Friday, January 11, 2019

The 2019 state legislative session is now in full swing! Institute staff have already been hard at work meeting with lawmakers, analyzing bills, engaging coalition partners, and testifying on a bill to reduce penalties to reinstate driver’s licenses. Now more than ever, we need your support in pursuing policies that set Hoosier families on a path to prosperity. 

Throughout the remainder of session, we will be releasing a weekly blog, Inside the Statehouse, to update you on our efforts - and we will include big and small ways you can advocate for change this sessionOur aim is to provide you with both the analysis and the timing to most effectively get legislative proposals that affect our fellow Hoosiers' ability to thrive across the finish line.

Your voice matters. Although unemployment is relatively low, too many Hoosiers still struggle to afford the basics such as adequate housing, transportation, and childcare. These problems are compounded by the fact that inequality is rising and Indiana is falling behind in measures of well-being. If we wish to reverse the negative direction of the Status of Working Families, we must work together by asking our legislators to support sound policy.

This year, we have identified five key policy items that will put more Hoosiers on track to achieve self-sufficiency and prosperity: stop predatory lending, unlock early education, transform TANF, improve job quality, and increasing earnings. While these items will remain at the forefront of our work, we will also keep you apprised of policy efforts – both positive and negative – that affect working families' financial well-being.

Inside the Statehouse will summarize the week’s legislative actions regarding our 2019 policy agenda. We will also send action alerts at key points in the legislative process. These alerts will inform you of the bill number, its potential consequences, and the actions that we can take to ensure that policymakers prioritize working families.

In addition to our policy agenda, the Institute for Working Families continues to monitor and work on legislation affecting Hoosier families including, but not limited to:

·           state budget and tax policy
·           adult education and workforce development
·          strong social safety nets
·           asset development and consumer protections
·           early education and childcare
·           job quality including paid leave
·           family-sustaining wages

As the 2019 legislative session kicks into high gear, it is important that we work together to fight for working families. If you have personal experiences with the issues we are tackling, or if there are other issues that matter to you, we urge you to take action. Let's make 2019 a winning year for Indiana's working families!

Did you know you can also follow our progress by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter? And if you know someone who should be receiving this email please forward it along or share it with them on Facebook.

If you would like to support our work at the Statehouse and ensure that working families continue to have voice at the Statehouse, we welcome donations.

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