the power to license, register, or certify a person to practice the person's profession or occupation within the unit if the occupation or profession is subject to licensure, registration, or certification under the Indiana Code. Provides that this prohibition does not apply to: (1) registration for particular projects for the alteration, construction, demolition, or repair of a building or other work on real property required under an ordinance or rule adopted under local government law; (2) the ability to revoke, suspend, or impose additional conditions on a permit or registration previously given if the person holding the permit or registered has performed substandard work or has otherwise violated any condition of the permit or registration; or (3) when the unit determines the establishment and enforcement of health and safety standards for the occupation or profession is appropriate and necessary to protect the public.
Current Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (H) Report 1: adopted by the House; Roll Call 404: yeas 85, nays 7; Rules Suspended
All Bill Status: 3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (80-7)
3/14/2018 - Conference Committee Report Adopted (S) Report 1: adopted by the Senate; Roll Call 405: yeas 39, nays 8; Rules Suspended
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - Senate Conference Committees Eligible for Action
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the House
3/14/2018 - CCR # 1 filed in the Senate
3/13/2018 - , (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
3/12/2018 - House Advisors appointed Clere, Mahan and Shackleford
3/12/2018 - House Conferees appointed Morris and Bartlett
3/12/2018 - Senate Advisors appointed Koch, Randolph Lonnie M and Buck
3/12/2018 - Senate Conferees appointed Doriot and Lanane
3/12/2018 - Concurrence withdrawn
3/12/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
3/12/2018 - removed as second author Senator Koch
3/12/2018 - Senate dissented from House Amendments
3/12/2018 - Motion to dissent filed
3/12/2018 - Motion to withdraw concurrence: failed
3/12/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/8/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/7/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
3/6/2018 - Motion to concur filed
3/6/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
3/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 319: yeas 88, nays 8
3/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
3/1/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Cherry
3/1/2018 - Rule 105.1 suspended
3/1/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
3/1/2018 - Amendment #1 (Clere) prevailed; voice vote
3/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/27/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/27/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/27/2018 - House Government and Regulatory Reform, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/26/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Clere
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Miller
2/15/2018 - removed as cosponsor Representative Ober
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/7/2018 - Referred to House
2/6/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives Ober and Ellington
2/6/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Morris
2/6/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 195: yeas 35, nays 12
2/6/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/5/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/1/2018 - added as second author Senator Koch
2/1/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/1/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 3
2/1/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/25/2018 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Blake Doriot
State Bill Page: SB419
SB420 CREDIT SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS (PERFECT C) Amends the definition of the term "credit services organization" for purposes of the Indiana Code provisions governing credit services organizations to more closely align the definition with the definition of "credit repair organization" set forth in the federal Credit Repair Organizations Act. Makes a conforming amendment to the definition of the term "buyer" in the Indiana statute. Requires a credit services organization to do the following with respect to communications made by the credit services organization after June 30, 2018: (1) Include the complete name and address of the credit services organization on all communications. (2) Include a statement identifying itself as a credit services organization on all communications. Specifies that a person that receives a communication that is made in violation of these requirements may bring a cause of action to recover damages under the statute.
Current Status: 2/27/2018 - BILL DEAD
All Bill Status: 2/27/2018 - Third reading defeated; Roll Call 256: yeas 24, nays 71
2/27/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/26/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/22/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Ellington
2/22/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 6; Nays: 3
2/21/2018 - House Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/12/2018 - Referred to House Financial Institutions
2/12/2018 - First Reading
2/6/2018 - Referred to House
2/5/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Burton
2/5/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 148: yeas 47, nays 0
2/5/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/1/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/30/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/30/2018 - Amendment #1 (Perfect) prevailed; voice vote
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/18/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/18/2018 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Chip Perfect
State Bill Page: SB420
SB422 LAND BANKS (BECKER V) Revises the land bank statute. Provides that in a county that has established a county land bank the county treasurer shall establish a county land bank fund for the purpose of accumulating money for distribution to the county land bank. Provides that a county fiscal body may adopt an ordinance to allocate to the county land bank an amount or percentage of the county's share of any penalties and interest on delinquent tax payments that is distributed to the county from the semiannual distribution made by the county auditor. Increases the fee charged for filing a sales disclosure form. Provides that in a county that has established a county land bank, part of the revenue received from fees charged for filing a sales disclosure form and any associated penalties shall be deposited in the county land bank fund. Reinstates the mortgage foreclosure counseling and education fee (expired July 1, 2017) to be collected as a civil cost in all mortgage foreclosure actions. Enacts a blight fee to be collected as a civil cost in all mortgage foreclosure actions. Enacts a supplemental tax deed petition fee to be collected as a civil cost in all petitions for issuance of a tax deed. Provides that redevelopment commissions and land banks are not required to pay recording fees or other fees charged by county recorders. Shortens the time limit for claiming a refund of excess property taxes paid by a taxpayer from three years to two years. Provides that unclaimed property tax refunds shall be deposited into the county land bank fund in a county that has established a land bank and a county land bank fund. Increases the penalties for delinquent property taxes in those counties that have established a county land bank. Emphasizes that the statute requiring execution of a residential real estate sales disclosure form does not apply to transfers of residential real property to or from a redevelopment commission or a land bank. Provides that the usual procedures for disposal of real property by a political subdivision do not apply to the disposal of property by a land bank. Provides that an enforcement authority may, upon determination that a vacant structure or an abandoned structure exists, inform the executive of the county, city, or town with which the enforcement authority is associated that the property is a candidate for inclusion on the executive's list of vacant or abandoned properties that are eligible for tax sale. Revises the statute concerning the determination by a court or hearing authority that real property is abandoned.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/17/2018 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Vaneta Becker
State Bill Page: SB422
SB425 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE MATTERS (DORIOT B) Excludes from the definition of "employment", for purposes of the unemployment compensation system, service performed by a driver who provides drive away operations when: (1) the vehicle being driven is the commodity being delivered; and (2) the driver has entered into an agreement with the party arranging for the transportation that specifies the driver is an independent contractor and not an employee.
Current Status: 3/5/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
All Bill Status: 2/27/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/20/2018 - House Employment, Labor and Pensions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
2/6/2018 - First Reading
2/1/2018 - Referred to House
2/1/2018 - added as third author Senator Bohacek
1/30/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse
1/30/2018 - Cosponsors: Representatives VanNatter, Taylor J and Morris
1/30/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Miller D
1/30/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 114: yeas 47, nays 2
1/30/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2018 - added as second author Senator Niezgodski
1/29/2018 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/29/2018 - Amendment #1 (Doriot) prevailed; voice vote
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
1/25/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/24/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/24/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Blake Doriot
State Bill Page: SB425
SB427 VOTE BY MAIL (TALLIAN K) Authorizes a county election board to provide that all municipal primary elections, municipal elections, and special elections for a public question held in the county in odd numbered years be held by all mail voting. Authorizes towns that conduct their own municipal elections to provide that all the town's municipal primary elections, municipal elections, and special elections for a public question held in the town in odd numbered years be held by all mail voting.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SB427
SB437 TAX CREDIT FOR HIRING UNEMPLOYED VETERANS (TAYLOR G) Provides a nonrefundable tax credit to a small business for employing an individual who is receiving unemployment benefits and returning from military service (qualified new employee). Provides that the small business must employ a greater number of full-time employees in Indiana in the taxable year than the small business employed in Indiana, on average, in the small business's base employment period (normally January 1, 2017, through June 30, 2017). Provides that the employee must be hired full time. Provides that the credit applies only to taxable years beginning in 2018 through 2020. Provides that the credit is $3,000 per qualified new employee, not to exceed $100,000 per small business. Provides that the small business may carry any excess credit over to not more than three subsequent taxable years. Provides that the small business forfeits 50% of the amount of the tax credits attributable to the employment of a qualified new employee, if within 18 months after the qualified new employee was initially hired: (1) the qualified new employee is terminated, laid off, or otherwise reclassified to a position that is not a full-time employment position with the small business; or (2) the position created for the qualified new employee is eliminated.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Greg Taylor
State Bill Page: SB437
SB438 STUDY COMMITTEE OF STATE AGENCY MANAGEMENT (SPARTZ V) Urges the legislative council to assign to the appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to effective legislative oversight, including: (1) modernization of state government reporting framework to integrate financial, performance, and enterprise risk management; and (2) establishment of periodic and systematic performance reviews of state programs to ensure that state programs are implemented and administered efficiently, effectively, and in a manner consistent with legislative intent. Urges the legislative council to assign to the appropriate interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to the benefits of implementing internal control procedures for state government that ensure verification of the number of work hours reported or billed by state contractors or state employees.
Current Status: 3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 276: yeas 48, nays 0
All Bill Status: 3/1/2018 - Senate concurred in House amendments;
3/1/2018 - Senate Concurred with House Amendments Concurred (48-0)
3/1/2018 - Concurrences Eligible for Action
2/27/2018 - Motion to concur filed
2/27/2018 - Returned to the Senate with amendments
2/26/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 207: yeas 91, nays 0
2/26/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/22/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/22/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/20/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/20/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Miller
2/20/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/20/2018 - House Government and Regulatory Reform, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/6/2018 - added as cosponsor Representative Gutwein
2/6/2018 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform
2/6/2018 - First Reading
1/30/2018 - Referred to House
1/29/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Buck
1/29/2018 - House sponsor: Representative Lehman
1/29/2018 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 91: yeas 49, nays 0
1/29/2018 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Stoops
1/25/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/25/2018 - added as third author Senator Perfect
1/25/2018 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/25/2018 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/23/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2018 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/23/2018 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/10/2018 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/10/2018 - First Reading
1/10/2018 - Authored By Spartz, Victoria
State Bill Page: SB438
SJR12 REDISTRICTING COMMISSION (DELPH M) Requires the general assembly to establish a commission to draw congressional and legislative districts. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
Current Status: 2/6/2018 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
All Bill Status: 1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Elections
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Michael Delph
State Bill Page: SJR12
SR4 CONCERNING THE MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS IN LAKE AND PORTER COUNTIES (NIEMEYER R) A SENATE RESOLUTION concerning the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs in Lake and Porter counties.
Current Status: 1/16/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Second reading adopted voice vote
1/16/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/11/2018 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/9/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 8; Nays: 0
1/9/2018 - Senate Homeland Security and Transportation, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/3/2018 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/3/2018 - First Reading
1/3/2018 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
State Bill Page: SR4
SR5 SUPPORTING TAIWAN'S SIGNING OF A BILATERAL TRADE AGREEMENT WITH THE U.S. AND REAFFIRMING SUPPORT FOR INCREASING TAIWAN'S INTERNATIONAL PROFILE (YOUNG M) A SENATE RESOLUTION supporting Taiwan's signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement with the United States and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening sister-state ties between Indiana and Taiwan.
Current Status: 1/16/2018 - Second reading adopted voice vote
All Bill Status: 1/16/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/11/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/10/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/10/2018 - Senate Public Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/4/2018 - Referred to Senate Public Policy
1/4/2018 - First Reading
1/4/2018 - Authored By Michael Young
State Bill Page: SR5
SR6 URGING SUPPORT OF CHIP RE-AUTHORIZATION (BREAUX J) A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the Indiana Congressional Delegation to support the re-authorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Current Status: 1/23/2018 - Withdrawn
All Bill Status: 1/23/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/22/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
1/18/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/17/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/17/2018 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
1/16/2018 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau
1/11/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Becker
1/8/2018 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/8/2018 - First Reading
1/8/2018 - Authored By Jean Breaux
State Bill Page: SR6
SR25 URGING THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL TO ASSIGN THE TOPIC OF ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY PAID FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE PROGRAM TO THE APPROPRIATE STUDY COMMITTEE (TALLIAN K) A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign the topic of establishing a voluntary paid family and medical leave program to the appropriate study committee.
Current Status: 2/26/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
All Bill Status: 2/26/2018 - Second reading adopted voice vote
2/26/2018 - Senate Resolutions Eligible for Adoption
2/22/2018 - added as coauthor Senator Ruckelshaus
2/22/2018 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/21/2018 - DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 1
2/21/2018 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
2/15/2018 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
2/15/2018 - First Reading
2/15/2018 - Authored By Karen Tallian
State Bill Page: SR25